SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID = "id" unless (defined?(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID) && !SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID.nil?) ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES = true unless defined?(ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES) require "digest" module ActiveFedora # This class ties together many of the lower-level modules, and # implements something akin to an ActiveRecord-alike interface to # fedora. If you want to represent a fedora object in the ruby # space, this is the class you want to extend. # # =The Basics # class Oralhistory < ActiveFedora::Base # has_metadata :name => "properties", :type => ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream do |m| # m.field "narrator", :string # m.field "narrator", :text # end # end # # The above example creates a Fedora object with a metadata datastream named "properties", which is composed of a # narrator and bio field. # # Datastreams defined with +has_metadata+ are accessed via the +datastreams+ member hash. # class Base include SemanticNode class_attribute :fedora_connection, :profile_solr_name self.fedora_connection = {} self.profile_solr_name = ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("object_profile", :displayable) def method_missing(name, *args) dsid = corresponding_datastream_name(name) if dsid ### Create and invoke a proxy method self.class.send :define_method, name do datastreams[dsid] end self.send(name) else super end end def new? new_object? end # Has this object been saved? def new_object? end ## Required by associations def new_record? self.new_object? end def persisted? !new_object? end # Constructor. You may supply a custom +:pid+, or we call the Fedora Rest API for the # next available Fedora pid, and mark as new object. # Also, if +attrs+ does not contain +:pid+ but does contain +:namespace+ it will pass the # +:namespace+ value to Fedora::Repository.nextid to generate the next pid available within # the given namespace. def initialize(attrs = nil) attrs = {} if attrs.nil? attributes = attrs.dup @inner_object =, attributes.delete(:namespace), attributes.delete(:pid)) self.relationships_loaded = true load_datastreams [:new_object,:create_date, :modified_date].each { |k| attributes.delete(k)} self.attributes=attributes run_callbacks :initialize end # Reloads the object from Fedora. def reload init_with(self.class.find( end # Initialize an empty model object and set the +inner_obj+ # example: # # class Post < ActiveFedora::Base # has_metadata :name => "properties", :type => ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream # end # # post = Post.allocate # post.init_with(DigitalObject.find(pid)) # # => 'hello world' def init_with(inner_obj) @inner_object = inner_obj unless @inner_object.is_a? SolrDigitalObject @inner_object.original_class = self.class ## Replace existing unchanged datastreams with the definitions found in this class if they have a different type. ## Any datastream that is deleted here will cause a reload from fedora, so avoid it whenever possible ds_specs.keys.each do |key| if !@inner_object.datastreams[key].content_changed? && @inner_object.datastreams[key].class != self.class.ds_specs[key][:type] @inner_object.datastreams.delete(key) end end end load_datastreams run_callbacks :find run_callbacks :initialize self end # Uses {shard_index} to find or create the rubydora connection for this pid # @param [String] pid the identifier of the object to get the connection for # @return [Rubydora::Repository] The repository that the identifier exists in. def self.connection_for_pid(pid) idx = shard_index(pid) unless fedora_connection.has_key? idx if ActiveFedora.config.sharded? fedora_connection[idx] =[idx]) else fedora_connection[idx] = end end fedora_connection[idx].connection end # This is where your sharding strategy is implemented -- it's how we figure out which shard an object will be (or was) written to. # Given a pid, it decides which shard that pid will be written to (and thus retrieved from). # For a given pid, as long as your shard configuration remains the same it will always return the same value. # If you're not using sharding, this will always return 0, meaning use the first/only Fedora Repository in your configuration. # Default strategy runs a modulo of the md5 of the pid against the number of shards. # If you want to use a different sharding strategy, override this method. Make sure that it will always return the same value for a given pid and shard configuration. #@return [Integer] the index of the shard this object is stored in def self.shard_index(pid) if ActiveFedora.config.sharded? Digest::MD5.hexdigest(pid).hex % ActiveFedora.config.credentials.length else 0 end end def self.datastream_class_for_name(dsid) ds_specs[dsid] ? ds_specs[dsid].fetch(:type, ActiveFedora::Datastream) : ActiveFedora::Datastream end # Creates an object (or multiple objects) and saves it to the repository, if validations pass. # The resulting object is returned whether the object was saved successfully to the repository or not. # # The +attributes+ parameter can be either be a Hash or an Array of Hashes. These Hashes describe the # attributes on the objects that are to be created. # # ==== Examples # # Create a single new object # User.create(:first_name => 'Jamie') # # # Create an Array of new objects # User.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }]) # # # Create a single object and pass it into a block to set other attributes. # User.create(:first_name => 'Jamie') do |u| # u.is_admin = false # end # # # Creating an Array of new objects using a block, where the block is executed for each object: # User.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }]) do |u| # u.is_admin = false # end def self.create(attributes = nil, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| create(attr, &block) } else object = new(attributes) yield(object) if block_given? object end end def clone new_object = self.class.create clone_into(new_object) end # Clone the datastreams from this object into the provided object, while preserving the pid of the provided object # @param [Base] new_object clone into this object def clone_into(new_object) rels = Nokogiri::XML( rels_ext.content) rels.xpath("//rdf:Description/@rdf:about").first.value = new_object.internal_uri new_object.rels_ext.content = rels.to_xml datastreams.each do |k, v| next if k == 'RELS-EXT' new_object.datastreams[k].content = v.content end new_object if end ### if you are doing sharding, override this method to do something other than use a sequence # @return [String] the unique pid for a new object def self.assign_pid(obj) args = {} args[:namespace] = obj.namespace if obj.namespace # TODO: This juggling of Fedora credentials & establishing connections should be handled by # an establish_fedora_connection method,possibly wrap it all into a fedora_connection method - MZ 06-05-2012 if ActiveFedora.config.sharded? credentials = ActiveFedora.config.credentials[0] else credentials = ActiveFedora.config.credentials end fedora_connection[0] ||= d = fedora_connection[0].connection.next_pid(args)) pid =d.elements['//pid'].text pid end def inner_object # :nodoc @inner_object end #return the pid of the Fedora Object # if there is no fedora object (loaded from solr) get the instance var # TODO make inner_object a proxy that can hold the pid def pid end def id ### Needed for the nested form helper end def to_param persisted? ? to_key.join('-') : nil end def to_key persisted? ? [pid] : nil end #return the internal fedora URI def internal_uri "info:fedora/#{pid}" end #return the state of the inner object def state @inner_object.state end #return the owner id def owner_id @inner_object.ownerId end def owner_id=(owner_id) @inner_object.ownerId=(owner_id) end #return the create_date of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def create_date ? : @inner_object.profile["objCreateDate"] end #return the modification date of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def modified_date ? : @inner_object.profile["objLastModDate"] end #return the label of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def label @inner_object.label end def label=(new_label) @inner_object.label = new_label end def ==(comparison_object) comparison_object.equal?(self) || (comparison_object.instance_of?(self.class) && == pid && !comparison_object.new_record?) end def pretty_pid if == UnsavedDigitalObject::PLACEHOLDER nil else end end # Return a Hash representation of this object where keys in the hash are appropriate Solr field names. # @param [Hash] solr_doc (optional) Hash to insert the fields into # @param [Hash] opts (optional) # If opts[:model_only] == true, the base object metadata and the RELS-EXT datastream will be omitted. This is mainly to support shelver, which calls .to_solr for each model an object subscribes to. def to_solr(solr_doc =, opts={}) unless opts[:model_only] c_time = create_date c_time = Time.parse(c_time) unless c_time.is_a?(Time) m_time = modified_date m_time = Time.parse(m_time) unless m_time.is_a?(Time) Solrizer.set_field(solr_doc, 'system_create', c_time) Solrizer.set_field(solr_doc, 'system_modified', m_time) Solrizer.set_field(solr_doc, 'active_fedora_model', self.class.inspect, :symbol) solr_doc.merge!(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID.to_sym => pid) solrize_profile(solr_doc) end datastreams.each_value do |ds| solr_doc = ds.to_solr(solr_doc) end solr_doc = solrize_relationships(solr_doc) unless opts[:model_only] solr_doc end def solr_name(*args) ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(*args) end def solrize_profile(solr_doc = # :nodoc: profile_hash = { 'datastreams' => {} } if inner_object.respond_to? :profile inner_object.profile.each_pair do |property,value| if property =~ /Date/ value = Time.parse(value) unless value.is_a?(Time) value = value.xmlschema end profile_hash[property] = value end end self.datastreams.each_pair { |dsid,ds| profile_hash['datastreams'][dsid] = ds.solrize_profile } solr_doc[self.class.profile_solr_name] = profile_hash.to_json end # Serialize the datastream's RDF relationships to solr # @param [Hash] solr_doc @deafult an empty Hash def solrize_relationships(solr_doc = relationships.each_statement do |statement| predicate = RelsExtDatastream.short_predicate(statement.predicate) literal = statement.object.kind_of?(RDF::Literal) val = literal ? statement.object.value : statement.object.to_str ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, solr_name(predicate, :symbol), val ) end return solr_doc end # This method adapts the inner_object to a new ActiveFedora::Base implementation # This is intended to minimize redundant interactions with Fedora def adapt_to(klass) unless klass.ancestors.include? ActiveFedora::Base raise "Cannot adapt #{} to #{}: Not a ActiveFedora::Base subclass" end klass.allocate.init_with(inner_object) end # Examine the :has_model assertions in the RELS-EXT. Adapt this class to the first first known model def adapt_to_cmodel the_model = ActiveFedora::ContentModel.known_models_for( self ).first self.class != the_model ? self.adapt_to(the_model) : self end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # This method returns a new object of the same class, with the internal SolrDigitalObject # replaced with an actual DigitalObject. def reify if self.inner_object.is_a? DigitalObject raise "#{self.inspect} is already a full digital object" end self.class.find end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # This method reinitializes a lightweight, loaded-from-solr object with an actual # DigitalObject inside. def reify! if self.inner_object.is_a? DigitalObject raise "#{self.inspect} is already a full digital object" end self.init_with DigitalObject.find(self.class, end # This method can be used instead of ActiveFedora::Model::ClassMethods.find. # It works similarly except it populates an object from Solr instead of Fedora. # It is most useful for objects used in read-only displays in order to speed up loading time. If only # a pid is passed in it will query solr for a corresponding solr document and then use it # to populate this object. # # If a value is passed in for optional parameter solr_doc it will not query solr again and just use the # one passed to populate the object. # # It will anything stored within solr such as metadata and relationships. Non-metadata datastreams will not # be loaded and if needed you should use find instead. def self.load_instance_from_solr(pid,solr_doc=nil) if solr_doc.nil? result = find_with_conditions(:id=>pid) raise ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError, "Object #{pid} not found in solr" if result.empty? solr_doc = result.first #double check pid and id in record match raise ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError, "Object #{pid} not found in Solr" unless !result.nil? && !solr_doc.nil? && pid == solr_doc[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID] else raise "Solr document record id and pid do not match" unless pid == solr_doc[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID] end klass = if class_str = solr_doc[ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name('has_model', :symbol)] ActiveFedora::SolrService.class_from_solr_document(solr_doc) else ActiveFedora::Base end profile_json = Array(solr_doc[ActiveFedora::Base.profile_solr_name]).first unless profile_json.present? raise ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError, "Object #{pid} does not contain a solrized profile" end profile_hash = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(profile_json) obj = klass.allocate.init_with(, profile_hash, klass)) #set by default to load any dependent relationship objects from solr as well #need to call rels_ext once so it exists when iterating over datastreams obj.rels_ext obj.datastreams.each_value do |ds| if ds.respond_to?(:profile_from_hash) and (ds_prof = profile_hash['datastreams'][ds.dsid]) ds.profile_from_hash(ds_prof) end ds.from_solr(solr_doc) if ds.respond_to?(:from_solr) end obj.inner_object.freeze obj end def self.pids_from_uris(uris) if uris.class == String return uris.gsub("info:fedora/", "") elsif uris.class == Array arr = [] uris.each do |uri| arr << uri.gsub("info:fedora/", "") end return arr end end end Base.class_eval do include Attributes include ActiveFedora::Persistence include Model include Loggable include ActiveModel::Conversion include Validations include Callbacks include Datastreams extend ActiveModel::Naming include Delegating include Associations include NestedAttributes include Reflection extend Querying end end