module TerraspaceCiGithub class Pr < Base def comment(url) return unless ENV['GITHUB_EVENT_NAME'] == 'pull_request' return unless github_token? repo = ENV['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] # org/repo number = ENV['GITHUB_REF_NAME'].split('/').first # IE: 2/merge marker = "" body = marker + "\n" body << "Terraspace Cloud Url #{url}" puts "Adding comment to repo #{repo} number #{number}" comments = client.issue_comments(repo, number) found_comment = comments.find do |comment| comment.body.starts_with?(marker) end if found_comment client.update_comment(repo,, body) unless found_comment.body == body else client.add_comment(repo, number, body) end rescue Octokit::Unauthorized => e puts "WARN: #{e.message}. Unable to create pull request comment. Please double check your github token" end end end