require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper" # These specs will run on all databases that are defined in the spec/database.yml file. # Comment out any databases that you do not have available for testing purposes if needed. ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.test_databases.each do |db| describe ScopedSearch, "using a #{db} database" do before(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.establish_named_connection(db) end after(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.close_connection end context 'querying a :belongs_to relation' do before do # The related class ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:hars) { |t| t.string :related } class Har < ActiveRecord::Base; has_many :loos; end # The class on which to call search_for ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:loos) { |t| t.string :foo; t.integer :har_id } class Loo < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :har scoped_search :in => :har, :on => :related end @har_record = Har.create!(:related => 'bar') Loo.create!(:foo => 'foo', :har => @har_record) Loo.create!(:foo => 'foo too', :har => @har_record) Loo.create!(:foo => 'foo three', :har => Har.create!(:related => 'another bar')) Loo.create!(:foo => 'foo four') end after do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Har) ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Loo) end it "should find all records with a related bar record containing bar" do Loo.search_for('bar').should have(3).items end it "should find all records with a related bar record having an exact value of bar with an explicit field" do Loo.search_for('related = bar').should have(2).items end it "should find records for which the bar relation is not set using null?" do Loo.search_for('null? related').should have(1).items end it "should find records for which the bar relation is not set using null?" do Loo.search_for('',:order => 'related asc') eql('foo four') end end context 'querying a :has_many relation' do before do # The related class ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:jars) { |t| t.string :related; t.integer :goo_id } class Jar < ActiveRecord::Base; belongs_to :goo; end # The class on which to call search_for ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:goos) { |t| t.string :foo } class Goo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :jars scoped_search :in => :jars, :on => :related end @foo_1 = Goo.create!(:foo => 'foo') @foo_2 = Goo.create!(:foo => 'foo too') @foo_3 = Goo.create!(:foo => 'foo three') Jar.create!(:related => 'bar', :goo => @foo_1) Jar.create!(:related => 'another bar', :goo => @foo_1) Jar.create!(:related => 'other bar', :goo => @foo_2) end after do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Jar) ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Goo) end it "should find all records with at least one bar record containing 'bar'" do ::Goo.search_for('bar').should have(2).items end it "should find the only record with at least one bar record having the exact value 'bar'" do ::Goo.search_for('= bar').should have(1).item end it "should find all records for which at least one related bar record exists" do ::Goo.search_for('set? related').should have(2).items end it "should find all records for which none related bar records exist" do ::Goo.search_for('null? related').should have(1).items end end context 'querying a :has_one relation' do before do # The related class ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:cars) rescue nil ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:cars) { |t| t.string :related; t.integer :hoo_id } class Car < ActiveRecord::Base; belongs_to :hoo; end # The class on which to call search_for ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:hoos) { |t| t.string :foo } class Hoo < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :car scoped_search :on => :foo scoped_search :in => :car, :on => :related end @hoo_1 = Hoo.create!(:foo => 'foo') @hoo_2 = Hoo.create!(:foo => 'foo too') @hoo_3 = Hoo.create!(:foo => 'foo three') Car.create!(:related => 'bar', :hoo => @hoo_1) Car.create!(:related => 'other bar', :hoo => @hoo_2) end after do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Car) ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Hoo) end it "should find all records with a car record containing 'bar" do Hoo.search_for('bar').should have(2).items end it "should find the only record with the bar record has the exact value 'bar" do Hoo.search_for('= bar').should have(1).item end it "should find all records for which the related bar record exists" do Hoo.search_for('set? related').should have(2).items end it "should find all records for which the related bar record does not exist" do Hoo.search_for('null? related').should have(1).items end end context 'querying a :has_and_belongs_to_many relation' do before do # Create some tables ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:dars) { |t| t.string :related } ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:dars_joos, :id => false) { |t| t.integer :joo_id; t.integer :dar_id } ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:joos) { |t| t.string :foo } # The related class class Dar < ActiveRecord::Base; end # The class on which to call search_for class Joo < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :dars scoped_search :in => :dars, :on => :related end @joo_1 = Joo.create!(:foo => 'foo') @joo_2 = Joo.create!(:foo => 'foo too') @joo_3 = Joo.create!(:foo => 'foo three') @dar_1 = Dar.create!(:related => 'bar') @dar_2 = Dar.create!(:related => 'other bar') @dar_3 = Dar.create!(:related => 'last bar') @joo_1.dars << @dar_1 << @dar_2 @joo_2.dars << @dar_2 << @dar_3 end after do ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:dars_joos) ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:dars) ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:joos) end it "should find all records with at least one associated bar record containing 'bar'" do Joo.search_for('bar').should have(2).items end it "should find record which is related to @bar_1" do Joo.search_for('= bar').should have(1).items end it "should find the only record related to @bar_3" do Joo.search_for('last').should have(1).items end it "should find all records that are related to @bar_2" do Joo.search_for('other').should have(2).items end end context 'querying a :has_many => :through relation' do before do # Create some tables ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:mars) { |t| t.integer :koo_id; t.integer :baz_id } ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:bazs) { |t| t.string :related } ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:koos) { |t| t.string :foo } # The related classes class Mar < ActiveRecord::Base; belongs_to :baz; belongs_to :koo; end class Baz < ActiveRecord::Base; has_many :mars; end # The class on which to call search_for class Koo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :mars has_many :bazs, :through => :mars scoped_search :in => :bazs, :on => :related end @koo_1 = Koo.create!(:foo => 'foo') @koo_2 = Koo.create!(:foo => 'foo too') @koo_3 = Koo.create!(:foo => 'foo three') @baz_1 = Baz.create(:related => 'baz') @baz_2 = Baz.create(:related => 'baz too!') @bar_1 = Mar.create!(:koo => @koo_1, :baz => @baz_1) @bar_2 = Mar.create!(:koo => @koo_1) @bar_3 = Mar.create!(:koo => @koo_2, :baz => @baz_1) @bar_3 = Mar.create!(:koo => @koo_2, :baz => @baz_2) @bar_3 = Mar.create!(:koo => @koo_2, :baz => @baz_2) @bar_4 = Mar.create!(:koo => @koo_3) end after do ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:bazs) ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:mars) ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:koos) end it "should find the two records that are related to a baz record" do Koo.search_for('baz').should have(2).items end end end end