require "open3" module CloudProviders module Connections def user(n=nil) if n.nil? @user ||= 'root' else @user = n end end # hostname or ip to use when running remote commands def host(n=nil) if n.nil? @host ||= dns_name else @host = n end end def run(commands, o={}) ssh(commands) end # Simply shell out and call ssh, simple, reliable and fewest dependencies, but slow def ssh( commands=[], extra_ssh_ops={}) commands = commands.compact.join(' && ') if commands.is_a?(Array) cmd_string = "ssh #{user}@#{host} #{ssh_options(extra_ssh_ops)} " if commands.empty? #TODO: replace this with a IO.popen call with read_nonblocking to show progress, and accept input Kernel.system(cmd_string) else system_run(cmd_string+"'#{commands}'") end end # Take a hash of options and join them into a string, combined with default options. # Default options are -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i keypair.full_filepath -l user # {'-i'=>'keyfile, '-l' => 'fred' } would become # "-i keyfile -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i keypair.to_s -l fred" def ssh_options(opts={}) return @ssh_options if @ssh_options && opts.empty? ssh_options = {"-i" => keypair.full_filepath, "-o" =>"StrictHostKeyChecking=no" }.merge(opts) @ssh_options = ssh_options.collect{ |k,v| "#{k} #{v}"}.join(' ') end def rsync( opts={} ) raise"You must pass a :source=>uri option to rsync") unless opts[:source] destination_path = opts[:destination] || opts[:source] rsync_opts = opts[:rsync_opts] || '-va' cmd_string = "rsync -L -e 'ssh #{ssh_options}' #{rsync_opts} #{opts[:source]} #{user}@#{host}:#{destination_path}" out = system_run(cmd_string) out end def scp(opts={}) source = opts[:source] destination_path = opts[:destination] || opts[:source] raise"You must pass a local_file to scp") unless source scp_opts = opts[:scp_opts] || "" cmd_string = "scp #{ssh_options(scp_opts)} #{source} #{user}@#{host}:#{destination_path}" out = system_run(cmd_string) out end private # Execute command locally. # This method is mainly broken out to ease testing in the other methods # It opens the 3 IO outputs (stdin, stdout, stderr) and print the output out # as the command runs, unless the quiet option is passed in def system_run(cmd, o={}) opts = {:quiet => false, :sysread => 1024}.merge(o) buf = "" ddputs("Running command: #{cmd}") Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdout, stdin, stderr| begin while (chunk = stdin.readpartial(opts[:sysread])) buf << chunk unless chunk.nil? || chunk.empty? $stdout.write(chunk) if debugging? || verbose? end end err = stderr.readlines $stderr.write_nonblock(err) rescue SystemCallError => error $stderr.write_nonblock(stderr) rescue EOFError => error # nothing end end buf end end end