<% if !jobs.empty? %>
<%= csrf_tag %>
<% end %>

Schedule a scan

You can configure the scan parameters just like you normally would.
Select a Dispatcher: URL: disabled="disabled"<%end%> /> Schedule for: disabled="disabled"<%end%> /> <%= csrf_tag %> disabled="disabled"<%end%> />
<% if !jobs.empty? %> <% jobs.each do |job| %> <% stored_opts = YAML::load( job.opts ); opts = stored_opts['settings'] %> <%=partial :options, :job => job, :opts => opts %> <% end %>
ID Dispatcher Target Starts at Created by Created at
<%=job.id%> <%=job.dispatcher%> <%=job.url%> <%=job.datetime%> <%=job.owner_host%> (<%=job.owner_addr%>) <%=job.created_at%>
<%= csrf_tag %>
<% else %>

There are no scheduled scans at the moment.

<% end %>