module Berkshelf # @author Jamie Winsor class Berksfile extend Forwardable class << self # @param [String] file # a path on disk to a Berksfile to instantiate from # # @return [Berksfile] def from_file(file) content = object = new(file) object.load(content) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e raise BerksfileNotFound, "No Berksfile or Berksfile.lock found at: #{file}" end # Copy all cached_cookbooks to the given directory. Each cookbook will be contained in # a directory named after the name of the cookbook. # # @param [Array] cookbooks # an array of CachedCookbooks to be copied to a vendor directory # @param [String] path # filepath to vendor cookbooks to # # @return [String] # expanded filepath to the vendor directory def vendor(cookbooks, path) path = File.expand_path(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) scratch = Berkshelf.mktmpdir cookbooks.each do |cb| FileUtils.cp_r(cb.path, File.join(scratch, cb.cookbook_name)) end FileUtils.remove_dir(path, force: true) File.rename(scratch, path) path end end @@active_group = nil # @return [String] # The path on disk to the file representing this instance of Berksfile attr_reader :filepath # @return [Berkshelf::Downloader] attr_reader :downloader # @return [Array] attr_reader :cached_cookbooks def_delegator :downloader, :add_location def_delegator :downloader, :locations def initialize(path) @filepath = path @sources = @downloader = @cached_cookbooks = nil end # Add a cookbook source to the Berksfile to be retrieved and have it's dependencies recurisvely retrieved # and resolved. # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from one of the default locations # cookbook 'artifact' # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from a path on disk # cookbook 'artifact', path: '/Users/reset/code/artifact' # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from a remote community site # cookbook 'artifact', site: '' # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from the latest API of the Opscode Community Site # cookbook 'artifact', site: :opscode # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from a Git server # cookbook 'artifact', git: 'git://' # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from a Chef API (Chef Server) # cookbook 'artifact', chef_api: '', node_name: 'reset', client_key: '/Users/reset/.chef/knife.rb' # # @example a cookbook source that will be retrieved from a Chef API using your Knife config # cookbook 'artifact', chef_api: :knife # # @overload cookbook(name, version_constraint, options = {}) # @param [#to_s] name # @param [#to_s] version_constraint # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol, Array] :group # the group or groups that the cookbook belongs to # @option options [String, Symbol] :chef_api # a URL to a Chef API. Alternatively the symbol :knife can be provided # which will instantiate this location with the values found in your # knife configuration. # @option options [String] :site # a URL pointing to a community API endpoint # @option options [String] :path # a filepath to the cookbook on your local disk # @option options [String] :git # the Git URL to clone # # @see ChefAPILocation # @see SiteLocation # @see PathLocation # @see GitLocation # @overload cookbook(name, options = {}) # @param [#to_s] name # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol, Array] :group # the group or groups that the cookbook belongs to # @option options [String, Symbol] :chef_api # a URL to a Chef API. Alternatively the symbol :knife can be provided # which will instantiate this location with the values found in your # knife configuration. # @option options [String] :site # a URL pointing to a community API endpoint # @option options [String] :path # a filepath to the cookbook on your local disk # @option options [String] :git # the Git URL to clone # # @see ChefAPILocation # @see SiteLocation # @see PathLocation # @see GitLocation def cookbook(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : name, constraint = args options[:group] = Array(options[:group]) if @@active_group options[:group] += @@active_group end add_source(name, constraint, options) end def group(*args) @@active_group = args yield @@active_group = nil end # Use a Cookbook metadata file to determine additional cookbook sources to retrieve. All # sources found in the metadata will use the default locations set in the Berksfile (if any are set) # or the default locations defined by Berkshelf. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :path # path to the metadata file def metadata(options = {}) path = options[:path] || File.dirname(filepath) metadata_file = Berkshelf.find_metadata(path) unless metadata_file raise CookbookNotFound, "No 'metadata.rb' found at #{path}" end metadata = metadata.from_file(metadata_file.to_s) name = if || File.basename(File.dirname(metadata_file)) else end constraint = "= #{metadata.version}" add_source(name, constraint, path: File.dirname(metadata_file)) end # Add a 'Site' default location which will be used to resolve cookbook sources that do not # contain an explicit location. # # @note # specifying the symbol :opscode as the value of the site default location is an alias for the # latest API of the Opscode Community Site. # # @example # site :opscode # site "" # # @param [String, Symbol] value # # @return [Hash] def site(value) add_location(:site, value) end # Add a 'Chef API' default location which will be used to resolve cookbook sources that do not # contain an explicit location. # # @note # specifying the symbol :knife as the value of the chef_api default location will attempt to use the # contents of your user's Knife.rb to find the Chef API to interact with. # # @example using the symbol :knife to add a Chef API default location # chef_api :knife # # @example using a URL, node_name, and client_key to add a Chef API default location # chef_api "", node_name: "reset", client_key: "/Users/reset/.chef/knife.rb" # # @param [String, Symbol] value # @param [Hash] options # # @return [Hash] def chef_api(value, options = {}) add_location(:chef_api, value, options) end # Add a source of the given name and constraint to the array of sources. # # @param [String] name # the name of the source to add # @param [String, Solve::Constraint] constraint # the constraint to lock the source to # @param [Hash] options # # @raise [DuplicateSourceDefined] if a source is added whose name conflicts # with a source who has already been added. # # @return [Array] def sources(options = {}) l_sources = @sources.collect { |name, source| source }.flatten except = Array(options.fetch(:except, nil)).collect(&:to_sym) only = Array(options.fetch(:only, nil)).collect(&:to_sym) case when !except.empty? && !only.empty? raise Berkshelf::ArgumentError, "Cannot specify both :except and :only" when !except.empty? { |source| (except & source.groups).empty? } when !only.empty? { |source| !(only & source.groups).empty? } else l_sources end end # @return [Hash] # a hash containing group names as keys and an array of CookbookSources # that are a member of that group as values # # Example: # { # nautilus: [ # #, # #, # ], # skarner: [ # # # ] # } def groups {}.tap do |groups| sources.each do |source| source.groups.each do |group| groups[group] ||= [] groups[group] << source end end end end # @param [String] name # name of the source to return # # @return [Berkshelf::CookbookSource] def [](name) @sources[name] end alias_method :get_source, :[] # @option options [Symbol, Array] :except # Group(s) to exclude which will cause any sources marked as a member of the # group to not be installed # @option options [Symbol, Array] :only # Group(s) to include which will cause any sources marked as a member of the # group to be installed and all others to be ignored # @option options [String] :path # a path to "vendor" the cached_cookbooks resolved by the resolver. Vendoring # is a technique for packaging all cookbooks resolved by a Berksfile. # # @return [Array] def install(options = {}) resolver = self.downloader, sources: sources(options) ) @cached_cookbooks = resolver.resolve write_lockfile(resolver.sources) unless lockfile_present? if options[:path] self.class.vendor(@cached_cookbooks, options[:path]) end self.cached_cookbooks end # @option options [String] :server_url # URL to the Chef API # @option options [String] :client_name # name of the client used to authenticate with the Chef API # @option options [String] :client_key # filepath to the client's private key used to authenticate with # the Chef API # @option options [String] :organization # the Organization to connect to. This is only used if you are connecting to # private Chef or hosted Chef # @option options [Boolean] :force Upload the Cookbook even if the version # already exists and is frozen on the target Chef Server # @option options [Boolean] :freeze Freeze the uploaded Cookbook on the Chef # Server so that it cannot be overwritten # @option options [Symbol, Array] :except # Group(s) to exclude which will cause any sources marked as a member of the # group to not be installed # @option options [Symbol, Array] :only # Group(s) to include which will cause any sources marked as a member of the # group to be installed and all others to be ignored # @option options [Integer] :thread_count # @option options [Hash] :params # URI query unencoded key/value pairs # @option options [Hash] :headers # unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs # @option options [Hash] :request # request options # @option options [Hash] :ssl # SSL options # @option options [URI, String, Hash] :proxy # URI, String, or Hash of HTTP proxy options def upload(options = {}) uploader = solution = resolve(options) solution.each do |cb| Berkshelf.formatter.upload cb.cookbook_name, cb.version, options[:server_url] uploader.upload(cb, options) end end # Finds a solution for the Berksfile and returns an array of CachedCookbooks. # # @option options [Symbol, Array] :except # Group(s) to exclude which will cause any sources marked as a member of the # group to not be installed # @option options [Symbol, Array] :only # Group(s) to include which will cause any sources marked as a member of the # group to be installed and all others to be ignored # # @return [Array e raise, "An error occurred while reading the Berksfile: #{e.to_s}" end self end private def descendant_directory?(candidate, parent) hack ='/tmp') hack.send(:descendant_diretory?, candidate, parent) end def lockfile_present? File.exist?(Berkshelf::Lockfile::DEFAULT_FILENAME) end def write_lockfile(sources) end end end