module Rya # Contains extensions to core Ruby classes and modules. module CoreExtensions module Time # Nicely format date and time def date_and_time fmt = "%F %T.%L" fmt end # Run whatever is in the block and log the time it takes. def time_it title = "", logger = nil, run: true if run t = yield time = - t if title == "" msg = "Finished in #{time} seconds" else msg = "#{title} finished in #{time} seconds" end if logger msg else STDERR.puts msg end end end end module Process include CoreExtensions::Time # Runs a command and outputs stdout and stderr def run_it *a, &b exit_status, stdout, stderr = systemu *a, &b puts stdout unless stdout.empty? STDERR.puts stderr unless stderr.empty? exit_status end # Like run_it() but will raise Rya::AbortIf::Exit on non-zero exit status. def run_it! *a, &b exit_status = self.run_it *a, &b # Sometimes, exited? is not true and there will be no exit # status. Success should catch all failures. Rya::AbortIf.abort_unless exit_status.success?, "Command failed with status " + "'#{exit_status.to_s}' " + "when running '#{a.inspect}', " + "'#{b.inspect}'" exit_status end # Run a command and time it as well! # # @example # # Process.extend Rya::CoreExtensions::Process # Time.extend Rya::CoreExtensions::Time # # Process.run_and_time_it! "Saying hello", # %Q{echo "hello world"} # # Process.run_and_time_it! "This will raise SystemExit", # "ls arstoeiarntoairnt" def run_and_time_it! title = "", cmd = "", logger = Rya::AbortIf::logger, &b Rya::AbortIf.logger.debug { "Running: #{cmd}" } time_it title, logger do run_it! cmd, &b end end end end end