# Pdfgen A tool for creating PDFs using [Puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer) and headless Chrome. # Dependencies This gem requires: * Node v7.6 or greater * Puppeteer (tested with v1.3.0) ### OSX (Homebrew) To install node on OSX you can use Homebrew: ```bash brew install nodejs ``` And then install puppeteer with npm: ```bash npm install --save puppeteer ``` # Usage Currently the only use case that is supported is rendering an HTML string. You can do that by using the Pdfgen class: ```ruby pdf_as_string = Pdfgen.new(html_to_turn_into_pdf).to_pdf ``` `to_pdf` returns the pdf as a string. This makes it easy to send to a client from a web server like Rails or to save to a file if that is desired. If you need to provide options such as page margins you can pass them as a hash to `to_pdf`. Any options that work for [Puppeteer's `pdf` method](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pagepdfoptions) are accepted as they are passed through without modification. ```ruby pdf_as_string = Pdfgen.new(html_to_turn_into_pdf).to_pdf(margins: { top: '1in', bottom: '1in' }) ``` # Reference All methods other than `to_pdf` are chainable. This allows for setting multiple configuration options before rendering the PDF. It also does not matter the order that they are called in except that `to_pdf` must be last since it returns the PDF. Example: ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).set_viewport(width: 1024, height: 768).wait_for_timeout(1000).emulate_media('screen').to_pdf(format: 'Letter') ``` ## Initialize ### new(html_or_url) Takes a string of HTML to put into the page or a URL to nagivate to. If it is a URL, extra options for the navigation can be provided with [`url_options`](#url_optionsurl_options). If a string of HTML, the assets must be inlined to work. See [Limitations](#limitations) ## Chainable configuration methods ### debug_mode(debug_time) Sets a couple of options so the browser window used to print the PDF can be seen and inspected. *debug_time* is the amount of time in milliseconds to leave the browser window open before the PDF will be printed and the browser closed. It also disables headless mode. Example: Turns on debug mode and waits for 5 minutes. ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).debug_mode(300_000).to_pdf ``` ### emulate_media(media_type) Configure the media type for the browser used to render the PDF. Media type can be `'screen'`, `'print'`, or `null`. See [emulateMedia](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pageemulatemediamediatype) for more info. Example: Set the media emulation type to print. ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).emulate_media('print').to_pdf ``` ### launch_options(launch_options) Configure the options used to launch the browser. Can be used to set extra args for the browser such as `--no-sandbox` or to disable headless mode. *launch_options* is a hash that is passed directly to the [launch](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#puppeteerlaunchoptions) Puppeteer method and as such takes the same arguments. Example: Adds '--no-sandbox' flag and turns off headless mode. ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).launch_options(args: ['--no-sandbox'], headless: false).to_pdf ``` ### set_viewport(viewport_options) Configure the viewport. *viewport_options* is a hash that is passed directly to the [setViewport](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pagesetviewportviewport) Puppeteer method and as such takes the same arguments. Example: Sets the viewport width and height to 1024x768. ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).set_viewport(width: 1024, height: 768).to_pdf ``` ### url_options(url_options) When using a URL, this configures the navigation options. It is mainly used to configure what to wait for. *url_options* is a hash that is passed directly as the second argument to [goto](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pagegotourl-options) Puppeteer method and as such takes the same arguments. Defaults to `waitUntil: 'networkidle0'` which will wait until there are 0 active network connections in the past 500 milliseconds. Example: ```ruby Pdfgen.new('https://www.google.com').url_options(waitUntil: 'networkidle0').to_pdf ``` ### wait_for_timeout(wait_for_timeout) Configure an optional timeout to wait for with the browser loaded before the PDF will be saved specified in milliseconds. Used to allow the page to finish rendering if the default prints the PDF to fast. Example: Sets the wait timeout to 1.5 seconds. ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).wait_for_timeout(1500).to_pdf ``` ## PDF rendering methods ### to_pdf(opts) Configure the options for making the PDF. It allows for setting margins, a scale, specific page ranges, configuring the paper type, and more. *opts* is a hash that is passed directly to the [pdf](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pagepdfoptions) Puppeteer method and as such takes the same arguments. Example: Configures the margins to be 1 inch all around. ```ruby Pdfgen.new(html).to_pdf(margin: {top: '1in', right: '1in', bottom: '1in', left: '1in'}) ``` # Limitations #### It only works with inline Javascript, CSS, and images. Currently, there is a limitation that requires inline assets. This is because the setContent method in Puppeteer does not load links to assets. There is a workaround possible since Puppeteer allows adding script tags and style tags and those methods do take URLs but Pdfgen does not yet support them. # Future Development In the future, allowing use of more features of Puppeteer is desired. These include taking a URL and setting cookies. Instead of using a fixed make_pdf.js script, it will probably make sense to convert to generating that javascript file on the fly using templates since additional options like allowing the setting of cookies will require calling more functions than are currently being called.