# encoding: utf-8 require 'rubygems' require 'rake' begin require 'rubygems/tasks' Gem::Tasks.new rescue LoadError => e warn e.message warn "Run `gem install rubygems-tasks` to install Gem::Tasks." end begin require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new rescue LoadError => e task :spec do abort "Please run `gem install rspec` to install RSpec." end end task :test => :spec task :default => :spec begin gem 'yard', '~> 0.8' require 'yard' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new rescue LoadError => e task :yard do abort "Please run `gem install yard` to install YARD." end end task :doc => :yard task :spec => ["wire-compiler.jar"] do |t| # Declare this to ensure wire-compiler is downloaded end desc "Compiles the protocol buffer decls used by the specs" task :compile_spec_protos do require "pathname" require "tempfile" require "tmpdir" require "zip" VERBOSE = ENV["VERBOSE"] exec_proto_compiler = lambda do |args| args = { :source => ".", :extra_args => [], :plugin => nil, :plugin_out => "", :out => "out.desc", :include_source_info => false, }.merge(args) args[:source] += '/' unless args[:source].end_with?('/') command = [] command << "protoc" command << "-I#{args[:source]}" if args[:plugin] command << "--#{args[:plugin]}_out=#{args[:plugin_out]}" end command += args[:extra_args] command << "--descriptor_set_out=#{args[:out]}" if args[:include_source_info] command << "--include_source_info" end command += Dir.glob(File.join(args[:source], "**", "*.proto")) rv = system(*command) raise "ProtobufDescriptor generation failed!" unless rv end exec_wire_compiler = lambda do |args| args = { :out => ".", :source => ".", :extra_args => [] }.merge(args) jar_path = File.realpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "wire-compiler.jar")) command = ["java", "-jar", jar_path] command << "--proto_path=#{args[:source]}" command += args[:extra_args] command << "--java_out=#{args[:out]}" sources = Dir.glob(File.join(args[:source], "**", "*.proto")).map { |p| Pathname.new(p).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(args[:source])).to_s } command += sources tmp_log = Tempfile.new(["wire-compiler", ".log"]) begin rv = system(*command, out: [tmp_log.path, "a"], err: [tmp_log.path, "a"]) puts File.read(tmp_log) if VERBOSE raise "Wire protobuf generation failed!\n#{File.read(tmp_log)}" unless rv ensure tmp_log.close tmp_log.unlink end end create_zip = lambda do |dir, dest| dirpath = Pathname.new(dir) File.delete(dest) if File.exist?(dest) Zip::File.open(dest, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| # require "pry" # binding.pry (Dir[File.join(dir, "**", "**")] + Dir[File.join(dir, "**")]).uniq.each do |file| next if File.directory?(file) relative_path = Pathname.new(file).relative_path_from(dirpath) puts "#{dest} <- #{relative_path}" if VERBOSE entry = zipfile.add(relative_path, file) # This is kind of icky, but we clear the timestamp to prevent the zip # files from changing all the time. entry.time = ::Zip::DOSTime.at(0) if entry.extra.member?("UniversalTime") entry.extra.delete("UniversalTime") end end end end file_sets = Dir["spec/protos/*"].select { |d| File.directory?(d) } source = "spec/protos/source_info" puts "Building #{source} (with included source info)" exec_proto_compiler.call({ :out => "#{source}.srcinfo.desc", :source => source, :include_source_info => true }) file_sets.each do |source| puts "Building #{source}" Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| args = { :out => "#{source}.desc", :source => source, :plugin => :java, :plugin_out => dir } exec_proto_compiler.call(args) create_zip.call(dir, "#{source}.java.zip") end Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| args = { :source => source, :out => dir } exec_wire_compiler.call(args) create_zip.call(dir, "#{source}.wire.zip") end end end file "wire-compiler.jar" do |t| sh 'wget --no-check-certificate --output-document="wire-compiler.jar" "http://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=com.squareup.wire&a=wire-compiler&v=LATEST&c=jar-with-dependencies"' end