require 'open3' require 'rake/file_utils' require 'shellwords' module RSpec module Support module ShellOut def with_env(vars) original = ENV.to_hash vars.each { |k, v| ENV[k] = v } begin yield ensure ENV.replace(original) end end if Open3.respond_to?(:capture3) # 1.9+ def shell_out(*command) stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(*command) return stdout, filter(stderr), status end else # 1.8.7 # popen3 doesn't provide the exit status so we fake it out. FakeProcessStatus = def shell_out(*command) stdout = stderr = nil Open3.popen3(*command) do |_in, out, err| stdout = stderr = end status = return stdout, filter(stderr), status end end def run_ruby_with_current_load_path(ruby_command, *flags) command = [ FileUtils::RUBY, "-I#{$}", "-e", ruby_command, *flags ] # Unset these env vars because `ruby -w` will issue warnings whenever # they are set to non-default values. with_env 'RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS' => nil, 'RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT' => nil, 'RUBY_FREE_MIN' => nil do shell_out(*command) end end LINES_TO_IGNORE = [ # Ignore bundler warning. %r{bundler/source/rubygems}, # Ignore bundler + rubygems warning. %r{site_ruby/\d\.\d\.\d/rubygems}, %r{jruby-\d\.\d\.\d\.\d/lib/ruby/stdlib/rubygems}, # This is required for windows for some reason %r{lib/bundler/rubygems}, # This is a JRuby file that generates warnings on %r{lib/ruby/stdlib/jar}, # This is a JRuby file that generates warnings on %r{org/jruby/RubyKernel\.java}, # This is a JRuby gem that generates warnings on %r{ffi-1\.13\.\d+-java}, %r{uninitialized constant FFI}, # These are related to the above, there is a warning about io from FFI %r{jruby-\d\.\d\.\d\.\d/lib/ruby/stdlib/io}, %r{io/console on JRuby shells out to stty for most operations}, ] def strip_known_warnings(input) input.split("\n").reject do |l| LINES_TO_IGNORE.any? { |to_ignore| l =~ to_ignore } || # Remove blank lines l == "" || l.nil? end.join("\n") end private if Ruby.jruby? def filter(output) output.each_line.reject do |line| line.include?("lib/ruby/shared/rubygems/defaults/jruby") end.join($/) end else def filter(output) output end end end end end