# frozen_string_literal: true require 'henkei/version' require 'henkei/yomu' require 'henkei/configuration' require 'net/http' require 'mini_mime' # require 'mime/types' if available begin require 'mime/types' rescue LoadError nil end require 'time' require 'json' require 'socket' require 'stringio' require 'open3' # Read text and metadata from files and documents using Apache Tika toolkit class Henkei # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength GEM_PATH = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) JAR_PATH = File.join(Henkei::GEM_PATH, 'jar', 'tika-app-2.9.2.jar') CONFIG_PATH = File.join(Henkei::GEM_PATH, 'jar', 'tika-config.xml') CONFIG_WITHOUT_OCR_PATH = File.join(Henkei::GEM_PATH, 'jar', 'tika-config-without-ocr.xml') def self.mimetype(content_type) if Henkei.configuration.mime_library == 'mime/types' && defined?(MIME::Types) warn '[DEPRECATION] `mime/types` is deprecated. Please use `mini_mime` instead. ' \ 'Use Henkei.configure and assign "mini_mime" to `mime_library`.' MIME::Types[content_type].first else MiniMime.lookup_by_content_type(content_type).tap do |object| object.define_singleton_method(:extensions) { [extension] } end end end # Read text or metadata from a data buffer. # # data = File.read 'sample.pages' # text = Henkei.read :text, data # metadata = Henkei.read :metadata, data # def self.read(type, data, include_ocr: false) result = client_read(type, data, include_ocr: include_ocr) case type when :text, :html then result when :metadata then JSON.parse(result) when :mimetype then Henkei.mimetype(JSON.parse(result)['Content-Type']) end end # Create a new instance of Henkei with a given document. # # Using a file path: # # Henkei.new 'sample.pages' # # Using a URL: # # Henkei.new 'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk/test-data/document/sample.docx' # # From a stream or an object which responds to +read+ # # Henkei.new File.open('sample.pages') # def initialize(input) if input.is_a? String if File.exist? input @path = input elsif input =~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp @uri = URI.parse input else raise Errno::ENOENT, "missing file or invalid URI - #{input}" end elsif input.respond_to? :read @stream = input else raise TypeError, "can't read from #{input.class.name}" end end # Returns the text content of the Henkei document. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'sample.pages' # henkei.text # # Include OCR results from images (includes embedded images in pages/docx/pdf etc) # # henkei.text(include_ocr: true) # def text(include_ocr: false) return @text if defined? @text @text = Henkei.read :text, data, include_ocr: include_ocr end # Returns the text content of the Henkei document in HTML. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'sample.pages' # henkei.html # # Include OCR results from images (includes embedded images in pages/docx/pdf etc) # # henkei.html(include_ocr: true) # def html(include_ocr: false) return @html if defined? @html @html = Henkei.read :html, data, include_ocr: include_ocr end # Returns the metadata hash of the Henkei document. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'sample.pages' # henkei.metadata['Content-Type'] # def metadata return @metadata if defined? @metadata @metadata = Henkei.read :metadata, data end # Returns the mimetype object of the Henkei document. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'sample.docx' # henkei.mimetype.content_type #=> 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' # henkei.mimetype.extensions #=> ['docx'] # def mimetype return @mimetype if defined? @mimetype content_type = metadata['Content-Type'].is_a?(Array) ? metadata['Content-Type'].first : metadata['Content-Type'] @mimetype = Henkei.mimetype(content_type) end # Returns +true+ if the Henkei document was specified using a file path. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'sample.pages' # henkei.path? #=> true # def creation_date return @creation_date if defined? @creation_date return unless metadata['dcterms:created'] @creation_date = Time.parse(metadata['dcterms:created']) end # Returns +true+ if the Henkei document was specified using a file path. # # henkei = Henkei.new '/my/document/path/sample.docx' # henkei.path? #=> true # def path? !!@path end # Returns +true+ if the Henkei document was specified using a URI. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk/test-data/document/sample.docx' # henkei.uri? #=> true # def uri? !!@uri end # Returns +true+ if the Henkei document was specified from a stream or an object which responds to +read+. # # file = File.open('sample.pages') # henkei = Henkei.new file # henkei.stream? #=> true # def stream? !!@stream end # Returns the raw/unparsed content of the Henkei document. # # henkei = Henkei.new 'sample.pages' # henkei.data # def data return @data if defined? @data if path? @data = File.read @path elsif uri? @data = Net::HTTP.get @uri elsif stream? @data = @stream.read end @data end ### Private class methods # Provide the path to the Java binary # def self.java_path ENV['JAVA_HOME'] ? "#{ENV['JAVA_HOME']}/bin/java" : 'java' end private_class_method :java_path # Internal helper for calling to Tika library directly # def self.client_read(type, data, include_ocr: false) Open3.capture2(*tika_command(type, include_ocr: include_ocr), stdin_data: data, binmode: true).first end private_class_method :client_read # Internal helper for building the Java command to call Tika # def self.tika_command(type, include_ocr: false) [ java_path, '-Djava.awt.headless=true', '-jar', Henkei::JAR_PATH, "--config=#{include_ocr ? Henkei::CONFIG_PATH : Henkei::CONFIG_WITHOUT_OCR_PATH}" ] + switch_for_type(type) end private_class_method :tika_command # Internal helper for building the Java command to call Tika # def self.switch_for_type(type) { text: ['-t'], html: ['-h'], metadata: %w[-m -j], mimetype: %w[-m -j] }[type] end private_class_method :switch_for_type end