#!/usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 require 'set' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/branch' require 'treequel/branchset' # An object interface to LDAP entries. class Treequel::Model < Treequel::Branch require 'treequel/model/objectclass' require 'treequel/model/errors' require 'treequel/model/schemavalidations' include Treequel::Loggable, Treequel::Constants, Treequel::Normalization, Treequel::Constants::Patterns, Treequel::Model::SchemaValidations # A prototype Hash that autovivifies its members as Sets, for use in # the objectclass_registry and the base_registry SET_HASH = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = Set.new } # The hooks that are called before an action BEFORE_HOOKS = [ :before_create, :before_update, :before_save, :before_destroy, :before_validation, ] # The hooks that are called after an action AFTER_HOOKS = [ :after_initialize, :after_create, :after_update, :after_save, :after_destroy, :after_validation, ] # Hooks the user can override HOOKS = BEFORE_HOOKS + AFTER_HOOKS # Defaults for #validate options DEFAULT_VALIDATION_OPTIONS = { :with_schema => true, } # Defaults for #save options DEFAULT_SAVE_OPTIONS = { :raise_on_failure => true, } # Defaults for #destroy options DEFAULT_DESTROY_OPTIONS = { :raise_on_failure => true, } ################################################################# ### C L A S S M E T H O D S ################################################################# @objectclass_registry = SET_HASH.dup @base_registry = SET_HASH.dup @directory = nil class << self attr_reader :objectclass_registry attr_reader :base_registry end ### Return the Treequel::Directory the Model will use for searches, creating it if it ### hasn't been created already. The default Directory will be created by calling ### Treequel.directory_from_config. def self::directory self.directory = Treequel.directory_from_config unless @directory return @directory end ### Set the Treequel::Directory that should be used for searches. The receiving class will also ### be set as the #results_class of the +newdirectory+. def self::directory=( newdirectory ) @directory = newdirectory @directory.results_class = self if @directory end ### Inheritance callback -- add a class-specific objectclass registry to inheriting classes. def self::inherited( subclass ) super subclass.instance_variable_set( :@objectclass_registry, SET_HASH.dup ) subclass.instance_variable_set( :@base_registry, SET_HASH.dup ) end ### Register the given +mixin+ for the specified +objectclasses+. Instances that ### have all the specified +objectclasses+ will be extended with the +mixin+, which should be ### a Module extended with Treequel::Model::ObjectClass. def self::register_mixin( mixin ) objectclasses = mixin.model_objectclasses bases = mixin.model_bases bases << '' if bases.empty? Treequel.logger.debug "registering %p [objectClasses: %p, base DNs: %p]" % [ mixin, objectclasses, bases ] # Register it with each of its objectClasses objectclasses.each do |oc| @objectclass_registry[ oc.to_sym ].add( mixin ) end # ...and each of its bases bases.each do |dn| @base_registry[ dn.downcase ].add( mixin ) end end ### Unregister the given +mixin+ for the specified +objectclasses+. def self::unregister_mixin( mixin ) objectclasses = mixin.model_objectclasses bases = mixin.model_bases bases << '' if bases.empty? Treequel.logger.debug "un-registering %p [objectclasses: %p, base DNs: %p]" % [ mixin, objectclasses, bases ] # Unregister it from each of its bases bases.each do |dn| @base_registry[ dn.downcase ].delete( mixin ) end # ...and each of its objectClasses objectclasses.each do |oc| @objectclass_registry[ oc.to_sym ].delete( mixin ) end end ### Return the mixins that should be applied to an entry with the given +objectclasses+. def self::mixins_for_objectclasses( *objectclasses ) return self.objectclass_registry[:top] if objectclasses.empty? ocsymbols = objectclasses.flatten.collect {|oc| oc.untaint.to_sym } # Get the union of all of the mixin sets for the objectclasses in question mixins = self.objectclass_registry. values_at( *ocsymbols ). inject {|set1,set2| set1 | set2 } # Return the mixins whose objectClass requirements are met by the # specified objectclasses return mixins.delete_if do |mixin| !mixin.model_objectclasses.all? {|oc| ocsymbols.include?(oc) } end end ### Return the mixins that should be applied to an entry with the given +dn+. def self::mixins_for_dn( dn ) dn_tuples = dn.downcase.split( /\s*,\s*/ ) dn_keys = dn_tuples.reverse.inject(['']) do |keys, dnpair| dnpair += ',' + keys.last unless keys.last.empty? keys << dnpair end # Get the union of all of the mixin sets for the DN and all of its parents union = self.base_registry. values_at( *dn_keys ). inject {|set1,set2| set1 | set2 } return union end ### Never freeze converted values in Model objects. def self::freeze_converted_values?; false; end ### Create a new Treequel::Model object with the given +entry+ hash from the ### specified +directory+. Overrides Treequel::Branch.new_from_entry to pass the ### +from_directory+ flag to mark it as unmodified. def self::new_from_entry( entry, directory ) entry = Treequel::HashUtilities.stringify_keys( entry ) dnvals = entry.delete( 'dn' ) or raise ArgumentError, "no 'dn' attribute for entry" Treequel.logger.debug "Creating %p from entry: %p in directory: %s" % [ self, dnvals.first, directory ] return self.new( directory, dnvals.first, entry, true ) end ################################################################# ### I N S T A N C E M E T H O D S ################################################################# ### Override the default to extend new instances with applicable mixins if their ### entry is set. def initialize( directory, dn, entry=nil, from_directory=false ) if from_directory super( directory, dn, entry ) @dirty = false else super( directory, dn ) @values = symbolify_keys( entry ? entry : self.rdn_attributes ) @dirty = true end self.apply_applicable_mixins( @dn, @entry ) self.after_initialize end ### Copy initializer -- re-apply mixins to duplicates, too. def initialize_copy( other ) super self.apply_applicable_mixins( @dn, @entry ) self.after_initialize end ###### public ###### attr_reader :values # Unsaved attribute values hash attr_reader :values ### Set up the empty hook methods HOOKS.each do |hook| define_method( hook ) do |*args| self.log.debug "#{hook} default hook called." true end end ### Tests whether the object has been modified since it was loaded from ### the directory. def modified? return @dirty ? true : false end ### Mark the object as unmodified. def reset_dirty_flag @dirty = false end ### Index set operator -- set attribute +attrname+ to a new +value+. ### Overridden to make Model objects defer writing changes until ### Treequel::Model#save is called. def []=( attrname, value ) attrtype = self.find_attribute_type( attrname.to_sym ) or raise ArgumentError, "unknown attribute %p" % [ attrname ] value = Array( value ) unless attrtype.single? self.mark_dirty if value @values[ attrtype.name.to_sym ] = value else @values.delete( attrtype.name.to_sym ) end # If the objectClasses change, we (may) need to re-apply mixins if attrname.to_s.downcase == 'objectclass' self.log.debug " objectClass change -- reapplying mixins" self.apply_applicable_mixins( self.dn ) else self.log.debug " no objectClass changes -- no need to reapply mixins" end return value end ### Make the changes to the object specified by the given +attributes+. ### Overridden to make Model objects defer writing changes until ### Treequel::Model#save is called. def merge( attributes ) attributes.each do |attrname, value| self[ attrname ] = value end end ### Delete the specified attributes. ### Overridden to make Model objects defer writing changes until ### Treequel::Model#save is called. def delete( *attributes ) return super if attributes.empty? self.log.debug "Deleting attributes: %p" % [ attributes ] self.mark_dirty attributes.flatten.each do |attribute| # With a hash, delete each value for each key if attribute.is_a?( Hash ) self.delete_specific_values( attribute ) # With an array of attributes to delete, replace # MULTIPLE attribute types with an empty array, and SINGLE # attribute types with nil elsif attribute.respond_to?( :to_sym ) attrtype = self.find_attribute_type( attribute.to_sym ) if attrtype.single? @values[ attribute.to_sym ] = nil else @values[ attribute.to_sym ] = [] end else raise ArgumentError, "can't convert a %p to a Symbol or a Hash" % [ attribute.class ] end end return true end ### Returns the validation errors associated with this object. def errors return @errors ||= Treequel::Model::Errors.new end ### Return +true+ if the model object passes all of its validations. def valid?( opts={} ) self.errors.clear self.validate( opts ) return self.errors.empty? ? true : false end ### Validate the object with the specified +options+. Appending validation errors onto ### the #errors object. def validate( options={} ) options = DEFAULT_VALIDATION_OPTIONS.merge( options ) self.before_validation or raise Treequel::BeforeHookFailed, :validation self.errors.add( :objectClass, 'must have at least one' ) if self.object_classes.empty? super( options ) self.log.debug "Validations failed:\s %s" % [ self.errors.full_messages.join("\n ") ] if self.errors.count.nonzero? self.after_validation end ### Write any pending changes in the model object to the directory. The valid +opts+ are: ### ### [+:raise_on_failure+] ### raise a Treequel::ValidationFailed or Treequel::BeforeHookFailed if either the ### validations or before_{save,create}. def save( opts={} ) opts = DEFAULT_SAVE_OPTIONS.merge( opts ) self.log.debug "Saving %s..." % [ self.dn ] raise Treequel::ValidationFailed, self.errors unless self.valid?( opts ) self.log.debug " validation succeeded." unless mods = self.modifications self.log.debug " no modifications... no save necessary." return false end self.log.debug " got %d modifications." % [ mods.length ] self.before_save( mods ) or raise Treequel::BeforeHookFailed, :save if self.exists? self.log.debug " already exists, so updating." self.update( mods ) else self.log.debug " doesn't exist, so creating." self.create( mods ) end self.after_save( mods ) return true rescue Treequel::BeforeHookFailed => err self.log.info( err.message ) raise if opts[:raise_on_failure] rescue Treequel::ValidationFailed => err self.log.error( "Save aborted: validation failed." ) self.log.info( err.errors.full_messages.join(', ') ) raise if opts[:raise_on_failure] end ### Return any pending changes in the model object as an Array of LDAP::Mod objects. def modifications return unless self.modified? self.log.debug "Gathering modifications..." mods = [] @values.sort_by {|k, _| k.to_s }.each do |attribute, vals| self.log.debug " finding mods for %s" % [ attribute ] mods += self.diff_with_entry( attribute, vals ) end return mods end ### Diff the specified +values+ for the given +attribute+ against those in the directory ### entry and return LDAP::Mod objects for any differences. def diff_with_entry( attribute, values ) mods = [] attribute = attribute.to_s entry = self.entry || {} entry_values = entry.key?( attribute ) ? entry[attribute] : [] values = Array( values ).compact. collect {|val| self.get_converted_attribute(attribute, val) } self.log.debug " comparing %s values to entry: %p vs. %p" % [ attribute, values, entry_values ] Diff::LCS.sdiff( entry_values.sort, values.sort ) do |change| if change.adding? self.log.debug " found an addition: %p" % [ change ] mods << LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_ADD, attribute, [change.new_element] ) elsif change.changed? self.log.debug " found a modification: %p" % [ change ] mods << LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, attribute, [change.old_element, change.new_element] ) elsif change.deleting? self.log.debug " found a deletion: %p" % [ change ] mods << LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, attribute, [change.old_element] ) end end self.log.debug " attribute %p has modifications: %p" % [ attribute, mods ] unless mods.empty? return mods end ### Return the pending modifications for the object as an LDIF string. def modification_ldif mods = self.modifications return LDAP::LDIF.mods_to_ldif( self.dn, mods ) end ### Revert to the attributes in the directory, discarding any pending changes. def revert self.clear_caches @dirty = false return true end ### Like #delete, but runs destroy hooks before and after deleting. def destroy( opts={} ) opts = DEFAULT_DESTROY_OPTIONS.merge( opts ) self.before_destroy or raise Treequel::BeforeHookFailed, :destroy self.delete self.after_destroy return true rescue Treequel::BeforeHookFailed => err self.log.info( err.message ) raise if opts[:raise_on_failure] end ### Override Branch#search to inject the 'objectClass' attribute to the ### selected attribute list if there is one. def search( scope=:subtree, filter='(objectClass=*)', parameters={}, &block ) parameters[:selectattrs] |= ['objectClass'] unless !parameters.key?( :selectattrs ) || parameters[ :selectattrs ].empty? super end ### Returns +true+ if the receiver responds to the given method. def respond_to?( sym, include_priv=false ) return super if caller(1).first =~ %r{/r?spec/} && caller(1).first !~ /respond_to/ # RSpec workaround return true if super plainsym, _ = attribute_from_method( sym ) return self.find_attribute_type( plainsym ) ? true : false end ### Return the Treequel::Model::ObjectClass mixins that have been applied to the receiver. def extensions eigenclass = ( class << self; self; end ) return eigenclass.included_modules.find_all do |mod| (class << mod; self; end).include?(Treequel::Model::ObjectClass) end end ### Return a human-readable representation of the receiving object, suitable for debugging. def inspect return "#<%s:0x%x (%s): %s>" % [ self.class.name, self.object_id * 2, self.loaded? ? self.extensions.map( &:name ).join( ', ' ) : 'not yet loaded', self.dn ] end ######### protected ######### ### Mark the object as having been modified. def mark_dirty @dirty = true end ### Update the object's entry with the specified +mods+. def update( mods ) self.log.debug " entry already exists: updating..." self.before_update( mods ) or raise Treequel::BeforeHookFailed, :update self.modify( mods ) self.after_update( mods ) end ### Create the entry for the object, using the specified +mods+ to set the attributes. def create( mods ) self.log.debug " entry doesn't exist: creating..." self.before_create( mods ) or raise Treequel::BeforeHookFailed, :create super( mods ) self.after_create( mods ) end ### Delete specific key/value +pairs+ from the entry. def delete_specific_values( pairs ) self.log.debug " hash-delete..." # Ensure the value exists, and its values converted and cached, as # the delete needs Ruby object instead of string comparison pairs.each do |key, vals| next unless self[ key ] self.log.debug " deleting %p: %p" % [ key, vals ] @values[ key ].delete_if {|val| vals.include?(val) } end end ### Search for the Treequel::Schema::AttributeType associated with +sym+. def find_attribute_type( name ) attrtype = nil # Try both the name as-is, and the camelCased version of it camelcased_sym = name.to_s.gsub( /_(\w)/ ) { $1.upcase }.to_sym attrtype = self.valid_attribute_type( name ) || self.valid_attribute_type( camelcased_sym ) return attrtype end ### Proxy method -- Handle calls to missing methods by searching for an attribute. def method_missing( sym, *args ) self.log.debug "Dynamic dispatch to %p with args: %p" % [ sym, args ] # First, if the entry hasn't yet been loaded, try loading it to make sure the # object is already extended with any applicable objectClass mixins. If that ends # up defining the method in question, call it. if !@entry && self.entry self.log.debug " entry wasn't loaded, looking for methods added by loading it..." meth = begin self.method( sym ) rescue NoMethodError, NameError => err self.log.debug " it still didn't define %p: %s: %s" % [ sym, err.class.name, err.message ] nil end return meth.call( *args ) if meth end # self.log.debug " checking to see if it's a traversal call" # Next, super to rdn-traversal if it looks like a reader but has arguments plainsym, methodtype = attribute_from_method( sym ) return super if methodtype == :reader && !args.empty? # Now make a method body for a new method based on what attributeType it is if # it's a valid attribute attrtype = self.find_attribute_type( plainsym ) or return super methodbody = case methodtype when :writer self.make_writer( attrtype ) when :predicate self.make_predicate( attrtype ) else self.make_reader( attrtype ) end # Define the new method and call it by fetching the corresponding Method object # so we don't loop back through #method_missing if something goes wrong self.class.send( :define_method, sym, &methodbody ) return self.method( sym ).call( *args ) end ### Make a reader method body for the given +attrtype+. def make_reader( attrtype ) self.log.debug "Generating an attribute reader for %p" % [ attrtype ] attrname = attrtype.name return lambda do |*args| if args.empty? self[ attrname ] else self.traverse_branch( attrname, *args ) end end end ### Make a writer method body for the given +attrtype+. def make_writer( attrtype ) self.log.debug "Generating an attribute writer for %p" % [ attrtype ] attrname = attrtype.name if attrtype.single? self.log.debug " attribute is SINGLE, so generating a scalar writer..." return lambda {|newvalue| self[attrname] = newvalue } else self.log.debug " attribute isn't SINGLE, so generating an array writer..." return lambda {|*newvalues| self[attrname] = newvalues.flatten } end end ### Make a predicate method body for the given +attrtype+. def make_predicate( attrtype ) self.log.debug "Generating an attribute predicate for %p" % [ attrtype ] attrname = attrtype.name if attrtype.single? self.log.debug " attribute is SINGLE, so generating a scalar predicate..." return lambda { self[attrname] ? true : false } else self.log.debug " attribute isn't SINGLE, so generating an array predicate..." return lambda { self[attrname].any? {|val| val} } end end ### Overridden to apply applicable mixins to lazily-loaded objects once their entry ### has been looked up. def lookup_entry if entryhash = super self.apply_applicable_mixins( self.dn, entryhash ) end return entryhash end ### Apply mixins that are applicable considering the receiver's DN and the ### objectClasses from the given +entryhash+ merged with any unsaved values. def apply_applicable_mixins( dn, entryhash=nil ) objectclasses = @values[:objectClass] || (entryhash && entryhash['objectClass']) return unless objectclasses # self.log.debug "Applying mixins applicable to %s" % [ dn ] schema = self.directory.schema ocs = objectclasses.collect do |oc_oid| explicit_oc = schema.object_classes[ oc_oid ] explicit_oc.ancestors.collect {|oc| oc.name } end.flatten.uniq # self.log.debug " got %d candidate objectClasses: %p" % [ ocs.length, ocs ] # The applicable mixins are those in the intersection of the ones # inferred by its objectclasses and those that apply to its DN oc_mixins = self.class.mixins_for_objectclasses( *ocs ) dn_mixins = self.class.mixins_for_dn( dn ) mixins = ( oc_mixins & dn_mixins ) # self.log.debug " %d mixins remain after intersection: %p" % [ mixins.length, mixins ] mixins.each {|mod| self.extend(mod) } end ####### private ####### ### Given the symbol from an attribute accessor or predicate, return the ### name of the corresponding LDAP attribute/ def attribute_from_method( methodname ) case methodname.to_s when /^(?:has_)?([a-z]\w*)\?$/i return $1.to_sym, :predicate when /^([a-z]\w*)(=)?$/i return $1.to_sym, ($2 ? :writer : :reader ) end end ### Turn a String DN into a reversed set of DN attribute/value pairs def make_dn_tuples( dn ) return dn.split( /\s*,\s*/ ).reverse end end # class Treequel::Model