# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # Nicholas Long and Andrew Parker # NREL # This translator takes the schedule:compact and loads into memory based # structure, then translates back out to schedule rule sets ForStruct = Struct.new(:daytypes) UntilStruct = Struct.new(:timestamp) ThroughStruct = Struct.new(:startdate) class ScheduleTranslator attr_accessor :os_schedule def initialize(os_model, os_schedule, name_prefix = nil) @os_schedule = os_schedule @os = os_model @sched_name = os_schedule.name.get.to_s @sched_type = os_schedule.scheduleTypeLimits.get @base_year = os_model.getYearDescription.assumedYear @schedule = [] @name_prefix = name_prefix end def translate @sched_name = @os_schedule.getString(1).get @sched_name = "#{@name_prefix} #{@sched_name}" unless @name_prefix.nil? @sched_type = @os_schedule.scheduleTypeLimits.get # TODO: - will fail if no limits set in source schedule puts "Translating #{@sched_name}" i_thru = -1 i_for = -1 i_until = -1 sUntil = '' (3..@os_schedule.numFields - 1).each do |i| val = @os_schedule.getString(i).get # Trap for interpolated schedules if val =~ /Interpolate/ puts "[WARNING] Schedule #{@sched_name} is interpolated. It will not be translated to .osm" return false end # add : if it doesn't already exist val = val.gsub(/Through\s/, 'Through: ') val = val.gsub(/For\s/, 'For: ') val = val.gsub(/Until\s/, 'Until: ') if val =~ /through:/i i_thru += 1 i_for = -1 i_until = -1 str = val.split(':')[1].strip if @schedule.empty? @schedule << { start_date: '01/01', end_date: str, for: [] } else @schedule << { start_date: @schedule[@schedule.size - 1][:end_date], end_date: str, for: [] } end next end if val =~ /for[:\s]/i i_for += 1 i_until = -1 arr = val.match(/for[:\s](.*)/i)[0].strip.downcase.split(' ') @schedule[i_thru][:for] << { daytype: arr, until: [] } next end if val =~ /until:/i i_until += 1 str = val.split(':')[1..2].join(':').strip sUntil = str next end dVal = @os_schedule.getDouble(i).get # puts "thru: #{i_thru} for: #{i_for} until #{i_until}" @schedule[i_thru][:for][i_for][:until] << { timestamp: sUntil, value: dVal } end # DEBUG spit out the schedule for quick check\ # puts @schedule.inspect # @schedule.each do |sch| # puts "#{sch[:start_date]} to #{sch[:end_date]}" # sch[:for].each do |fr| # puts fr[:daytype] # fr[:until].each do |ut| # puts "#{ut[:timestamp]} : #{ut[:value]}" # end # end # end os_schedule_ruleset = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset.new(@os) os_schedule_ruleset.setName(@sched_name) os_schedule_ruleset.setScheduleTypeLimits(@sched_type) i_rule = 0 @schedule.each do |sch| # create a simple hash to make sure that the schedule covers all days needed # and that "allotherdays", can adequately be handled coverage = { mon: false, tue: false, wed: false, thu: false, fri: false, sat: false, sun: false, sdd: false, wdd: false, hol: false } sch[:for].each do |fr| i_rule += 1 os_schedule_rule = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRule.new(os_schedule_ruleset) os_schedule_rule.setName("#{@sched_name} Rule #{i_rule}") os_schedule_rule.setApplyMonday(false) os_schedule_rule.setApplyTuesday(false) os_schedule_rule.setApplyWednesday(false) os_schedule_rule.setApplyThursday(false) os_schedule_rule.setApplyFriday(false) os_schedule_rule.setApplySaturday(false) os_schedule_rule.setApplySunday(false) mody = sch[:start_date].split('/') mo = mody[0].to_i dy = mody[1].to_i osdate_start = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(mo.to_i), dy.to_i) if mo != 1 && dy != 1 osdate_start += OpenStudio::Time.new(1) end os_schedule_rule.setStartDate(osdate_start) mody = sch[:end_date].split('/') mo = mody[0].to_i dy = mody[1].to_i osdate_end = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(mo.to_i), dy.to_i) os_schedule_rule.setEndDate(osdate_end) # create os day model # TODO break this out as a method if fr[:daytype].include?('monday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') || fr[:daytype].include?('weekdays') os_schedule_rule.setApplyMonday(true) coverage[:mon] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('tuesday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') || fr[:daytype].include?('weekdays') os_schedule_rule.setApplyTuesday(true) coverage[:tue] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('wednesday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') || fr[:daytype].include?('weekdays') os_schedule_rule.setApplyWednesday(true) coverage[:wed] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('thursday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') || fr[:daytype].include?('weekdays') os_schedule_rule.setApplyThursday(true) coverage[:thu] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('friday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') || fr[:daytype].include?('weekdays') os_schedule_rule.setApplyFriday(true) coverage[:fri] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('saturday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') os_schedule_rule.setApplySaturday(true) coverage[:sat] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('sunday') || fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') os_schedule_rule.setApplySunday(true) coverage[:sun] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('allotherdays') # needs to be a unique rule set if !coverage[:mon] os_schedule_rule.setApplyMonday(true) coverage[:mon] = true end if !coverage[:tue] os_schedule_rule.setApplyTuesday(true) coverage[:tue] = true end if !coverage[:wed] os_schedule_rule.setApplyWednesday(true) coverage[:wed] = true end if !coverage[:thu] os_schedule_rule.setApplyThursday(true) coverage[:thu] = true end if !coverage[:fri] os_schedule_rule.setApplyFriday(true) coverage[:fri] = true end if !coverage[:sat] os_schedule_rule.setApplySaturday(true) coverage[:sat] = true end if !coverage[:sun] os_schedule_rule.setApplySunday(true) coverage[:sun] = true end end osday = os_schedule_rule.daySchedule osday.setName("#{@sched_name} Rule #{i_rule} Day Sch") # osday.setString(1, @sched_type) fr[:until].each do |ut| hr = ut[:timestamp].split(':')[0].to_i mn = ut[:timestamp].split(':')[1].to_i ostime = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, hr, mn, 0) osday.addValue(ostime, ut[:value]) end # set the winter and summer design days if fr[:daytype].include?('winterdesignday') || (fr[:daytype].include?('allotherdays') && !coverage[:wdd]) # this actually clones osday os_schedule_ruleset.setWinterDesignDaySchedule(osday) coverage[:wdd] = true end if fr[:daytype].include?('summerdesignday') || (fr[:daytype].include?('allotherdays') && !coverage[:sdd]) # this actually clones osday os_schedule_ruleset.setSummerDesignDaySchedule(osday) coverage[:sdd] = true end # now check if for some reason that we have alldays for section # but the date/time stamp is not in the winter/summer if !coverage[:wdd] osdate_wdd = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(1), 15) if fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') && (osdate_start < osdate_wdd) && (osdate_end > osdate_wdd) os_schedule_ruleset.setWinterDesignDaySchedule(osday) coverage[:wdd] = true # puts "[INFO] **** Setting DesignDay based on date, not by actual schedule ****" end end if !coverage[:sdd] osdate_wdd = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(7), 15) if fr[:daytype].include?('alldays') && (osdate_start < osdate_wdd) && (osdate_end > osdate_wdd) os_schedule_ruleset.setSummerDesignDaySchedule(osday) coverage[:sdd] = true # puts "[INFO] **** Setting DesignDay based on date, not by actual schedule ****" end end end end # Clean up tasks on the naming after all the schedule rule and days are # configured ostemp = os_schedule_ruleset.winterDesignDaySchedule ostemp.setName("#{@sched_name} Winter Design Day") # ostemp.setString(1, @sched_type) ostemp = os_schedule_ruleset.summerDesignDaySchedule ostemp.setName("#{@sched_name} Summer Design Day") # ostemp.setString(1, @sched_type) ostemp = os_schedule_ruleset.defaultDaySchedule ostemp.setName("#{@sched_name} Default Schedule") # ostemp.setString(1, @sched_type) # Remove rules that don't apply to any days os_schedule_ruleset.scheduleRules.each do |sr| if !sr.applySunday && !sr.applyMonday && !sr.applyTuesday && !sr.applyWednesday && !sr.applyThursday && !sr.applyFriday && !sr.applySaturday sr.daySchedule.remove sr.remove end end sched_i = 0 os_schedule_ruleset.scheduleRules.each do |sr| sched_i += 1 sr.setName("#{@sched_name} Rule #{sched_i}") sr.daySchedule.setName("#{@sched_name} Rule #{sched_i} Day Schedule") end # If the default profile is never used throughout the year, # make the most commonly used rule the default instead. # Get an array that shows which rule is used on each day in the date range. # A value of -1 means that the default profile is used on that day, # so if -1 never appears in the list, it isn't used. year = @base_year year_start_date = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new('January'), 1, year) year_end_date = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new('December'), 31, year) rules_used_each_day = os_schedule_ruleset.getActiveRuleIndices(year_start_date, year_end_date) rules_freq = rules_used_each_day.group_by { |n| n } most_freq_rule_index = rules_freq.values.max_by(&:size).first if !rules_used_each_day.include?(-1) puts("#{os_schedule_ruleset.name} does not used the default profile, it will be replaced.") # Get times/values from the most commonly used rule then remove that rule. rule_vector = os_schedule_ruleset.scheduleRules new_default_day_sch = rule_vector[most_freq_rule_index].daySchedule new_default_day_sch_values = new_default_day_sch.values new_default_day_sch_times = new_default_day_sch.times rule_vector[most_freq_rule_index].remove # Reset values in default profile default_day_sch = os_schedule_ruleset.defaultDaySchedule default_day_sch.clearValues # Update values and times for default profile for i in 0..(new_default_day_sch_values.size - 1) default_day_sch.addValue(new_default_day_sch_times[i], new_default_day_sch_values[i]) end end return os_schedule_ruleset end end