## Operator Precedence Below is the operator precedence table, highest to lowest: [] ! ~ + - is defined ** * / % + - ... .. <= >= < > in == is != is not isnt is a && and || or ?: = := ?= += -= *= /= %= not if unless ## Unary Operators The following unary operators are available, `!`, `not`, `-`, `+`, and `~`. !0 // => true !!0 // => false !1 // => false !!5px // => true -5px // => -5px --5px // => 5px not true // => false not not true // => true The logical `not` operator has low precedence, therefore the following example could be replaced with a = 0 b = 1 !a and !b // => false // pased as: (!a) and (!b) with: not a or b // => false // parsed as: not (a or b) ## Binary Operators ### Subscript [] The subscript operator allows us to grab a value in an expression via index. Parenthesized expressions may act as tuples, so for example `(15px 5px)`, `(1 2 3)`. Below is an example where we utilize tuples for error handling, showing the versatility of such a construct. As add(a, b) if a is a 'unit' and b is a 'unit' a + b else (error 'a and b must be units!') body padding add(1,'5') // => padding: error "a and b must be units"; padding add(1,'5')[0] // => padding: error; padding add(1,'5')[0] == error // => padding: true; padding add(1,'5')[1] // => padding: "a and b must be units"; A more complex example, invoking the `error()` built-in function with the error message returned, when the ident (the first value) equals `error`. if (val = add(1,'5'))[0] == error error(val[1]) ## Range .. ... Both the inclusive (`..`) and exclusive (`...`) range operators are provided, expanding to expressions: 1..5 // => 1 2 3 4 5 1...5 // => 1 2 3 4 ### Additive: + - multiplicative and additive binary operators work as expected, and type conversion is applied within unit type classes, or default to the literal value. For example if we perform `5s - 2px` we will get `3s`. 15px - 5px // => 10px 5 - 2 // => 3 5in - 50mm // => 3.031in 5s - 1000ms // => 4s 20mm + 4in // => 121.6mm "foo " + "bar" // => "foo bar" "num " + 15 // => "num 15" ### Multiplicative: / * % 2000ms + (1s * 2) // => 4ms 5s / 2 // => 2.5s 4 % 2 // => 0 When using `/` within a property value you must wrap with parens. The following for example is taken literally, to support css line-height: font: 14px/1.5; whereas the following is evaluated, dividing `14px` by `1.5`: font: (14px/1.5); this exception is _only_ required for the `/` operator. ### Exponent: ** The Exponent operator: 2 ** 8 // => 256 ### Equality & Relational: == != >= <= > < Equality operators can be used to equate units, colors, strings, and even identifiers. This is a powerful concept, as even arbitrary identifiers such as as `wahoo` can be utilized as atoms, a function could return `yes` or `no` instead of `true` or `false` (although not advised). 5 == 5 // => true 10 > 5 // => true #fff == #fff // => true true == false // => false wahoo == yay // => false wahoo == wahoo // => true "test" == "test" // => true true is true // => true 'hey' is not 'bye' // => true 'hey' isnt 'bye' // => true (foo bar) == (foo bar) // => true (1 2 3) == (1 2 3) // => true (1 2 3) == (1 1 3) // => false Only exact values match, for example `0 == false`, and `null == false` are both `false`. Aliases: == is != is not != isnt ## Truthfulness Nearly everything within Stylus resolves to `true`, including units with a suffix, for example even `0%`, `0px`, etc will resolve to `true`, since commonly in Stylus a mixin or function may accept such units as valid, however `0` itself is `false` in terms of arithmetic. `true` examples: 0% 0px 1px -1 -1px hey 'hey' (0px 0px 0px) `false` examples: 0 null false '' (0 0 0) ### Logical Operators: && || and or Logical operators `&&` and `||` are aliased `and` / `or` which apply the same precedence. 5 && 3 // => 3 0 || 5 // => 5 0 && 5 // => 0 #fff is a 'rgba' and 15 is a 'unit' // => true ### Existence Operator: in Checks for the existence of the _left-hand_ operand within the _right-hand_ expression. Simple examples: nums = 1 2 3 1 in nums // => true 5 in nums // => false Some undefined identifiers: words = foo bar baz bar in words // => true HEY in words // => false Works with tuples too: vals = (error 'one') (error 'two') error in vals // => false (error 'one') in vals // => true (error 'two') in vals // => true (error 'something') in vals // => false Example usage in mixin: pad(types = padding, n = 5px) if padding in types padding n if margin in types margin n body pad() body pad(margin) body pad(padding margin, 10px) yielding: body { padding: 5px; } body { margin: 5px; } body { padding: 10px; margin: 10px; } ### Conditional Assignment: ?= := The conditional assignment operator `?=` (aliased as `:=`) lets us define variables without clobbering old values (when present). This operator expands to an `is defined` binary operation within a ternary, for example the following are equivalent: color := white color ?= white color = color is defined ? color : white For example when using `=` we simply re-assign: color = white color = black color // => black However when using `?=` our second attempt fails since the variable is already defined: color = white color ?= black color // => white ### Instance Check: is a Stylus provides a binary operator named `is a` used to type check. 15 is a 'unit' // => true #fff is a 'rgba' // => true 15 is a 'rgba' // => false Alternatively we could use the `type()` BIF: type(#fff) == 'rgba' // => true 'color' is the one special-case, evaluating to true when the left-hand operand is an `RGBA` or `HSLA` node. ### Variable Definition: is defined This pseudo binary operator does not accept a right-hand operator, and does _not_ evaluate the left. This allows us to check if a variable has a value assigned to it. foo is defined // => false foo = 15px foo is defined // => true #fff is defined // => 'invalid "is defined" check on non-variable #fff' Alternatively one can use the `lookup(name)` built-in function to do this, or to perform dynamic lookups: name = 'blue' lookup('light-' + name) // => null light-blue = #80e2e9 lookup('light-' + name) // => #80e2e9 This operator is essential, as an undefined identifier is still a truthy value. For example: body if ohnoes padding 5px _will_ yield the following css when undefined: body { padding: 5px; } however this will be safe: body if ohnoes is defined padding 5px ## Ternary The ternary operator works as we would expect in most languages, being the only operator with three operands, the _condition_ expression, the _truth_ expression and the _false_ expression. num = 15 num ? unit(num, 'px') : 20px // => 15px ## Color Operations Operations on colors provide a terse, expressive way to alter components. For example we can operate on each RGB: #0e0 + #0e0 // => #0f0 Another example is adjust the lightness value by adding or subtracting a percentage. To lighten a color we add, to darken we subtract. #888 + 50% // => #c3c3c3 #888 - 50% // => #444 Adjust the hue is also possible by adding or subtracting with degrees, for example adding `50deg` to this red value, resulting in a yellow: #f00 + 50deg // => #ffd500 Values clamp appropriately, for example we can "spin" the hue 180 degrees, and if the current value is `320deg`, it will resolve to `140deg`. We may also tweak several values at once, including the alpha by using `rgb()`, `rgba()`, `hsl()`, or `hsla()`: #f00 - rgba(100,0,0,0.5) // => rgba(155,0,0,0.5) ## Sprintf The string sprintf-like operator `%` can be used to generate a literal value, internally passing arguments through the `s()` built-in: 'X::Microsoft::Crap(%s)' % #fc0 // => X::Microsoft::Crap(#fc0) Multiple values should be parenthesized: '-webkit-gradient(%s, %s, %s)' % (linear (0 0) (0 100%)) // => -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%)