// MainProcess.swift // Copyright (c) 2022 FastlaneTools // // ** NOTE ** // This file is provided by fastlane and WILL be overwritten in future updates // If you want to add extra functionality to this project, create a new file in a // new group so that it won't be marked for upgrade // import Foundation #if canImport(SwiftShell) import SwiftShell #endif let argumentProcessor = ArgumentProcessor(args: CommandLine.arguments) let timeout = argumentProcessor.commandTimeout class MainProcess { var doneRunningLane = false var thread: Thread! #if SWIFT_PACKAGE var lastPrintDate = Date.distantFuture var timeBetweenPrints = Int.min var rubySocketCommand: AsyncCommand! #endif @objc func connectToFastlaneAndRunLane(_ fastfile: LaneFile?) { runner.startSocketThread(port: argumentProcessor.port) let completedRun = Fastfile.runLane(from: fastfile, named: argumentProcessor.currentLane, with: argumentProcessor.laneParameters()) if completedRun { runner.disconnectFromFastlaneProcess() } doneRunningLane = true } func startFastlaneThread(with fastFile: LaneFile?) { #if !SWIFT_PACKAGE thread = Thread(target: self, selector: #selector(connectToFastlaneAndRunLane), object: nil) #else thread = Thread(target: self, selector: #selector(connectToFastlaneAndRunLane), object: fastFile) #endif thread.name = "worker thread" #if SWIFT_PACKAGE let PATH = run("/bin/bash", "-c", "-l", "eval $(/usr/libexec/path_helper -s) ; echo $PATH").stdout main.env["PATH"] = PATH let path = main.run(bash: "which fastlane").stdout let pids = main.run("lsof", "-t", "-i", ":2000").stdout.split(separator: "\n") pids.forEach { main.run("kill", "-9", $0) } rubySocketCommand = main.runAsync(path, "socket_server", "-c", "1200") lastPrintDate = Date() rubySocketCommand.stderror.onStringOutput { print($0) } rubySocketCommand.stdout.onStringOutput { stdout in print(stdout) self.timeBetweenPrints = Int(self.lastPrintDate.timeIntervalSinceNow) } // swiftformat:disable:next redundantSelf _ = Runner.waitWithPolling(self.timeBetweenPrints, toEventually: { $0 > 5 }, timeout: 10) thread.start() #endif } } public class Main { let process = MainProcess() public init() {} public func run(with fastFile: LaneFile?) { process.startFastlaneThread(with: fastFile) while !process.doneRunningLane, RunLoop.current.run(mode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode, before: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 2)) { // no op } } }