module Compass::Core::SassExtensions::Functions::Lists # Returns true when the object is false, an empty string, or an empty list def blank(obj) case obj when Sass::Script::Value::Bool, Sass::Script::Value::Null bool(!obj.to_bool) when Sass::Script::Value::String bool(obj.value.strip.size == 0) when Sass::Script::Value::List bool(obj.value.size == 0 || obj.value.all?{|el| blank(el).to_bool}) else bool(false) end end # Returns a new list after removing any non-true values def compact(*args) sep = :comma if args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) list = args.first args = list.value sep = list.separator end list(args.reject{|a| !a.to_bool}, sep) end # Get the nth value from a list def _compass_nth(list, place) assert_type list, :List if place.value == "first" list.value.first elsif place.value == "last" list.value.last else list.value[place.value - 1] end end # Returns a list object from a value that was passed. # This can be used to unpack a space separated list that got turned # into a string by sass before it was passed to a mixin. def _compass_list(arg) if arg.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) list(arg.value.dup, arg.separator) else list(arg, :space) end end # If the argument is a list, it will return a new list that is space delimited # Otherwise it returns a new, single element, space-delimited list. def _compass_space_list(list) if list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) list(list.value.dup, :space) else list(list, :space) end end # Returns the size of the list. def _compass_list_size(list) assert_list list number(list.value.size) end # slice a sublist from a list def _compass_slice(list, start_index, end_index = nil) end_index ||= number(-1) start_index = start_index.value end_index = end_index.value start_index -= 1 unless start_index < 0 end_index -= 1 unless end_index < 0 list(list.values[start_index..end_index], list.separator) end # removes the given values from the list. def reject(list, *values) list(list.value.reject{|v| values.any?{|o| v == o}}, list.separator) end # returns the first value of a space delimited list. def first_value_of(list) if list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String) r = list.value.split(/\s+/).first list.type == :identifier ? identifier(r) : quoted_string(r) elsif list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) list.value.first else list end end protected def assert_list(value) unless value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) raise"#{value.inspect} is not a list") end end end