git-subrepo =========== Git Submodule Alternative = Synopsis git subrepo -h # Help Overview git subrepo clone [] git subrepo init git subrepo pull git subrepo push git subrepo fetch git subrepo branch git subrepo commit git subrepo config git subrepo status [] git subrepo clean git subrepo help [ | --all] git subrepo version git subrepo upgrade = Description This git command "clones" an external git repo into a subdirectory of your repo. Later on, upstream changes can be pulled in, and local changes can be pushed back. Simple. = Benefits This command is an improvement from `git-submodule` and `git-subtree`; two other git commands with similar goals, but various problems. It assumes there are 3 main roles of people interacting with a repo, and attempts to serve them all well: * *owner* - The person who authors\/owns\/maintains a repo. * *users* - People who are just using/installing the repo. * *collaborators* - People who commit code to the repo and subrepos. The `git-subrepo` command benefits these roles in the following ways: * Simple and intuitive commandline usage (with tab completion). * Users get your repo and all your subrepos just by cloning your repo. * Users do not need to install `git-subrepo`, ever. * Collaborators do not need to install unless they want to push/pull. * Collaborators know when a subdir is a subrepo (it has a `.gitrepo` file). * The `.gitrepo` file never gets pushed back to the subrepo upstream. * Well named branches and remotes are generated for manual operations. * Owners do not deal with the complications of keeping submodules in sync. * Subrepo repositories can contain subrepos themselves. * Branching with subrepos JustWorks™. * Different branches can have different subrepos in different states, etc. * Moving\/renaming\/deleting a subrepo subdir JustWorks™. * You can `init` an existing subdirectory into a subrepo. * Your git history is kept squeaky clean. * Upstream history (clone/pull) is condensed into a single commit. * Pulls can use a `merge`, `rebase` or `force` strategies. * You can see the subrepo history with `git log subrepo//fetch`. * Commits pushed back upstream are *not* condensed (by default). * Trivial to try any subrepo operations and then reset back. * No configuration required. * Does not introduce history that messes up other git commands. * Fixes known rebase failures with `git-subtree`. = Installation The best short answer is: git clone /path/to/git-subrepo echo 'source /path/to/git-subrepo/.rc' >> ~/.bashrc The complete "Installation Instructions" can be found below. Note: git-subrepo needs a git version (> 2.7) that supports worktree:s. = Commands All the *subrepo* commands use names of actual Git commands and try to do operations that are similar to their Git counterparts. They also attempt to give similar output in an attempt to make the subrepo usage intuitive to experienced Git users. Please note that the commands are /not/ exact equivalents, and do not take all the same arguments. Keep reading… - `git subrepo clone [] [-b ] [-f] [-m ] [-e] [--method ]` Add a repository as a subrepo in a subdir of your repository. This is similar in feel to `git clone`. You just specify the remote repo url, and optionally a sub-directory and/or branch name. The repo will be fetched and merged into the subdir. The subrepo history is /squashed/ into a single commit that contains the reference information. This information is also stored in a special file called `/.gitrepo`. The presence of this file indicates that the directory is a subrepo. All subsequent commands refer to the subrepo by the name of the /subdir/. From the subdir, all the current information about the subrepo can be obtained. The `--force` option will "reclone" (completely replace) an existing subdir. The `--method` option will decide how the join process between branches are performed. The default option is merge. The `clone` command accepts the `--branch=` `--edit`, `--force` and `--message=` options. - `git subrepo init [-r ] [-b ] [--method ]` Turn an existing subdirectory into a subrepo. If you want to expose a subdirectory of your project as a published subrepo, this command will do that. It will split out the content of a normal subdirectory into a branch and start tracking it as a subrepo. Afterwards your original repo will look exactly the same except that there will be a `/.gitrepo` file. If you specify the `--remote` (and optionally the `--branch`) option, the values will be added to the `/.gitrepo` file. The `--remote` option is the upstream URL, and the `--branch` option is the upstream branch to push to. These values will be needed to do a `git subrepo push` command, but they can be provided later on the `push` command (and saved to `/.gitrepo` if you also specify the `--update` option). Note: You will need to create the empty upstream repo and push to it on your own, using `git subrepo push `. The `--method` option will decide how the join process between branches are performed. The default option is merge. The `init` command accepts the `--branch=` and `--remote=` options. - `git subrepo pull |--all [-M|-R|-f] [-m ] [-e] [-b ] [-r ] [-u]` Update the subrepo subdir with the latest upstream changes. The `pull` command fetches the latest content from the remote branch pointed to by the subrepo's `.gitrepo` file, and then tries to merge the changes into the corresponding subdir. It does this by making a branch of the local commits to the subdir and then merging or rebasing (see below) it with the fetched upstream content. After the merge, the content of the new branch replaces your subdir, the `.gitrepo` file is updated and a single 'pull' commit is added to your mainline history. The `pull` command will attempt to do the following commands in one go: git subrepo fetch git subrepo branch git merge/rebase subrepo//fetch subrepo/ git subrepo commit # Only needed for a consequential push: git update-ref refs/subrepo//pull subrepo/ In other words, you could do all the above commands yourself, for the same effect. If any of the commands fail, subrepo will stop and tell you to finish this by hand. Generally a failure would be in the merge or rebase part, where conflicts can happen. Since Git has lots of ways to resolve conflicts to your personal tastes, the subrepo command defers to letting you do this by hand. When pulling new data, the method selected in clone/init is used. This has no effect on the final result of the pull, since it becomes a single commit. But it does affect the resulting `subrepo/` branch, which is often used for a subrepo `push` command. See 'push' below for more information. If you want to change the method you can use the `config` command for this. When you pull you can assume a fast-forward strategy (default) or you can specify a `--rebase`, `--merge` or `--force` strategy. The latter is the same as a `clone --force` operation, using the current remote and branch. Like the `clone` command, `pull` will squash all the changes (since the last pull or clone) into one commit. This keeps your mainline history nice and clean. You can easily see the subrepo's history with the `git log` command: git log refs/subrepo//fetch The set of commands used above are described in detail below. The `pull` command accepts the `--all`, `--branch=`, `--edit`, `--force`, `--message=`, `--remote=` and `--update` options. - `git subrepo push |--all [] [-r ] [-b ] [-M|-R] [-u] [-f] [-s] [-N]` Push a properly merged subrepo branch back upstream. This command takes the subrepo branch from a successful pull command and pushes the history back to its designated remote and branch. You can also use the `branch` command and merge things yourself before pushing if you want to (although that is probably a rare use case). The `push` command requires a branch that has been properly merged/rebased with the upstream HEAD (unless the upstream HEAD is empty, which is common when doing a first `push` after an `init`). That means the upstream HEAD is one of the commits in the branch. By default the branch ref `refs/subrepo//pull` will be pushed, but you can specify a (properly merged) branch to push. After that, the `push` command just checks that the branch contains the upstream HEAD and then pushes it upstream. The `--force` option will do a force push. Force pushes are typically discouraged. Only use this option if you fully understand it. (The `--force` option will NOT check for a proper merge. ANY branch will be force pushed!) The `push` command accepts the `--all`, `--branch=`, `--dry-run`, `--force`, `--merge`, `--rebase`, `--remote=`, `--squash` and `--update` options. - `git subrepo fetch |--all [-r ] [-b ]` Fetch the remote/upstream content for a subrepo. It will create a Git reference called `subrepo//fetch` that points at the same commit as `FETCH_HEAD`. It will also create a remote called `subrepo/`. These are temporary and you can easily remove them with the subrepo `clean` command. The `fetch` command accepts the `--all`, `--branch=` and `--remote=` options. - `git subrepo branch |--all [-f] [-F]` Create a branch with local subrepo commits. Scan the history of the mainline for all the commits that affect the `subdir` and create a new branch from them called `subrepo/`. This is useful for doing `pull` and `push` commands by hand. Use the `--force` option to write over an existing `subrepo/` branch. The `branch` command accepts the `--all`, `--fetch` and `--force` options. - `git subrepo commit [] [-m ] [-e] [-f] [-F]` Add subrepo branch to current history as a single commit. This command is generally used after a hand-merge. You have done a `subrepo branch` and merged (rebased) it with the upstream. This command takes the HEAD of that branch, puts its content into the subrepo subdir and adds a new commit for it to the top of your mainline history. This command requires that the upstream HEAD be in the `subrepo/` branch history. That way the same branch can push upstream. Use the `--force` option to commit anyway. The `commit` command accepts the `--edit`, `--fetch`, `--force` and `--message=` options. - `git subrepo status [|--all|--ALL] [-F] [-q|-v]` Get the status of a subrepo. Uses the `--all` option by default. If the `--quiet` flag is used, just print the subrepo names, one per line. The `--verbose` option will show all the recent local and upstream commits. Use `--ALL` to show the subrepos of the subrepos (ie the "subsubrepos"), if any. The `status` command accepts the `--all`, `--ALL`, `--fetch`, `--quiet` and `--verbose` options. - `git subrepo clean |--all|--ALL [-f]` Remove artifacts created by `fetch` and `branch` commands. The `fetch` and `branch` operations (and other commands that call them) create temporary things like refs, branches and remotes. This command removes all those things. Use `--force` to remove refs. Refs are not removed by default because they are sometimes needed between commands. Use `--all` to clean up after all the current subrepos. Sometimes you might change to a branch where a subrepo doesn't exist, and then `--all` won't find it. Use `--ALL` to remove any artifacts that were ever created by subrepo. To remove ALL subrepo artifacts: git subrepo clean --ALL --force The `clean` command accepts the `--all`, `--ALL`, and `--force` options. - `git subrepo config