Hey all, Version <%= Thin::VERSION::STRING %> (codename <%= Thin::VERSION::CODENAME %>) of the fastest Ruby server is out! http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/ == What's new? <%= changelog %> == Get it! sudo gem install thin Or using my mirror: sudo gem install thin --source http://code.macournoyer.com WARNING: Thin is still alpha software, if you use it on your server you understand the risks that are involved. == Contribute If you're using Thin, let me know and I'll put your site on http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/users/ Thin is driven by an active community of passionate coders and benchmarkers. Please join us, contribute or share some ideas in Thin Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/thin-ruby/topics Also on IRC: #thin on freenode Thanks to all the people who contributed to Thin, EventMachine, Rack and Mongrel. Marc-Andre Cournoyer http://macournoyer.com/