module Oxidized class GitCrypt < Output class GitCryptError < OxidizedError; end begin require 'git' rescue LoadError raise OxidizedError, 'git not found: sudo gem install git' end attr_reader :commitref def initialize @cfg = Oxidized.config.output.gitcrypt @gitcrypt_cmd = "/usr/bin/git-crypt" @gitcrypt_init = @gitcrypt_cmd + " init" @gitcrypt_unlock = @gitcrypt_cmd + " unlock" @gitcrypt_lock = @gitcrypt_cmd + " lock" @gitcrypt_adduser = @gitcrypt_cmd + " add-gpg-user --trusted " end def setup if @cfg.empty? Oxidized.asetus.user.output.gitcrypt.user = 'Oxidized' = '' Oxidized.asetus.user.output.gitcrypt.repo = File.join(Config::Root, 'oxidized.git') :user raise NoConfig, 'no output git config, edit ~/.config/oxidized/config' end if @cfg.repo.respond_to?(:each) @cfg.repo.each do |group, repo| @cfg.repo["#{group}="] = File.expand_path repo end else @cfg.repo = File.expand_path @cfg.repo end end def crypt_init(repo) repo.chdir do system(@gitcrypt_init) @cfg.users.each do |user| system("#{@gitcrypt_adduser} #{user}") end File.write(".gitattributes", "* filter=git-crypt diff=git-crypt\n.gitattributes !filter !diff") repo.add(".gitattributes") repo.commit("Initial commit: crypt all config files") end end def lock(repo) repo.chdir do system(@gitcrypt_lock) end end def unlock(repo) repo.chdir do system(@gitcrypt_unlock) end end def store(file, outputs, opt = {}) @msg = opt[:msg] @user = (opt[:user] || @cfg.user) @email = (opt[:email] || @opt = opt @commitref = nil repo = @cfg.repo outputs.types.each do |type| type_cfg = '' type_repo = File.join(File.dirname(repo), type + '.git') outputs.type(type).each do |output| (type_cfg << output; next) unless # rubocop:disable Style/Semicolon type_file = file + '--' + if @cfg.type_as_directory? type_file = type + '/' + type_file type_repo = repo end update type_repo, type_file, output end update type_repo, file, type_cfg end update repo, file, outputs.to_cfg end def fetch(node, group) repo, path = yield_repo_and_path(node, group) repo = repo unlock repo index = repo.index # Empty repo ? raise 'Empty git repo' if File.exist?(index.path) path lock repo rescue StandardError 'node not found' end # give a hash of all oid revision for the given node, and the date of the commit def version(node, group) repo, path = yield_repo_and_path(node, group) repo = repo unlock repo walker = repo.log.path(path) i = -1 tab = [] walker.each do |commit| hash = {} hash[:date] = hash[:oid] = commit.objectish hash[:author] = hash[:message] = commit.message tab[i += 1] = hash end walker.reset tab rescue StandardError 'node not found' end # give the blob of a specific revision def get_version(node, group, oid) repo, path = yield_repo_and_path(node, group) repo = repo unlock repo repo.gtree(oid).files[path].contents rescue StandardError 'version not found' ensure lock repo end # give a hash with the patch of a diff between 2 revision and the stats (added and deleted lines) def get_diff(node, group, oid1, oid2) diff_commits = nil repo, _path = yield_repo_and_path(node, group) repo = repo unlock repo commit = repo.gcommit(oid1) if oid2 commit_old = repo.gcommit(oid2) diff = repo.diff(commit_old, commit) stats = [diff.stats[:files][][:insertions], diff.stats[:files][][:deletions]] diff.each do |patch| if /#{}\s+/ =~ patch.patch.to_s.lines.first diff_commits = { patch: patch.patch.to_s, stat: stats } break end end else stat = commit.parents[0].diff(commit).stats stat = [stat[:files][][:insertions], stat[:files][][:deletions]] patch = commit.parents[0].diff(commit).patch diff_commits = { patch: patch, stat: stat } end lock repo diff_commits rescue StandardError 'no diffs' ensure lock repo end private def yield_repo_and_path(node, group) repo, path = node.repo, path = "#{group}/#{}" if group && @cfg.single_repo? [repo, path] end def update(repo, file, data) return if data.empty? if @opt[:group] if @cfg.single_repo? file = File.join @opt[:group], file else repo = if repo.is_a?(::String) File.join File.dirname(repo), @opt[:group] + '.git' else repo[@opt[:group]] end end end begin update_repo repo, file, data, @msg, @user, @email rescue Git::GitExecuteError, ArgumentError => open_error Oxidized.logger.debug "open_error #{open_error} #{file}" begin grepo = Git.init repo crypt_init grepo rescue StandardError => create_error raise GitCryptError, "first '#{open_error.message}' was raised while opening git repo, then '#{create_error.message}' was while trying to create git repo" end retry end end def update_repo(repo, file, data, msg, user, email) grepo = repo grepo.config('', user) grepo.config('', email) grepo.chdir do unlock grepo File.write(file, data) grepo.add(file) if grepo.status[file].nil? grepo.commit(msg) @commitref = grepo.log(1).first.objectish true elsif !grepo.status[file].type.nil? grepo.commit(msg) @commitref = grepo.log(1).first.objectish true end lock grepo end end end end