require 'optparse' require 'highline' require 'hirb' module Vzlimit class CLI ACTIONS = [:limit, :list] VZ_CONF_DIR = '/etc/vz/conf' def initialize(stdout, arguments) @stdout = stdout @arguments = arguments @h = begin # Check action argument if !@arguments[0] || (!ACTIONS.include?(@arguments[0].to_sym) &&! @arguments[0] =~ /^-.*/) usage end # list if @arguments[0].to_sym == :list list end # limit if @arguments[0].to_sym == :set set end # help if @arguments[0] == '-h' || @arguments[0] == '--help' help end # version if @arguments[0] == '-v' || @arguments[0] == '--version' version end rescue @h.say $! end end def list # Scan directory /etc/vz/conf/ conf_files = Dir.entries(VZ_CONF_DIR) vps_list = [] conf_files.each do |file| if !(file =~ /^\d\d+\.conf$/) next; end vpsid = /^(\d\d+)/.match(file)[0] conf = + '/' + file, "rb").read # Get memory limits null, memory_soft, memory_hard = /\nPRIVVMPAGES="(\d+):(\d+)"\n/.match(conf).to_a memory_soft = (memory_soft.to_f / 1024 * 4).to_i.to_s memory_hard = (memory_hard.to_f / 1024 * 4).to_i.to_s # Get diskspace limits null, diskspace_soft, diskspace_hard = /\nDISKSPACE="(\d+):(\d+)"\n/.match(conf).to_a diskspace_soft = (diskspace_soft.to_f / 1024).to_i.to_s diskspace_hard = (diskspace_hard.to_f / 1024).to_i.to_s # Get ip ip = /\nIP_ADDRESS="(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"\n/.match(conf)[1] vps_list << { :vpsid => vpsid, :ip => ip, :memory_soft => @h.color(memory_soft + ' MB', :yellow), :memory_hard => @h.color(memory_hard + ' MB', :red), :diskspace_soft => @h.color(diskspace_soft + ' MB', :yellow), :diskspace_hard => @h.color(diskspace_hard + ' MB', :red) } #vps_list << [ # vpsid + "e[32mDONEe[0m", # ip, # memory_soft, # memory_hard, # diskspace_soft, # diskspace_hard #] end #@h.say Hirb::Helpers::Table.render(vps_list, # :fields => [:vpsid, :ip, :memory_soft, :memory_hard, :diskspace_soft, :diskspace_hard], # :headers => {:vpsid => 'CTID', :ip => 'IP', :memory_soft => 'MEMORY SOFT LIMIT', :memory_hard => 'MEMORY HARD LIMIT', :diskspace_soft => 'DISKSPACE SOFT LIMIT', :diskspace_hard => 'DISKSPACE HARD LIMIT'} #) HighLine.use_color=false @h.say sprintf("%-8s\t%-15s\t%-20s\t%-20s\t%-20s\t%-20s", 'CTID', 'IP', 'MEMORY SOFT LIMIT', 'MEMORY HARD LIMIT', 'DISKSPACE SOFT LIMIT', 'DISKSPACE HARD LIMIT') + "\n" @h.say sprintf("%-8s\t%-15s\t%-17s\t%-17s\t%-20s\t%-20s", '='*8, '='*15, '='*17, '='*17, '='*20, '='*20) + "\n" vps_list.each do |vps| @h.say sprintf("%-8s\t%-15s\t%-17s\t\t%-17s\t\t%-20s\t\t%-20s", vps[:vpsid], vps[:ip], vps[:memory_soft], vps[:memory_hard], vps[:diskspace_soft], vps[:diskspace_hard]) + "\n" end #@h.say sprintf("%10sworld", "hello"); #@h.say @h.list vps_list, :columns_down end def set @arguments.shift usage = 'Usage: vzlimit set vpsid [options]' raise usage unless @arguments[0] vpsid = @arguments.shift memory = nil disk = nil while (arg = @arguments.shift) do if ['-r', '--ram'].include? arg memory = @arguments.shift if !(memory =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+:[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/) raise "Usage: vzlimit set vpsid #{arg} soft:hard" end elsif ['-d', '--diskspace'].include? arg disk = @arguments.shift if !(disk =~ /^\d+:\d+$/) raise "Usage: vzlimit set vpsid #{arg} soft:hard" end else raise "Argument #{arg} not valid for action 'set'." end end if !memory &&! disk raise "Nothing to set." end # Limit memory limit_memory(vpsid, memory) if memory # Limit disk space limit_disk_space(vpsid, disk) if disk end def limit_memory(vpsid, memory) # Get separate soft and hard limit soft_mb, hard_mb = memory.split(':') # Desaster validation if soft_mb.to_f > hard_mb.to_f || soft_mb.to_f < 0 || hard_mb.to_f < 0 raise "Memory limits not valid." end # Convert MB limits to mempages soft = (soft_mb.to_f * 1024 / 4).to_i hard = (hard_mb.to_f * 1024 / 4).to_i # Execute command execute "vzctl set #{vpsid} --privvmpages #{soft}:#{hard} --save" # Success message @h.say @h.color "Memory limits have been set:", :green @h.say " VPS-ID: #{vpsid}" @h.say " Soft memory limit: #{soft_mb} MB" @h.say " Hard memory limit: #{hard_mb} MB" end def limit_disk_space(vpsid, disk) # Get separate soft and hard limit soft_mb, hard_mb = disk.split(':') # Desaster validation if soft_mb.to_f > hard_mb.to_f || soft_mb.to_f < 0 || hard_mb.to_f < 0 raise "Disk limits not valid." end # Convert MB limits to 1K-block soft = (soft_mb.to_f * 1024).to_i hard = (hard_mb.to_f * 1024).to_i # Execute command execute "vzctl set #{vpsid} --diskspace #{soft}:#{hard} --save" # Success message @h.say @h.color "Diskspace limits have been set:", :green @h.say " VPS-ID: #{vpsid}" @h.say " Soft memory limit: #{soft_mb} MB" @h.say " Hard memory limit: #{hard_mb} MB" end def execute(command) @h.say "Will execute the following command:" @h.say "==================================================================================" @h.say command @h.say "==================================================================================" unless @h.agree @h.color("Execute this command?", :red) + " [yes/no] " raise 'User aborted.' end retval = system command raise @h.color "Error: Command execution failed, exit status #{$?}.", :red unless retval end def usage @h.say "Usage: vzlimit action [params...]" exit end def version @h.say "vzlimit version #{VERSION}" end def help @h.say "vzlimit list | set " @h.say "vzlimit set " @h.say "\t[--ram, -r :]" @h.say "\t[--diskspace, -d :]" @h.say "vzlimit --help, -h" @h.say "vzlimit --version, -v" end end end