# Fact: blockdevice_<devicename>_size
# Purpose:
#   Return the size of a block device in bytes
# Resolution:
#   Parse the contents of /sys/block/<device>/size to receive the size (multiplying by 512 to correct for blocks-to-bytes)
# Caveats:
#   Only supports Linux 2.6+ at this time, due to the reliance on sysfs

# Fact: blockdevice_<devicename>_vendor
# Purpose:
#   Return the vendor name of block devices attached to the system
# Resolution:
#   Parse the contents of /sys/block/<device>/device/vendor to retrieve the vendor for a device
# Caveats:
#   Only supports Linux 2.6+ at this time, due to the reliance on sysfs

# Fact: blockdevice_<devicename>_model
# Purpose:
#   Return the model name of block devices attached to the system
# Resolution:
#   Parse the contents of /sys/block/<device>/device/model to retrieve the model name/number for a device
# Caveats:
#   Only supports Linux 2.6+ at this time, due to the reliance on sysfs

# Fact: blockdevices
# Purpose:
#   Return a comma seperated list of block devices
# Resolution:
#   Retrieve the block devices that were identified and iterated over in the creation of the blockdevice_ facts
# Caveats:
#   Block devices must have been identified using sysfs information

# Author: Jason Gill <jasongill@gmail.com>

require 'facter'

# Only Linux 2.6+ kernels support sysfs which is required to easily get device details
if Facter.value(:kernel) == 'Linux'

  sysfs_block_directory = '/sys/block/'

  blockdevices = []

  # This should prevent any non-2.6 kernels or odd machines without sysfs support from being investigated further
  if File.exist?(sysfs_block_directory)

    # Iterate over each file in the /sys/block/ directory and skip ones that do not have a device subdirectory
    Dir.entries(sysfs_block_directory).each do |device|
      sysfs_device_directory = sysfs_block_directory + device + "/device"
      next unless File.exist?(sysfs_device_directory)

      # Add the device to the blockdevices list, which is returned as it's own fact later on
      blockdevices << device

      sizefile = sysfs_block_directory + device + "/size"
      vendorfile = sysfs_device_directory + "/vendor"
      modelfile = sysfs_device_directory + "/model"

      if File.exist?(sizefile)
        Facter.add("blockdevice_#{device}_size".to_sym) do
          setcode { IO.read(sizefile).strip.to_i * 512 }

      if File.exist?(vendorfile)
        Facter.add("blockdevice_#{device}_vendor".to_sym) do
          setcode { IO.read(vendorfile).strip }

      if File.exist?(modelfile)
        Facter.add("blockdevice_#{device}_model".to_sym) do
          setcode { IO.read(modelfile).strip }



  # Return a comma-seperated list of block devices found
  unless blockdevices.empty?
    Facter.add(:blockdevices) do
      setcode { blockdevices.sort.join(',') }
