# lib/gemwarrior/world.rb # World where the locations, monsters, items, etc. exist require 'yaml' require_relative 'game_options' require_relative 'entities/item' require_relative 'entities/location' module Gemwarrior class World # CONSTANTS LOCATION_DATA_FILE = File.expand_path('../../../data/locations.yml', __FILE__) WORLD_DIM_WIDTH = 10 WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT = 10 ## ERRORS ERROR_LIST_PARAM_INVALID = 'That is not something that can be listed.' ERROR_LOCATION_DESCRIBE_ENTITY_INVALID = 'You do not see that here.' attr_accessor :monsters, :locations, :player def initialize self.monsters = init_monsters self.locations = init_locations self.player = nil end def print_vars puts "======================\n" puts "All Variables in World\n" puts "======================\n" puts "#{list('players', true)}\n" puts "#{list('monsters', true)}\n\n" puts "#{list('items', true)}\n\n" puts "#{list('locations', true)}\n" end def print_map(floor) 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT - 1) do |count_y| print ' ' 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH - 1) do print '---' end print "\n" print "#{(WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT - 1) - count_y} " 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH - 1) do |count_x| cur_map_coords = { x: count_x, y: (WORLD_DIM_HEIGHT - 1) - count_y, z: floor.nil? ? self.player.cur_coords[:z] : floor.to_i } if self.player.cur_coords.eql?(cur_map_coords) print '|O|' elsif location_by_coords(cur_map_coords) print '|X|' else print '| |' end end print "\n" end print ' ' 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH - 1) do print '---' end puts print ' ' 0.upto(WORLD_DIM_WIDTH - 1) do |count_x| print "#{count_x} " end if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] puts puts puts "Current level: #{player.cur_coords[:z]}" puts '| | = invalid location' puts '|X| = valid location' puts '|O| = player' end return end def list(param, details = false) case param when 'players' puts '[PLAYERS]' player.check_self(false) when 'monsters' puts "[MONSTERS](#{monsters.length})".colorize(:yellow) if details monsters.map { |m| print m.describe } return else ">> monsters: #{monsters.map(&:name).join(', ')}" end when 'items' item_count = 0 locations.each do |l| l.items.each do item_count += 1 end end puts "[ITEMS](#{item_count})".colorize(:yellow) if details locations.each do |l| l.items.map { |i| print i.describe } end return else item_list = [] locations.each do |l| l.items.map { |i| item_list << i.name } end ">> #{item_list.sort.join(', ')}" end when 'locations' puts "[LOCATIONS](#{locations.length})".colorize(:yellow) if details locations.map { |l| print l.status } return else ">> #{locations.map(&:name).join(', ')}" end else ERROR_LIST_PARAM_INVALID end end def location_by_coords(coords) locations.each do |l| if l.coords.eql?(coords) return l end end return nil end def location_coords_by_name(name) locations.each do |l| if l.name.downcase.eql?(name.downcase) return l.coords end end return nil end def describe(point) desc_text = '' desc_text << "[>>> #{point.name.upcase} <<<]".colorize(:cyan) if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] desc_text << " DL[#{point.danger_level.to_s}] MLR[#{point.monster_level_range.to_s}]".colorize(:yellow) end desc_text << "\n" desc_text << point.description.colorize(:green) point.populate_monsters(self.monsters) unless point.checked_for_monsters? desc_text << "\n >> Monster(s): #{point.list_monsters.join(', ')}".colorize(:yellow) unless point.list_monsters.empty? desc_text << "\n >> Boss(es): #{point.list_bosses.join(', ')}".colorize(:red) unless point.list_bosses.empty? desc_text << "\n >> Thing(s): #{point.list_items.join(', ')}".colorize(:white) unless point.list_items.empty? desc_text << "\n >> Path(s): #{point.list_paths.join(', ')}".colorize(:white) if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] desc_text << "\n >>> Actionable words: " desc_text << point.list_actionable_words.colorize(:white) end return desc_text end def describe_entity(point, entity_name) entity_name.downcase! if point.has_item?(entity_name) point.items.each do |i| if i.name.downcase.eql?(entity_name) if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] return i.describe else return i.description end end end elsif point.has_monster?(entity_name) point.monsters_abounding.each do |m| if m.name.downcase.eql?(entity_name) if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] return m.describe else return m.description end end end elsif point.has_boss?(entity_name) point.bosses_abounding.each do |b| if b.name.downcase.eql?(entity_name) if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] return b.describe else return b.description end end end elsif player.inventory.contains_item?(entity_name) player.inventory.describe_item(entity_name) else ERROR_LOCATION_DESCRIBE_ENTITY_INVALID end end def can_move?(direction) location_by_coords(player.cur_coords).has_loc_to_the?(direction) end def has_monster_to_attack?(monster_name) possible_combatants = location_by_coords(player.cur_coords).monsters_abounding.map(&:name) | location_by_coords(player.cur_coords).bosses_abounding.map(&:name) possible_combatants.each do |combatant| if combatant.downcase.eql?(monster_name.downcase) return true end end return false end private def create_item_objects(item_names) items = [] unless item_names.nil? item_names.each do |name| items.push(eval(name).new) end end return items end def create_boss_objects(bosses_names) bosses = [] unless bosses_names.nil? bosses_names.each do |name| bosses.push(eval(name).new) end end return bosses end def init_monsters Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../entities/monsters/*.rb', __FILE__)).each do |item| require_relative item end Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../entities/monsters/bosses/*.rb', __FILE__)).each do |item| require_relative item end self.monsters = [ Alexandrat.new, Amberoo.new, Amethystle.new, Apatiger.new, Aquamarine.new, Bloodstorm.new, Citrinaga.new, Coraliz.new, Cubicat.new, Diaman.new, Emerald.new, Garynetty.new ] end def init_locations Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../entities/items/*.rb', __FILE__)).each do |item| require_relative item end locations = [] location_data = YAML.load_file(LOCATION_DATA_FILE) location_data.each do |l| locations.push(Location.new({ name: l['name'], description: l['description'], danger_level: l['danger_level'], monster_level_range: l['monster_level_range'].nil? ? nil : l['monster_level_range']['lo']..l['monster_level_range']['hi'], coords: { x: l['coords']['x'], y: l['coords']['y'], z: l['coords']['z'] }, locs_connected: { north: l['locs_connected']['north'], east: l['locs_connected']['east'], south: l['locs_connected']['south'], west: l['locs_connected']['west'] }, items: create_item_objects(l['items']), bosses_abounding: create_boss_objects(l['bosses_abounding']) })) end return locations end end end