class Page < KitIndexed attr_accessible :full_path, :category_id, :status, :name, :title, :page_template_id, :created_by, :updated_by, :system_id @@index_def = [ {:name=>:id, :index=>:not_analyzed, :include_in_all=>false}, {:name=>:system_id, :index=>:not_analyzed, :include_in_all=>false}, {:name=>:name, :boost=>100, :user=>true}, {:name=>:title, :boost=>50, :user=>true}, {:name=>:tags, :boost=>20}, {:name=>:full_path, :boost=>50}, {:name=>:meta_description, :boost=>20, :user=>true}, {:name=>:meta_keywords, :boost=>20, :user=>true}, {:name=>:notes}, {:name=>:terms, :as=>"concatenated_terms", :user=>true}, {:name=>:created_by, :as=>""}, {:name=>:updated_at, :type=>'date', :include_in_all=>false}, {:name=>:status, :as=>"", :index=>:not_analyzed}, {:name=>:is_deleted, :index=>:not_analyzed}, {:name=>:content, :as=>"concatenated_content(:current)", :user=>true}, {:name=>:old_content, :as=>"concatenated_content(:old)", :include_in_all=>false}, {:name=>:draft_content, :as=>"concatenated_content(:draft)", :include_in_all=>false}, {:name=>:autosave_content, :as=>"concatenated_content(:autosave)", :include_in_all=>false} ] Page.do_indexing :Page, @@index_def def self.index_def @@index_def end # this allows you to get block instances from the page. these block instances might have been eagrly loaded already (which they are in the most common case - i.e. rendering a page using the PageController). If they weren't loaded they will be when this is called, as they also will if you want something other than version 0 def get_block_instances(instance_id, version = 0, field_name = nil, block_id = nil) if version==0 r = [] self.block_instances0.each do |block_instance| if field_name || block_id r << block_instance if block_instance.instance_id == instance_id && block_instance.field_name == field_name && block_instance.block_id == block_id else r << block_instance if block_instance.instance_id == instance_id end end return r else self.block_instances.where(:instance_id=>instance_id, :version=>version) end end def concatenated_terms { |term| term.value ? term.value.downcase : "" }.join(',') end def page_name (Preference.getCached(self.system_id, 'app_name') + self.full_path).gsub('/','_') end def is_readable_anon? self.category.is_readable_anon? end def old_content self.page_contents.where("version > 0") end def autosave_content self.page_contents.where(:version=>-2) end def draft_content self.page_contents.where(:version=>-1) end def current_content self.page_contents.where(:version=>0) end def concatenated_content(type = :current) method = type.to_s+"_content" if self.respond_to?(method) contents = self.send(method) {|c| c.value}.join(" ") else "" end end def self.published_status(sid) Status.published_status(sid) end belongs_to :page_template belongs_to :category belongs_to :status belongs_to :user, :class_name=>"User", :foreign_key=>"created_by" has_many :comments has_many :block_instances, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :page_histories, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :block_instances0, :conditions=>"block_instances.version = 0", :class_name=>"BlockInstance" has_many :terms has_many :page_template_terms, :through=>:page_template has_many :page_contents, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :page_contents_version0, :conditions=>{:version => 0}, :class_name => "PageContent" before_save {! } before_save :history_start before_save :change_full_path after_save :history_end after_save :clear_cache after_destroy :clear_cache after_create :set_page_template_defaults validates_associated :page_template validates_presence_of :page_template, :unless => "self.status == Status.stub_status(self.system_id)" validates_associated :status validates_presence_of :status validates_presence_of :category_id validates_associated :category validates :name, :format=>{:with=>/^[a-z0-9\-\.]+$/}, :presence=>true validates :title, :presence=>true validate :path_must_be_unique attr_writer :editable def editable @editable || false end attr_accessor :copy_of attr_accessor :draft attr_accessor :skip_history has_many :page_favourites, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :favourite_users, :through=>:page_favourites, :source=>"user" has_many :page_comments, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :page_edits, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :topic_threads, :through=>:page_threads has_many :page_threads, :dependent=>:destroy cattr_reader :per_page @@per_page = 10 attr_accessor :page def generate_block_instances(user_id) # find any instances of: = kit_editable_block(id, blah blah) self.page_template.body.scan(/= ?kit_editable_block\(\'?\"?([^\,\)\'\"]+)\'?\"?\s*,\s*\'?\"?([^\,\)\'\"]+)\'?\"?(?:\s*,\s*(\{.*\}))?\)/) do self.generate_block_instance($1, $2, $3, user_id) end end def generate_block_instance(block_instance_id, block_id, param_options, user_id) if block_id.is_number? block = Block.find_sys_id(self.system_id, block_id) else block = Block.sys(self.system_id).where(:name=>block_id).first end if param_options == nil options = {} elsif param_options.instance_of?(String) options = eval(param_options) else options = param_options end bi = nil if options.size>0 options.each do |name,value| bi = BlockInstance.create(:system_id=>self.system_id, :page_id=>, :block_id=>, :field_name=>name, :field_value=>value, :user_id=>user_id, :instance_id=>block_instance_id) end else bi = BlockInstance.create(:system_id=>self.system_id, :page_id=>, :block_id=>, :field_name=>'no_params', :field_value=>'no_params', :user_id=>user_id, :instance_id=>block_instance_id) end return bi end def clear_cache Category.clear_cache(self.system_id) end def path_must_be_unique full_path = make_full_path cnt = Page.sys(self.system_id).where(:full_path=>full_path).where(["id<>?", self.new_record? ? -1 :]).count if cnt > 0 errors.add(:name, "not unique within this category") end end def name_from_title self.title.urlise end def is_home_page? == Preference.get(self.system_id, 'home_page').to_i rescue false end def make_home_page! PageHistory.record(self, nil, 'Made to be the home page', "") Preference.set(self.system_id, 'home_page',, nil) end def Page.update_all_paths(sid) Page.sys(sid).find_each do |p| p.skip_history = true! end end def clear_auto_save ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("delete from page_contents where version = -2 and page_id = #{}") end def stop_edit(user_id) PageEdit.delete_all(["page_id = ? and user_id = ?",, user_id]) end def change_full_path self.full_path = make_full_path end def by_id = Page.find_sys_id(self.system_id, return end def dif_template(is_mobile) if is_mobile && self.mobile_dif==1 self.mobile_page_template else return self.page_template end end def mobile_page_template PageTemplate.where(:id=>self.page_template.mobile_version_id).first || self.page_template end def publish(user_id) self.status_id = Page.published_status(self.system_id).id self.publish_draft(user_id) if self.draft self.published_at = PageHistory.record(self, user_id, 'Published', "") end def destroy_draft(user_id) self.page_contents.where(:version=>-1).each do |c| c.destroy end self.block_instances.where(:version=>-1).each do |bi| bi.destroy end PageHistory.record(self, user_id, 'Draft deleted', "") end def make_draft(user_id) self.page_contents.where("version=0").each do |content| PageContent.create(:system_id=>self.system_id, :page_id=>, :field_name=>content.field_name, :version=>-1, :value=>content.value, :user_id=>user_id) end BlockInstance.sys(self.system_id).where(:page_id=>>0).each do |bi| BlockInstance.create(:system_id=>self.system_id, :page_id=>, :field_name=>bi.field_name, :field_value=>bi.field_value, :version=>-1, :user_id=>user_id, :block_id=>bi.block_id, :instance_id=>bi.instance_id) end PageHistory.record(self, user_id, 'Draft created', "") end def publish_draft(user_id) self.page_contents.where("version <> -2").order("id desc").each do |pc| pc.version += 1 end self.block_instances.where("version <> -2").order("id desc").each do |bi| bi.version += 1 end PageHistory.record(self, user_id, 'Draft Published', "") end def recent_threads(count, user) level = user ? user.forum_level : 0 self.topic_threads.limit(count).order(" desc").includes(:topic).where("topic_threads.is_visible = 1 and topics.is_visible = 1 and topics.read_access_level <= #{level}") end def link(mode='show', inplace_edit=false) if mode=='show' return self.full_path + (inplace_edit ? "?edit=1" : "") else return "/page/#{}/#{mode}" end end def is_favourite?(user) user.is_favourite_page?(self) end def time_now end def history_start return if self.skip_history @new = self.new_record? @old_status_id = self.status_id_was @changes = self.changes @changed = self.changed if self.changed.include?("status_id") if self.status_id == Page.published_status(self.system_id) PageHistory.record(self, user_id, 'Published', "") self.published_at = elsif @old_status_id == Page.published_status(self.system_id) self.published_at = nil PageHistory.record(self, user_id, 'Unpublished', "") end end end def history_end return if self.skip_history if @new PageHistory.record(self, self.created_by, nil, 'New', 'Initial Creation', false) return end if @changes[:status_id] old_status_name = Status.find(@old_status_id).name PageHistory.record(self, self.updated_by, 'Status changed', "From: #{old_status_name} To: #{self.status(true).name}") end if @changes[:is_deleted] PageHistory.record(self, self.updated_by, 'Deleted status change', "Page is now #{self.is_deleted? ? 'deleted' : 'not deleted'}") end fields = [ ['name','Name'], ['full_path','Path'], ['tags','Tags'], ['meta_description', 'Meta Description'], ['meta_keywords', 'Meta Keywords'] ] fields.each do |field| if @changes[field[0].to_sym] from = @changes[field[1].to_sym][0] rescue "" PageHistory.record(self, nil, "#{field[1].to_sym} changed", "From: #{from}") end end end def self.mercury_region(field_type) if field_type=='text' return 'editable' elsif field_type=='line' return 'editable' else return 'editable' end end def is_stub? self.status_id == Status.stub_status(self.system_id).id end def is_published? self.status_id == Status.published_status(self.system_id).id end def deleted? self.is_deleted == 1 end def self.children_of(category) Page.where(:category_id=> end def make_full_path if self.category.parent_id == 0 "/" + else self.category.path + "/" + end end def autotitle i = 1 ok = false existing = Page.sys(self.system_id).where(:category_id => self.category_id).all until ok found = false existing.each do |p| if p.title == "Page #{i}" found = true break end end if found==false ok = true else i += 1 end end self.title = "Page #{i}" end def has_draft? self.page_contents.where("version < 0").count > 0 end def render_field(name, version=0) value = load_field(name, version).value rescue nil return nil unless value begin value.gsub(/>\[(snippet|block)_([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\]" + r + "<" end rescue Exception => e "[block error: #{e.message}]" end end def update_field(field_name, value, user=nil, field_title = nil, version = 0) old_value = load_field(field_name,version) return if old_value && value==old_value.value if version == 0 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("update page_contents set version = version + 1 where page_id = #{} and field_name = '#{field_name}' and version >= 0") field = field.system_id = self.system_id field.page_id = field.version = 0 field.field_name = field_name else field = PageContent.where(:page_id=>, :version=>version, :field_name=>field_name).first if version==-2 && field==nil field =>self.system_id, :page_id=>, :version=>version, :field_name=>field_name) end end field.value = value field.user_id = if user PageHistory.record(self, user ? : 0, "Updated#{version==-1 ? ' Draft' : ''} content", "'#{field_title}' changed", false, if version>=-1 end def Page.field_values(sid, field_name, page_template_ids = nil, only_published_and_visible = true, version = 0) pcs = PageContent.where(:field_name=>field_name).where(:version=>version) pcs = pcs.joins(:page).where("pages.page_template_id in (#{page_template_ids.join ','})") if page_template_ids pcs = pcs.joins(:page).where("pages.is_deleted = 0 and pages.status_id = #{Page.published_status(sid).id}") if only_published_and_visible { |pc| pc.value } end def Page.field_matches(sid, field_name, field_value, page_template_ids = nil, only_published_and_visible = true, version = 0) ps = Page ps = ps.where("pages.page_template_id in (#{page_template_ids.join ','})") if page_template_ids ps = ps.where("pages.is_deleted = 0 and pages.status_id = #{Page.published_status(sid).id}") if only_published_and_visible ps = ps.joins(:page_contents).where("page_contents.version = #{version}") ps = ps.where("page_contents.field_name = '#{field_name}'") pc_table = PageContent.arel_table ps = ps.where(pc_table[:value].eq(field_value)) ps.all end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if meth.to_s =~ /^content_(.+)$/ load_field($1, *args) elsif meth.to_s =~ /^value_(.+)$/ load_field($1, *args).value else super end end def load_field(field_name, version=0) if version==0 #&& self.page_contents.loaded? self.page_content_version0(field_name) rescue nil else PageContent.where(:page_id=>"version = #{version}").where("field_name = '#{field_name}'").first rescue nil end end def related_threads(count,user) self.recent_threads(count,user) end def menu_items MenuItem.sys(self.system_id).where(:link_url=>self.full_path).includes(:menu).joins(:menu).order(", menu_items.order_by") end def page_content_version0(field_name) self.page_contents_version0.each do |pc| return pc if pc.field_name == field_name end return nil end def copy_content_from(page) page.page_contents.each do |pc| self.page_contents << pc.dup end page.block_instances.each do |ps| self.block_instances << ps.dup end end def copy_to(cat) page = self.dup page.category = cat page.change_full_path if page.copy_content_from(self) return else return nil end end def has_term_for(page_template_term) self.terms.where(:page_template_term_id=> > 0 end def term(term_name) Term.find_by_sql(["select t.* from terms t, pages p, page_template_terms pt where = #{} and p.page_template_id = pt.page_template_id and = ? and t.page_template_term_id = and t.page_id =", term_name]) end def term_hierarchy(term_name) values = term(term_name) values.collect { |v| v.value.split(':') } end def set_page_template_defaults self.skip_history = true self.allow_anonymous_comments = self.page_template.allow_anonymous_comments self.allow_user_comments = self.page_template.allow_user_comments self.skip_history = false end def add_term(page_term, value) new_terms = [] return new_terms if value == nil if value.instance_of?(String) new_terms << save_term(page_term, value) if value.not_blank? elsif value.instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess) value.each do |name, val| new_terms << save_term(page_term, val) if val.not_blank? end end return new_terms end def save_term(page_term, value) new_term = new_term.page_template_term_id = new_term.value = value new_term.metric = 0 new_term.page_id = new_term.system_id = self.system_id return new_term end end