h1. Crummy h2. Introduction Crummy is a simple and tasty way to add breadcrumbs to your Rails applications. h2. Install The gem is hosted on gemcutter, so if you haven’t already, add it as a gem source:
    gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org/
Then install the Crummy gem:
    gem install crummy
h3. Rails 3 / Bundler. Simply add gem dependency to your Gemfile:
    gem "crummy", ">= 1.0.1"
h2. Example In your controllers you may add_crumb either like a before_filter or within a method (It is also available to views).
    class ApplicationController
      add_crumb "Home", '/'

    class BusinessController < ApplicationController
      add_crumb("Businesses") { |instance| instance.send :businesses_path }
      add_crumb("Comments", :only => "comments") { |instance| instance.send :businesses_comments_path }
      before_filter :load_comment, :only => "show"
      add_crumb :comment, :only => "show"

      def show
        add_crumb @business.display_name, @business

      def load_comment
        @comment = Comment.find(params[:id])
Then in your view:
    <%= render_crumbs %>
h2. Options for render_crumbs render_crumbs renders the list of crumbs as either html or xml It takes 3 options The output format. Can either be :xml or :html. Defaults to :html :format => (:html|:xml) The separator text. It does not assume you want spaces on either side so you must specify. Defaults to » for :html and for :xml :separator => string Render links in the output. Defaults to +true+ :links => boolean h3. Examples
  render_crumbs                     #=> Home » Businesses
  render_crumbs :separator => ' | ' #=> Home | Businesses
  render_crumbs :format => :xml     #=> HomeBusinesses
A crumb with a nil link will just output plain text. h2. Notes The variable set is set to @_crumbs as to not conflict with your code. h2. Todo * Port over rspecs from project to plugin (Fully tested in a project) * Accept instances of models as a single argument * Allow for variables in names. (The workaround is to do your own before_filter for that currently) h2. Credits * "Zach Inglis":http://zachinglis.com of "London Made":http://londonmade.co.uk * "Rein Henrichs":http://reinh.com * "Les Hill":http://blog.leshill.org/ * "Sandro Turriate":http://turriate.com/ * "Przemysław Kowalczyk":http://szeryf.wordpress.com/2008/06/13/easy-and-flexible-breadcrumbs-for-rails/ - feature ideas * "Sharad Jain":http://github.com/sjain * "Max Riveiro":http://github.com/kavu * "Kamil K. Lemański":http://kml.jogger.pl * "Brian Cobb":http://bcobb.net/ *Copyright (c) 2011 Zach Inglis, released under the MIT license*