define([ 'view/base', 'model/monitor', 'collection/monitor', 'view/smallmonitor', 'view/expandedmonitor', 'view/addmonitor', 'view/resetmonitor', 'view/alerttimeline', 'codemirror', 'codemirror-ruby', 'jquery-validate' ], function( BaseView, MonitorModel, MonitorCollection, SmallMonitorView, ExpandedMonitorView, AddMonitorView, ResetMonitorView, AlertTimelineView, CodeMirror ){ var DashboardView = BaseView.extend({ rowMonitorLimit : 3, events : { 'slid .carousel' : 'advanceCarousel' }, subscriptions : { 'view:expandedmonitor:open' : 'hideDash', 'view:expandedmonitor:exit' : 'updateDash', 'view:addmonitor:close' : 'showDash', 'view:addmonitor:save' : 'updateDash', 'view:addmonitor:show' : 'hideDash', 'view:smallmonitor:edit' : 'editMonitor', 'view:alerttimeline:troubleshoot' : 'editMonitor', // 'view:dashboard:complete' : 'advanceCarousel' }, hidePrevCaption : function() { this.$el.find('.carousel-caption').parent().children('.carousel-caption p').hide(); }, initialize : function(options) { _.bindAll(this); this.templar = options.templar; this.dashboardId = ( options.dashboardId ) ? options.dashboardId : null; this.categoryId = ( options.categoryId ) ? options.categoryId : null; this.user = ( options.user ) ? options.user : null; this.router = ( options.router ) ? options.router : null; this.categories = []; this.monitors = []; this.monitorCollections = []; this.currentOrder = []; this.carouselIndex = 0; this.expandedMonitorView = new ExpandedMonitorView({ 'el' : $('.edit-monitor-wrap'), 'user' : this.user, 'templar' : this.templar, 'router' : this.router }); this.addMonitorView = new AddMonitorView({ 'model' : new MonitorModel({ 'dashboardId' : this.dashboardId }), 'user' : this.user, 'dashboardId' : this.dashboardId, 'templar' : this.templar }); this.alertTimelineView = new AlertTimelineView({ 'el' : $('.timeline-wrap'), 'collection' : this.collection, 'dashboardId' : this.dashboardId, 'user' : this.user, 'status' : this.checkDashboardAlertState(), 'templar' : this.templar }); this.resetMonitorView = new ResetMonitorView({ 'el' : $('.reset-monitor-wrap'), 'templar' : this.templar }); this.addHelpers();'view:dashboard:init'); }, render : function() { this.initMonitors(); return this; }, /** * DashboardView#initMonitors() * * **/ initMonitors : function() { this.getCategories(); // publish dashboard information for the header view this.getDashboardInfo(this.dashboardId, function(title) {'view:dashboard:render', { 'title' : title, 'subtitle' : this.getDashboardSubtitle(this.getCategoryIndex()), 'nav' : { 'ecosystem' : false, 'dashboard' : true }, 'dashboardId' : this.dashboardId }); }.bind(this)); this.updateMonitorList(); this.setupCarousel(); this.setupDrop(); this.goToCategory();'view:dashboard:complete'); }, setCategories : function(categories) { // we need to remove the parent if categories exist _.each(categories, function(category, index) { if ( category.children.length ) { this.categories.splice(index,1); } }, this); this.categories = categories; }, getCategories : function() { $.ajax({ url : '/dashboards/' + this.dashboardId + '/children', async : false, success : function(result) { var categories = result; // NOTE : a decision was made once a category exists // to move all current monitors to that category // and never show the parent this.setCategories(categories); }.bind(this) }); }, setupDrop : function() { this.$monitorDragWraps = $('.small-monitor-drag'); this.$monitorWraps = $('.small-monitor-wrap'); this.$monitorWraps.droppable({ accept : '.small-monitor', over : function(e, ui) { $('active-drop'); ui.draggable.draggable( 'option', 'revert', false ); }, out : function(e, ui) { $('active-drop'); ui.draggable.draggable( 'option', 'revert', true ); }, drop : function(e, ui) { $('active-drop'); $(window).trigger('resize'); } }); }, setupCarousel : function() { this.$carousel = $('#dashboardCarousel').carousel({ interval : false }); this.$el.find('.icon-chevron-sign-right').click(function() { this.$carousel.carousel('next'); }.bind(this)); this.$el.find('.icon-chevron-sign-left').click(function() { this.$carousel.carousel('prev'); }.bind(this)); }, getDashboardSubtitle : function(carouselIndex) { this.getCategories(); var subtitle = ''; if ( ( this.categories.length >= 1 ) && ( !== this.getCategoryId() ) ) { subtitle = _.str.capitalize( this.categories[carouselIndex].name ) + ' Dashboard'; } else { subtitle = 'Monitor Dashboard'; } return subtitle; }, publishDashboardSubtitle : function(carouselIndex) {'view:dashboard:render', { 'subtitle' : this.getDashboardSubtitle(carouselIndex) }); }, advanceCarousel : function(e) { if(e) e.stopPropagation(); this.carouselIndex = this.$el.find('').index('.item'); this.setCategoryId( ( this.categories.length ) ? this.categories[this.carouselIndex].id : this.getCategoryId() ); this.router.navigate('dash/' + this.dashboardId + '/category/' + this.getCategoryId() ); this.$el.find('.dashboard-' + this.getCategoryId()).css({ 'min-height' : this.$el.find('.dashboard-' + this.getCategoryId() + ' .monitor-grid').height() + 40 }); this.publishDashboardSubtitle(this.carouselIndex);'view:dashboard:category', this.getCategoryId()); $(window).trigger('resize'); }, getCategoryIndex : function() { var currentIndex = 0; _.each(this.categories, function(category, index) { if ( this.getCategoryId() === ) { currentIndex = index; } }, this); return currentIndex; }, goToCategory : function() { if ( this.getCategoryIndex() ) { // When we advance directly to a slide // animation is unnecessary this.$carousel.toggleClass('slide'); this.$carousel.carousel(this.getCategoryIndex()); this.$carousel.toggleClass('slide'); } if ( this.categories.length <= 1 ) { this.$el.find('.carousel-indicators, .carousel-control').hide(); } }, // This should return an id no matter what // whether it's a category ( which is just a nested dashboard ) // or dashboard id getCategoryId : function() { return this.categoryId; }, setCategoryId : function(id) { this.categoryId = ( !_.isNull(id) ) ? id : this.categoryId; return this.getCategoryId(); }, getMonitorOrder : function() { var userPreferences = this.user.get('preferences'); if ( this.categories.length ) { _.each(this.categories, function(category) { var categoryMonitorOrder = ( userPreferences.dashboards && !_.isEmpty(userPreferences.dashboards[]) ) ? userPreferences.dashboards[].order : []; this.currentOrder[] = categoryMonitorOrder; }, this); } else { var dashboardMonitorOrder = ( userPreferences.dashboards && !_.isEmpty(userPreferences.dashboards[]) ) ? userPreferences.dashboards[].order : []; this.currentOrder[] = dashboardMonitorOrder; } return this.currentOrder; }, getDashboardInfo : function(dashboardId, cb) { $.ajax({ url : '/dashboards/' + dashboardId, async : false, success : function(dashboard) { this.parentDashboardInfo = dashboard; if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(; } }.bind(this), error : function(result) { }.bind(this), complete : function(jxhr, status) { }.bind(this) }); }, editMonitor : function(id) { this.expandedMonitorView.render(id, this.categories, this.getCategoryId(), this.dashboardId); }, updateDash : function(data) { if (data && data.status && data.status != 'error') { this.collection = new MonitorCollection(null, { dashboardId : this.dashboardId }); this.reinitializeDash(data); } this.showDash(); }, reinitializeDash : function(data) { var $parentSibling = this.$el.parent(); this.router.navigate(); if ( this.getCategoryId() ) { this.router.navigate("dash/" + this.dashboardId + '/category/' + this.getCategoryId(), {trigger: true}); } else { this.router.navigate("dash/" + this.dashboardId, {trigger: true}); } }, hideDash : function() { this.$el.hide(); }, showDash : function() { this.$; // highcharts gets stuck sometimes, firing a // resize event keeps it from sticking $(window).trigger('resize'); }, updateSavedMonitorStatus : function(data) { var model = ( data ) ? data.model : null; if ( model ) { _.each(this.monitors, function(view) { if(view.model.get('id') === model.get('id')) { view.nextRun(); } }); } }, checkDashboardAlertState : function() { this.collection.each(function(model) { if ( model.get('status') !== 'success' && typeof model.get('status') != 'undefined' && model.get('active') ) { this.dashboardAlert = true; } }); if ( this.dashboardAlert ) {'view:dashboard:alert'); } return this.dashboardAlert; }, /** * SmallMonitorView#updateMonitorList() * * This method is simply to place small monitors in bootstrap * rows and add them correctly for template render. **/ updateMonitorList : function() { // to store current list in current order var monitorCollection = [], renderCategories = []; // get current monitor order from user prefs this.getMonitorOrder(); // NOTE: utilize handlebars to determine how many monitors // per row are needed which is configurable by this view Handlebars.registerHelper('mod', function(indexCount, block) { if ( parseInt(indexCount, 10) % (this.rowMonitorLimit) === 0 ) { return block.fn(this); } }.bind(this)); // build json payload for template render in handlebars if ( this.categories.length ) { _.each(this.categories, function(category) { var monitorCollection = new MonitorCollection(null, { dashboardId : }); // sometimes there is a preexisting order that may lack // newly added monitors, etc. here we are making sure they // get rendered at the end of the current user's ordering // preferences array var categoryMonitorOrder = this.currentOrder[]; if (categoryMonitorOrder.length !== 0) { // instantiate views that don't have order yet... var unorderedMonitors = _.difference(monitorCollection.pluck('id'), categoryMonitorOrder); // add them to the order array categoryMonitorOrder = _.union(categoryMonitorOrder, unorderedMonitors); monitorCollection.filterById( categoryMonitorOrder ); } this.monitorCollections.push(monitorCollection); category.monitors = monitorCollection.toJSON(); }, this); renderCategories = this.categories; } else { var monitorCollection = new MonitorCollection(null, { dashboardId : }); var dashboardMonitorOrder = ( this.currentOrder.length ) ? this.currentOrder[] : []; if (dashboardMonitorOrder.length !== 0) { // instantiate views that don't have order yet... var unorderedMonitors = _.difference(monitorCollection.pluck('id'), dashboardMonitorOrder); // add them to the order array dashboardMonitorOrder = _.union(dashboardMonitorOrder, unorderedMonitors); monitorCollection.filterById( dashboardMonitorOrder ); } this.monitorCollections.push(monitorCollection); this.parentDashboardInfo.monitors = monitorCollection.toJSON(); renderCategories.push(this.parentDashboardInfo); } // render the dashboard template before we render our // small monitors this.templar.render({ path : 'dashboard', el : this.$el, data : { 'categories' : renderCategories } }); _.each(this.monitorCollections, function(monitorCollection) { monitorCollection.each(function(monitor) { this.monitors.push(new SmallMonitorView({ 'el' : this.$el.find('.small-monitor-' + monitor.get('id'))[0], 'model' : monitor, 'dashboardId' : this.dashboardId, 'templar' : this.templar, 'user' : this.user }).render()); }.bind(this)); }, this); }, destroyMonitors : function() { for (viewName in this.monitors) { var view = this.monitors[viewName]; view.destructor(); delete this.monitors[viewName]; } }, destructor : function() { var $parentSibling = this.$el.parent(); // start cleaning up monitor views this.destroyMonitors(); // unbind collection'remove', this.reinitializeDash, this); // unsubscribe from mediator channels this.destroySubscriptions(); // clean up edit/add monitor view this.expandedMonitorView.destructor(); this.addMonitorView.destructor(); this.alertTimelineView.destructor(); this.resetMonitorView.destructor(); // this.monitors = []; this.categories = []; this.$el.empty(); this.$el.remove();; // place the containing element back in the page for later $parentSibling.prepend("
"); } }); return DashboardView; });