@dsl Feature: Search Background: Given I am logged in And products exists with attributes: | sku | price | name | | t-12 | 234 | Table | | dc_1 | 12 | Chair | Scenario: Search form fields Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource search do field :sku field :name field :is_visible field :collection field :created_at end end """ When I am on the admin products page Then I see search form with "Sku,Name,Display,Collection,Created at" filters Scenario: Searching Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource search do field :sku end end """ When I am on the admin products page And I fill in "Sku" with "dc" And I press "Filter" Then I should see "dc_1" And I should not see "t-12"