require 'assert' require 'dassets' require 'fileutils' require 'dassets/asset_file' module Dassets class UnitTests < Assert::Context desc "Dassets" subject{ Dassets } should have_imeths :config, :configure, :init, :[] should have_imeths :source_files should "return a `Config` instance with the `config` method" do assert_kind_of Config, subject.config end should "return asset files given a their digest path using the index operator" do file = subject['nested/file3.txt'] assert_kind_of Dassets::AssetFile, file assert_equal 'nested/file3.txt', file.digest_path assert_equal 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', file.fingerprint end should "cache asset files" do file1 = subject['nested/file3.txt'] file2 = subject['nested/file3.txt'] assert_same file2, file1 end should "return an asset file that doesn't exist if digest path not found" do file = subject['path/not/found.txt'] assert_not file.exists? end should "know its list of configured source files" do exp = assert_equal exp, subject.source_files end end end