require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::QueryCache do around do |spec| Mongoid::QueryCache.clear_cache Mongoid::QueryCache.cache { } end context 'when iterating over objects sharing the same base' do let(:server) do relations.first.mongo_client.cluster.next_primary end before do person = Person.create 3.times do person.send(relation).create end end let!(:relations) do Person.first.send(relation).to_a end context 'when the association is has-many' do let(:relation) do :posts end context 'does not query for the relation and instead sets the base' do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = false end it 'queries for each access to the base' do expect(server).to receive(:with_connection).exactly(0).times.and_call_original relations.each do |object| object.person end end end end context 'when the association is embeds-many' do let(:relation) do :symptoms end context 'when query cache is disabled' do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = false end it 'does not query for access to the base' do expect(server).to receive(:context).exactly(0).times.and_call_original relations.each do |object| object.person end end end context 'when query cache is enabled' do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = true end it 'does not query for access to the base' do expect(server).to receive(:context).exactly(0).times.and_call_original relations.each do |object| object.person end end end end end context "when querying for a single document" do [ :first, :one, :last ].each do |method| before do Band.all.send(method) end context "when query cache is disabled" do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = false end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.all.send(method) end end end context "with same selector" do it "does not query again" do expect_no_queries do Band.all.send(method) end end end context "with different selector" do it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.where(id: 1).send(method) end end end end end context 'querying all documents after a single document' do before do 3.times do Person.create end end it 'returns all documents' do expect(Person.all.to_a.count).to eq(3) Person.first expect(Person.all.to_a.count).to eq(3) end context 'with conditions specified' do it 'returns all documents' do expect( 0).to_a.count).to eq(3) 0).first expect( 0).to_a.count).to eq(3) end end context 'with order specified' do it 'returns all documents' do expect(Person.order_by(name: 1).to_a.count).to eq(3) Person.order_by(name: 1).first expect(Person.order_by(name: 1).to_a.count).to eq(3) end end end context "when querying in the same collection" do before do Band.all.to_a end context "when query cache is disabled" do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = false end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.all.to_a end end end context "with same selector" do it "does not query again" do expect_no_queries do Band.all.to_a end end context 'when the first query has a collation' do min_server_version '3.4' before do Band.where(name: 'DEPECHE MODE').collation(locale: 'en_US', strength: 2).to_a end context "when the next query has the same collation" do it "uses the cache" do expect_no_queries do Band.where(name: 'DEPECHE MODE').collation(locale: 'en_US', strength: 2).to_a end end end context "when the next query does not have the same collation" do it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.where(name: 'DEPECHE MODE').collation(locale: 'fr', strength: 2).to_a end end end context "when the next query does not have a collation" do it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.where(name: 'DEPECHE MODE').to_a end end end end context "when the first query has no limit" do let(:game) do Game.create!(name: "2048") end before do 10.times do |i| game.ratings << Rating.create!(value: i+1) end game.ratings.where( => 5).asc(:id).all.to_a end context "when the next query has a limit" do it "uses the cache" do expect_no_queries do result = game.ratings.where( => 5).limit(2).asc(:id).to_a expect(result.length).to eq(2) expect( { |r| r['value'] }).to eq([6, 7]) end end end end context "when the first query has a limit" do let(:game) do Game.create!(name: "2048") end before do 10.times do |i| game.ratings << Rating.create!(value: i+1) end game.ratings.where( => 5).limit(3).asc(:id).all.to_a end context "when the next query has a limit" do # Server versions older than 3.2 also perform a killCursors operation, # which causes this test to fail. min_server_version '3.2' it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do result = game.ratings.where( => 5).limit(2).asc(:id).to_a expect(result.length).to eq(2) expect( { |r| r['value'] }).to eq([6, 7]) end end end context "when the new query does not have a limit" do it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do result = game.ratings.where( => 5).asc(:id).to_a expect(result.length).to eq(5) expect( { |r| r['value'] }).to eq([6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) end end end end context "when querying only the first" do let(:game) do Game.create!(name: "2048") end before do 10.times do |i| game.ratings << Rating.create!(value: i+1) end game.ratings.where( => 5).asc(:id).all.to_a end it "does not query again" do expect_no_queries do result = game.ratings.where( => 5).asc(:id).first expect(result['value']).to eq(6) end end end context "when limiting the result" do before do Band.destroy_all 5.times { |i| Band.create!(name: "Band #{i}") } Band.all.to_a end it "does not query again" do expect_query(0) do result = Band.limit(2).all.to_a expect(result.length).to eq(2) expect( { |r| r["name"] }).to eq(["Band 0", "Band 1"]) end end end context "when specifying a different skip value" do before do Band.destroy_all 5.times { |i| Band.create!(name: "Band #{i}") } end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do result = Band.limit(2).skip(3).all.to_a expect(result.length).to eq(2) expect( { |r| r["name"] }).to eq(["Band 3", "Band 4"]) end end end end context "with different selector" do it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.where(id: 1).to_a end end end context "when sorting documents" do before do Band.asc(:id).to_a end context "with different selector" do it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.desc(:id).to_a end end end it "does not query again" do expect_query(0) do Band.asc(:id).to_a end end end context 'when querying colleciton larger than the batch size' do before do Band.destroy_all 101.times { |i| Band.create!(_id: i) } end it 'does not raise an exception when querying multiple times' do expect do results1 = Band.all.to_a expect(results1.length).to eq(101) expect( { |band| band["_id"] }).to eq([*0..100]) results2 = Band.all.to_a expect(results2.length).to eq(101) expect( { |band| band["_id"] }).to eq([*0..100]) end.not_to raise_error end end context "when query caching is enabled and the batch_size is set" do around(:each) do |example| query_cache_enabled = Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled? Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = true Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = query_cache_enabled end it "does not raise an error when requesting the second batch" do expect { Band.batch_size(4).where(:views.gte => 0).each do |doc| doc.set(likes: Random.rand(100)) end }.not_to raise_error end end end context "when querying in different collection" do before do Person.all.to_a end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.all.to_a end end end context "when inserting a new document" do before do Band.all.to_a Band.create! end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.all.to_a end end end context "when deleting all documents" do before do Band.create! Band.all.to_a Band.delete_all end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.all.to_a end end end context "when destroying all documents" do before do Band.create! Band.all.to_a Band.destroy_all end it "queries again" do expect_query(1) do Band.all.to_a end end end context "when reloading a document" do let!(:band_id) do end context 'when query cache is disabled' do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = false end it "queries again" do band = Band.find(band_id) expect_query(1) do band.reload end end end context 'when query cache is enabled' do it "queries again" do band = Band.find(band_id) expect_query(1) do band.reload end end end end context "when querying collection smaller than the batch size" do before do 99.times { Band.create! } end it "returns the right number of records" do expect(Band.all.to_a.length).to eq(99) end it "#pluck returns the same count of objects" do expect(Band.pluck(:name).length).to eq(99) end context "when loading all the documents" do before do Band.all.to_a end it "caches the complete result of the query" do expect_no_queries do expect(Band.all.to_a.length).to eq(99) end end it "returns the same count of objects when using #pluck" do expect(Band.pluck(:name).length).to eq(99) end end end context "when inserting an index" do it "does not cache the query" do expect(Mongoid::QueryCache).to receive(:cache_table).never Band.collection.indexes.create_one(name: 1) end end context 'when the initial query does not exhaust the results' do before do Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled = true 10.times { Band.create! } Band.batch_size(4).all.any? end it 'does not cache the result' do expect( eq(10) end context 'when a batch size smaller than the result set is specified' do let(:batch_size) do 4 end it 'does not cache the result' do expect(Band.batch_size(batch_size) eq(10) end end end end describe Mongoid::QueryCache::Middleware do let :middleware do end context "when not touching mongoid on the app" do let(:app) do ->(env) { @enabled = Mongoid::QueryCache.enabled?; [200, env, "app"] } end it "returns success" do code, _ ={}) expect(code).to eq(200) end it "enableds the query cache" do{}) expect(@enabled).to be true end end context "when querying on the app" do let(:app) do ->(env) { Band.all.to_a [200, env, "app"] } end it "returns success" do code, _ ={}) expect(code).to eq(200) end it "cleans the query cache after reponds" do{}) expect(Mongoid::QueryCache.cache_table).to be_empty end end end