todo: route -> path?? - nested AR conversions to_dao(:a, :b => [:foo, :bar]) - AR as_dao contains the model type/ done: - engine-ify the rails stuff? or what - generator api - controller - helper - json/pretty fix baked in? (yajl might simply this...) - description/doc logic - api.index - to_alpo -> to_dao - tests! - #call auto parses data iff appropriate @result ='/posts/new(', params) ### check keys for '/posts/new' - re-visit how parameters are parsed, perhaps we just use rack? - next 'data' => {} - check the db layer - make sure one can call route based method (/foo/:bar) methods with params... - Path==Route ?? - add result.rb, params.rb - name -> path - tagz for html methods? - data aquires the name/path of the method? - endpoints are objects that respond to call. namespaces respond to call. api responds to call - nested namespaces - routing for path_info + mode route(path_info, :mode => mode, :params => params) - call() on namespaces AND endpoints... why?