module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues end class SlackAction def self.git_branch return ENV['GIT_BRANCH'] if ENV['GIT_BRANCH'].to_s.length > 0 # set by Jenkins s = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` return s if s.to_s.length > 0 nil end def self.git_author s = `git log --name-status HEAD^..HEAD` s = s.match(/Author:.*<(.*)>/)[1] return s if s.to_s.length > 0 return nil rescue return nil end def self.last_git_commit s = `git log -1 --pretty=%B`.strip return s if s.to_s.length > 0 nil end def options = { message: '', success: true, channel: nil }.merge(params.first || {}) require 'slack-notifier' color = (options[:success] ? 'good' : 'danger') options[:message] = options[:message].to_s options[:message] = Slack::Notifier::LinkFormatter.format(options[:message]) url = ENV['SLACK_URL'] unless url Helper.log.fatal "Please add 'ENV[\"SLACK_URL\"] = \"\"' to your Fastfile's `before_all` section.".red raise 'No SLACK_URL given.'.red end notifier = url notifier.username = 'fastlane' if options[:channel].to_s.length > 0 = options[:channel] = ('#' + unless ['#', '@'].include?([0]) # send message to channel by default end test_result = { fallback: options[:message], text: options[:message], color: color, fields: [ { title: 'Lane', value: Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::LANE_NAME], short: true }, { title: 'Test Result', value: (options[:success] ? 'Success' : 'Error'), short: true } ] } if git_branch test_result[:fields] << { title: 'Git Branch', value: git_branch, short: true } end if git_author if ENV['FASTLANE_SLACK_HIDE_AUTHOR_ON_SUCCESS'] && success # We only show the git author if the build failed else test_result[:fields] << { title: 'Git Author', value: git_author, short: true } end end if last_git_commit test_result[:fields] << { title: 'Git Commit', value: last_git_commit, short: false } end result = '', icon_url: '', attachments: [test_result] unless result.code.to_i == 200 Helper.log.debug result raise 'Error pushing Slack message, maybe the integration has no permission to post on this channel? Try removing the channel parameter in your Fastfile.'.red else 'Successfully sent Slack notification'.green end end end end end