## Master (Unreleased) ## 3.2.0 ### Minor Enhancements * Ruby 2.7.0 support * Emoji Regex is now configurable using `Prawn::Emoji.config.regex` #30 ``` Prawn::Emoji.config.regex # => ::Unicode::Emoji::REGEX_VALID by default Prawn::Emoji.config.regex = ::Unicode::Emoji::REGEX_INCLUDE_TEXT ``` ### Bug Fixes * Fixed: Emoji Drawer does not close the file descriptor of emoji image #31 ## 3.1.0 ### Minor Enhancements * Update to Twemoji 12.1.3 * This version includes some new emoji support and emoji CHANGES. See [commit](https://github.com/hidakatsuya/prawn-emoji/commit/96cb731d337721bf89be9463d270cc46962380d9) for details * Support Emoji 12.1 ## 3.0.0 ### Big Changes * Switch emoji to [Twemoji](https://github.com/twitter/twemoji) v12.04 from EmojiOne v2.0 * See [#23 Switch to Twemoji](https://github.com/hidakatsuya/prawn-emoji/issues/23) for further details * Support joined emojis like 👨👨👦 or 1️⃣ * See [#24 Joined emojis like 👨👨👦 or 1️⃣ are not drawn](https://github.com/hidakatsuya/prawn-emoji/issues/24) for further details ### Breaking Changes * Drop support ruby2.1 and 2.2, 2.3 * prawn-emoji requires Prawn 2.2 (Drop support Prawn 2.1) ## 2.1.1 ### Bug Fixes * Fixed: A text including multiple emojis are broken #19 ## 2.1.0 ### Breaking Changes * Support variation selector * An emoji with text presentation selector such as ☀︎ (U+2600 U+FE0E) will be drawn as text * See also http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/tr51-12.html#def_text_presentation_selector ## 2.0.1 ### Bug Fixes * Fixed: part of ASCII chars and symbols is unexpectedly replaced with emojis #17 [@juanfal] ## 2.0.0 * prawn-emoji requires Prawn 2.1 or higher - NOTE: prawn-emoji 1.x supports Prawn 1.3 and 2.0 * Support multi character emojis with updating to latest version Emojione's emojis #15 ## 1.0.2 * Fixed: © \u{00a9} is not rendered (commit: 32d55b0) * Development: Add task for generating emoji index from emoji images (commit: 2d41247) ## 1.0.1 * Skip drawing if the text encoding is not UTF-8 (commit: 033f05e) ## 1.0.0 First release.