Gumdrop.configure do|config|

  # You can add whatever custom config options you'd like:

  # {
  #   title:   'My Site',
  #   tagline: 'My home on thar intarwebs!',
  #   author:  'Me',
  #   url:     ''
  # }

  # config.redirects= [
  #   { from:"old-path.html", to:"new-path.html" }
  # ]
  # You can modify how Gumdrop runs and where it looks for things by
  # modifying these configuration settings (included below are their
  # default values):

  # config.output_dir= "./output"
  # config.source_dir= "./source"
  # config.data_dir= './data'
  # config.relative_paths= true
  # config.relative_paths_exts= %w(.html .htm)
  # config.default_layout= 'site'
  # config.layout_exts= %w(.html .htm)
  # config.proxy_enabled= false
  # config.log= STDOUT
  # config.log_level= :info
  # config.server_timeout= 5
  # config.server_port= 4567
  # config.env= :production
  # config.file_change_test= :checksum

  # You can set ignore/blacklist here, but it'd be better to use the gumdrop 
  # methods `Gumdrop.ignore(*paths)` and `Gumdrop.blacklist(*paths)`
  # config.ignore= %w(**/.DS_Store .git* .git/**/* .svn/**/* **/.sass-cache/**/* Gumdrop)
  # config.blacklist= []

  # Optional, if you want to use the example 'sync' command below.
  # config.remote= {
  #   host: '',
  #   user: 'example-username',
  #   path: '~/'
  # }


# Ignored files are not read from the source_dir into memory.
# Use file glob pattern:
# Gumdrop.ignore "**/"

# Blacklisted files will not be render to output_dir (even generated pages). 
# Use file glob pattern:
# Gumdrop.blacklist "**/wont.render"

# Generators are a way of dynamically creating pages.
# You can create generators like the following example or in the source tree
# by creating a file with the extension `.generator`. The only difference is
# that generators in the source_dir will assume the `base_path` of the 
# `.generator` file path.
# Gumdrop.generate 'Apache Specific Stuff (Example)' do
#   page '.htaccess.erb' do
#     # The return value will be used as the file content.
#     # Since we give the filename (above) an .erb extension,
#     # the rendering engine will run the following content
#     # through erb before being saved to disk as `.htaccess`.
#     <<-EOF
# # For clean urls
# DirectoryIndex index.html

# <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#     RewriteEngine On
#     RewriteBase /

#     # Do not do anything for already existing files and folders
#     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
#     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
#     RewriteRule .+ - [L]

#     # add .html file extension (if such file does exist)
#     RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1\.html -f
#     RewriteRule ^(.+[^/])/?$ $1.html [L,QSA]
# </IfModule>

# # BEGIN Gzip
# <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
#   AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript
# </IfModule>
# # END Gzip

# <% config.redirects.each do |opts| %>
# Redirect <%= opts[:from] %> <%= opts[:to] %>
# <% end %>
#     EOF
#   end

# end

# Gumdrop.generate 'Other Examples' do
#   # Renders the about_site partial to about.html. 
#   # It passes any other params on to the partial.
#   # page "about.html",  :render=>'about_site', :passthru=>'Available to the partial'

#   # If a block is passed in to `page`, the return value will be used as the file contents.
#   page 'robots.txt' do
#     """
# User-Agent: *
# Disallow: /
#     """
#   end

#   # Building a webapp and want to use Sprockets to assemble the JS? Gumdrop
#   # supplies a sprockets helper (and a stitch one, if you'd prefer).
#   # file 'app.js' do
#   #   # file generators will not render with any layouts
#   #   sprocket 'js/main.js'
#   # end
#   # You might want to keep the source .js files from being generated:
#   # Gumdrop.blacklist "js/**/*.js"

#   # You can access data from the "./data" folder (by default, it's configurable
#   # of course) so you can create data-driven static pages... If that makes sense.
# do |item|

#     page "news/#{ item._id }-#{ item.slug }.html.markdown.erb", params:item do
#       # The data manager adds item._id to the resultset. It is 
#       # the file's basename minus extname.
#       #
#       # Since we added '.markdown' and '.erb' to the end of the filename,
#       # when this page is rendered, it'll be passed through erb first,
#       # then a markdown engine (which we've included in our Gemfile).
#       #
#       # Notice the params:#object option above, that will take
#       # whatever hash values are there and merge them into the
#       # the Content object's params -- so we can use access that
#       # data elsewhere (see source/index.html.erb).
#       item.content
#     end
#   end
#   # With all these generated pages, you might be curious what all will be
#   # built by Gumdrop. To see an overview run:
#   #   $ gumdrop uris
# end

# Throughout the life of Gumdrop, several events are fired. You can listen
# for them like this:
Gumdrop.on :start do |event|
  puts "Gumdrop v#{Gumdrop::VERSION} building..."

  # Some Gumdrop events you can listen for: 
  # start, scan, generate, generate_item, render, render_item, end
  # For more, see:

# View helpers (available in the rendering context and generators):
# Gumdrop.view_helpers do

#   # Calculate the years for a copyright
#   def copyright_years(start_year, divider="&#8211;")
#     end_year =
#     if start_year == end_year
#       "#{start_year}"
#     else
#       "#{start_year}#{divider}#{end_year}"
#     end
#   end
#   #
#   # Your custom helpers go here!
#   #

# end

# Add your own commands to the gumdrop command line interface (for this site)!
# For more, see:
# Gumdrop.cli do
  # desc 'sync', "Syncs with public server using rsync (if configured)"  
  # method_option :build, :aliases => '-b', :desc => 'Build content before syncing'
  # method_option :dry_run, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'Dry run'
  # def sync
  #   config=
  #   output=
  #   remote= config.remote
  #   dry_run= options[:dry_run] ? 'n' : ''
  #   unless remote.nil? or or == ''
  # if options[:build]
  #     cmd= "rsync -avz#{ dry_run } --delete #{ output } #{ remote.user }@#{ }:#{ remote.path }"
  #     say "Running:\n#{ cmd }\n"
  #     system(cmd)
  #   else
  #     say "To use this command, please configure your server info in the Gumdrop file!"
  #   end
  # end

  # desc 'watch', "Watches the filesystem and recompiles whenever a source file changes."
  # method_option :quiet, default:false, aliases:'-q', type: :boolean
  # def watch
  #   require 'listen'
  #   if options[:quiet]
  #     Gumdrop.configure {|c| c.log_level= :warn }
  #   end
  #   paths= [] #? Sitefile too?
  #   paths << if
  #*paths, :latency => 0.5) do |m, a, r|
  # "Reloading site!"
  #     Gumdrop.rebuild
  #   end
  # rescue LoadError
  #   say "Error: Watch requires the listen gem, be sure and add it to your Gemfile!"
  # rescue => ex
  #   say "Error: #{ ex }"
  # end

# end

# Any other code you'd like to run... This is just a ruby file, after all!

# require 'slim'
# Slim::Engine.set_default_options pretty:true