// This file is part of the "jQuery.Syntax" project, and is distributed under the MIT License. Syntax.register("go",function(a){a.push(["true","false","iota","nil"],{klass:"constant"});a.push([/u?int\d*/g,/float\d+/g,/complex\d+/g,"byte","uintptr","string"],{klass:"type"});a.push("break default func interface select case defer go map struct chan else goto package switch const fallthrough if range type continue for import return var".split(" "),{klass:"keyword"});a.push("+ & += &= && == != - | -= |= || < <= * ^ *= ^= <- > >= / << /= <<= ++ = := , ; % >> %= >>= -- ! ... . : &^ &^=".split(" "), {klass:"operator"});a.push("append cap close complex copy imag len make new panic print println real recover".split(" "),{klass:"function"});a.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleFunction);a.push(Syntax.lib.camelCaseType);a.push(Syntax.lib.cStyleComment);a.push(Syntax.lib.cppStyleComment);a.push(Syntax.lib.webLink);a.push(Syntax.lib.singleQuotedString);a.push(Syntax.lib.doubleQuotedString);a.push(Syntax.lib.stringEscape);a.push(Syntax.lib.decimalNumber);a.push(Syntax.lib.hexNumber)});