# encoding: utf-8 module Ayadn class Authorize def initialize @status = Status.new # global statuses + utils @baseURL = "https://api.app.net" # may be overriden end def authorize(options) puts "\n" # /ayadn/accounts.db is the Ayadn 1.x deprecated database if File.exist?(Dir.home + "/ayadn/accounts.db") @status.deprecated_ayadn exit end # default config for ADN API api_file = Dir.home + "/ayadn/.api.yml" # overrides the default value if File.exist?(api_file) @baseURL = YAML.load(File.read(api_file))[:root] end # overrides the config file if options["api"] @baseURL = options["api"] end puts "\e[H\e[2J" show_link # get the auth token from CLI or ask user token = if options["token"] options["token"][0] else get_token end check_token(token) puts "\e[H\e[2J" @status.say_yellow :connexion, "downloading user info" user = create_user_data(token, Dir.home + "/ayadn") prepare(user) @status.say_yellow :create, "configuration" Settings.load_config Logs.create_logger install @status.say_green :done, "user #{user.handle} is authorized" Errors.info "#{user.handle} authorized." @status.say { @status.say_green :end, "Thank you for using Ayadn. Enjoy!" } Switch.new(@status).list end def unauthorize(user, options) begin if user.size != 1 @status.one_username exit end user = Workers.new.remove_arobase_if_present(user)[0] puts "\e[H\e[2J" thor = Thor::Shell::Color.new if options[:delete] sure = thor.yes?("Are you sure you want to unauthorize user @#{user} and delete its folders? [y/N]\n\n> ", :red) else sure = thor.yes?("Are you sure you want to unauthorize user @#{user} ? [y/N]\n\n> ", :red) end unless sure @status.canceled exit end puts "\e[H\e[2J" @status.say_yellow :delete, "database entry for @#{user}" # load the current accounts DB db = Amalgalite::Database.new(Dir.home + "/ayadn/accounts.sqlite") # remember who we are active_user = Databases.all_accounts(db).select { |acc| acc[4] == 1 }[0][0] # remove this user from DB Databases.remove_from_accounts(db, user) if options[:delete] @status.say_yellow :delete, "@#{user} user folders" FileUtils.remove_dir(Dir.home + "/ayadn/#{user}") end @status.say_green :done, "user @#{user} has been unauthorized" remaining = Databases.all_accounts(db) if remaining.flatten.empty? @status.say_info "accounts database is now empty" else # are we still here? if !remaining.select { |arr| arr[0] == active_user }.empty? username = active_user else # just to avoid having Ayadn without any user logged in username = remaining[0][0] end Databases.set_active_account(db, username) @status.say_info "user @#{username} is now the active user" end puts "\n" rescue Amalgalite::SQLite3::Error => e @status.not_authorized exit rescue Interrupt @status.canceled exit end end private def prepare(user) @status.say_yellow :create, "user folders" create_config_folders(user) @status.say_yellow :save, "user token" create_token_file(user) @status.say_yellow :create, "Ayadn account" acc_db = Amalgalite::Database.new(Dir.home + "/ayadn/accounts.sqlite") user_db = Amalgalite::Database.new("#{user.user_path}/db/ayadn.sqlite") if user_db.schema.tables.empty? Databases.create_tables(user) end if acc_db.schema.tables.empty? Databases.create_account_table(acc_db) end Databases.create_account(acc_db, user) end def install @status.say_yellow :create, "api and config files" Errors.info "Creating api and config files..." Errors.info "Creating version file..." Settings.init_config end def create_token_file(user) File.write("#{user.user_path}/auth/token", user.token) end def create_config_folders(user) begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(user.user_path) %w{log db config auth downloads posts messages lists}.each do |target| Dir.mkdir("#{user.user_path}/#{target}") unless Dir.exist?("#{user.user_path}/#{target}") end rescue => e @status.say do @status.say_error "can't create #{user.handle} account folders" end @status.say { puts "\nError: #{e}" } exit end end def show_link @status.say do @status.say_yellow :please, "click or copy/paste this URL in a browser" puts "\n" puts "\t#{Endpoints.new.authorize_url}" puts "\n" @status.say_cyan :next, "log in to authorize Ayadn" @status.say_center "you will be redirected to your 'user token'" @status.say_yellow :please, "copy/paste the token here:" end print "\t> " end def get_user(token) begin JSON.parse(RestClient.get("#{@baseURL}/users/me?access_token=#{token}", :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) {|response, request, result| response }) rescue Exception => e @status.say do @status.say_error "connection problem" end puts "#{e}" end end def get_token begin STDIN.gets.chomp() rescue Interrupt @status.canceled exit end end def check_token(token) if token.empty? || token.nil? @status.say do @status.say_error "couldn't get the token" end exit end end def create_user_data(token, home_path) resp = get_user(token) model = Struct.new(:resp, :username, :id, :handle, :home_path, :user_path, :token) username = resp['data']['username'] model.new(resp, username, resp['data']['id'], "@" + username, home_path, home_path + "/#{username}", token) end end end