require 'i18n/tasks/key_pattern_matching' require 'i18n/tasks/relative_keys' module I18n::Tasks::Scanners class BaseScanner include ::I18n::Tasks::RelativeKeys include ::I18n::Tasks::KeyPatternMatching include ::I18n::Tasks::Logging attr_reader :config, :key_filter, :record_src_loc def initialize(config = {}) @config = config.dup.with_indifferent_access.tap do |conf| conf[:paths] = %w(app/) if conf[:paths].blank? conf[:include] = Array(conf[:include]) if conf[:include].present? if conf.key?(:exclude) conf[:exclude] = Array(conf[:exclude]) else # exclude common binary extensions by default (images and fonts) conf[:exclude] = %w(*.jpg *.png *.gif *.svg *.ico *.eot *.ttf *.woff) end end @record_src_loc = false end def key_filter=(value) @key_filter = value @key_filter_pattern = compile_key_pattern(value) if @key_filter end # @return [Array] found key usages, absolutized and unique def keys @keys ||= (traverse_files { |path| scan_file(path) }.reduce(:+) || []).uniq(&:key) end def keys_with_src_locations with_src_locations do keys = traverse_files { |path|, src_path: path) }.reduce(:+) || [] keys.group_by(&:key).map { |key, key_loc| {key: key, usages: { |k| k[:src].merge(path: k[:src_path]) }} } end end def read_file(path) result = nil, 'rb') { |f| result = } result end # @return [Array] keys found in file def scan_file(path, *args) raise 'Unimplemented' end # Run given block for every relevant file, according to config # @return [Array] Results of block calls def traverse_files result = [] paths = config[:paths].select { |p| File.exists?(p) } if paths.empty? log_warn "search.paths #{config[:paths].inspect} do not exist" return result end Find.find(*paths) do |path| is_dir = hidden = File.basename(path).start_with?('.') not_incl = config[:include] && !path_fnmatch_any?(path, config[:include]) excl = path_fnmatch_any?(path, config[:exclude]) if is_dir || hidden || not_incl || excl Find.prune if is_dir && (hidden || excl) else result << yield(path) end end result end def with_key_filter(key_filter = nil) filter_was = @key_filter self.key_filter = key_filter yield ensure self.key_filter = filter_was end def with_src_locations was = @record_src_loc @record_src_loc = true yield ensure @record_src_loc = was end protected def path_fnmatch_any?(path, globs) globs.any? { |glob| File.fnmatch(glob, path) } end def src_location(text, src_pos) return nil unless @record_src_loc line_begin = text.rindex(/^/, src_pos - 1) line_end = text.index(/.(?=\n|$)/, src_pos) {src: { pos: src_pos, line_num: text[0..src_pos].count("\n") + 1, line_pos: src_pos - line_begin + 1, line: text[line_begin..line_end] }} end # remove the leading colon and unwrap quotes from the key match def strip_literal(literal) key = literal key = key[1..-1] if ':' == key[0] key = key[1..-2] if %w(' ").include?(key[0]) key end VALID_KEY_RE = /^[-\w.\#{}]+$/ def valid_key?(key) key =~ VALID_KEY_RE && !(@key_filter && @key_filter_pattern !~ key) end def relative_roots config[:relative_roots] end end end