var Dimension = require("../tree/dimension"), Anonymous = require("../tree/anonymous"), functionRegistry = require("./function-registry"), mathHelper = require("./math-helper.js"); var minMax = function (isMin, args) { args =; switch(args.length) { case 0: throw { type: "Argument", message: "one or more arguments required" }; } var i, j, current, currentUnified, referenceUnified, unit, unitStatic, unitClone, order = [], // elems only contains original argument values. values = {}; // key is the unit.toString() for unified Dimension values, // value is the index into the order array. for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { current = args[i]; if (!(current instanceof Dimension)) { if (Array.isArray(args[i].value)) { Array.prototype.push.apply(args,[i].value)); } continue; } currentUnified = current.unit.toString() === "" && unitClone !== undefined ? new Dimension(current.value, unitClone).unify() : current.unify(); unit = currentUnified.unit.toString() === "" && unitStatic !== undefined ? unitStatic : currentUnified.unit.toString(); unitStatic = unit !== "" && unitStatic === undefined || unit !== "" && order[0].unify().unit.toString() === "" ? unit : unitStatic; unitClone = unit !== "" && unitClone === undefined ? current.unit.toString() : unitClone; j = values[""] !== undefined && unit !== "" && unit === unitStatic ? values[""] : values[unit]; if (j === undefined) { if (unitStatic !== undefined && unit !== unitStatic) { throw{ type: "Argument", message: "incompatible types" }; } values[unit] = order.length; order.push(current); continue; } referenceUnified = order[j].unit.toString() === "" && unitClone !== undefined ? new Dimension(order[j].value, unitClone).unify() : order[j].unify(); if ( isMin && currentUnified.value < referenceUnified.value || !isMin && currentUnified.value > referenceUnified.value) { order[j] = current; } } if (order.length == 1) { return order[0]; } args = (a) { return a.toCSS(this.context); }).join(this.context.compress ? "," : ", "); return new Anonymous((isMin ? "min" : "max") + "(" + args + ")"); }; functionRegistry.addMultiple({ min: function () { return minMax(true, arguments); }, max: function () { return minMax(false, arguments); }, convert: function (val, unit) { return val.convertTo(unit.value); }, pi: function () { return new Dimension(Math.PI); }, mod: function(a, b) { return new Dimension(a.value % b.value, a.unit); }, pow: function(x, y) { if (typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "number") { x = new Dimension(x); y = new Dimension(y); } else if (!(x instanceof Dimension) || !(y instanceof Dimension)) { throw { type: "Argument", message: "arguments must be numbers" }; } return new Dimension(Math.pow(x.value, y.value), x.unit); }, percentage: function (n) { var result = mathHelper._math(function(num) { return num * 100; }, '%', n); return result; } });