require 'spec_helper' module Beaker module Utils describe RepoControl do let( :apt_cfg ) { Beaker::Utils::RepoControl::APT_CFG } let( :ips_pkg_repo ) { Beaker::Utils::RepoControl::IPS_PKG_REPO } let( :repo_control ) { make_opts, @hosts) } context "epel_info_for!" do it "can return the correct url for an el-6 host" do host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'el-6-platform' } ) expect( repo_control.epel_info_for!( host )).to be === "" end it "can return the correct url for an el-5 host" do host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'el-5-platform' } ) expect( repo_control.epel_info_for!( host )).to be === "" end it "raises an error on non el-5/6 host" do host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'el-4-platform' } ) expect{ repo_control.epel_info_for!( host )}.to raise_error end end context "apt_get_update" do it "can perform apt-get on ubuntu hosts" do host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'ubuntu' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).with("apt-get -y -f -m update").once repo_control.apt_get_update( host ) end it "can perform apt-get on debian hosts" do host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'debian' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).with("apt-get -y -f -m update").once repo_control.apt_get_update( host ) end it "does nothing on non debian/ubuntu hosts" do host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'windows' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).never repo_control.apt_get_update( host ) end end context "copy_file_to_remote" do it "can copy a file to a remote host" do content = "this is the content" tempfilepath = "/path/to/tempfile" filepath = "/path/to/file" host = make_host( 'testhost', { :platform => 'windows' }) tempfile = double( 'tempfile' ) tempfile.stub( :path ).and_return( tempfilepath ) Tempfile.stub( :open ).and_yield( tempfile ) file = double( 'file' ) File.stub( :open ).and_yield( file ) file.should_receive( :puts ).with( content ).once host.should_receive( :do_scp_to ).with( tempfilepath, filepath, repo_control.instance_variable_get( :@options ) ).once repo_control.copy_file_to_remote(host, filepath, content) end end context "proxy_config" do it "correctly configures ubuntu hosts" do @hosts = make_hosts( { :platform => 'ubuntu', :exit_code => 1 } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).with( "if test -f /etc/apt/apt.conf; then mv /etc/apt/apt.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.bk; fi" ).exactly( 3 ) @hosts.each do |host| repo_control.should_receive( :copy_file_to_remote ).with( host, '/etc/apt/apt.conf', apt_cfg ).once repo_control.should_receive( :apt_get_update ).with( host ).once end repo_control.proxy_config end it "correctly configures debian hosts" do @hosts = make_hosts( { :platform => 'debian' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).with( "if test -f /etc/apt/apt.conf; then mv /etc/apt/apt.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.bk; fi" ).exactly( 3 ).times @hosts.each do |host| repo_control.should_receive( :copy_file_to_remote ).with( host, '/etc/apt/apt.conf', apt_cfg ).once repo_control.should_receive( :apt_get_update ).with( host ).once end repo_control.proxy_config end it "correctly configures solaris-11 hosts" do @hosts = make_hosts( { :platform => 'solaris-11' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).with( "/usr/bin/pkg unset-publisher solaris || :" ).exactly( 3 ).times @hosts.each do |host| Command.should_receive( :new ).with( "/usr/bin/pkg set-publisher -g %s solaris" % ips_pkg_repo ).once end repo_control.proxy_config end it "does nothing for non ubuntu/debian/solaris-11 hosts" do @hosts = make_hosts( { :platform => 'windows' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).never repo_control.proxy_config end end context "add_el_extras" do it "add extras for el-5/6 hosts" do @hosts = make_hosts( { :platform => 'el-5', :exit_code => 1 } ) @hosts[0][:platform] = 'el-6' url = "http://el_extras_url" repo_control.stub( :epel_info_for! ).and_return( url ) Command.should_receive( :new ).with("rpm -qa | grep epel-release").exactly( 3 ).times Command.should_receive( :new ).with("rpm -i #{url}").exactly( 3 ).times Command.should_receive( :new ).with("yum clean all && yum makecache").exactly( 3 ).times repo_control.add_el_extras end it "should do nothing for non el-5/6 hosts" do @hosts = make_hosts( { :platform => 'windows' } ) Command.should_receive( :new ).never repo_control.add_el_extras end end end end end