defmodule Tournament do @stats_header { "Team", "MP", "W", "D", "L", "P" } @initial_stats { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } @doc """ Given `input` lines representing two teams and whether the first of them won, lost, or reached a draw, separated by semicolons, calculate the statistics for each team's number of games played, won, drawn, lost, and total points for the season, and return a nicely-formatted string table. A win earns a team 3 points, a draw earns 1 point, and a loss earns nothing. Order the outcome by most total points for the season, and settle ties by listing the teams in alphabetical order. """ @spec tally(input :: list(String.t())) :: String.t() def tally(input) do %{} |> do_tally(input) |> Enum.into([], fn {k, v} -> Tuple.insert_at(v, 0, k) end) |> Enum.sort(&sort_results/2) |> List.insert_at(0, @stats_header) |> Enum.map_join("\n", &format_results/1) end defp do_tally(results, []), do: results defp do_tally(results, [line | rest]) do results |> parse_line(line |> String.split(";", trim: true)) |> do_tally(rest) end defp parse_line(results, [first, second, "win"]) do results |> mark_win(first) |> mark_loss(second) end defp parse_line(results, [first, second, "draw"]) do results |> mark_draw(first) |> mark_draw(second) end defp parse_line(results, [first, second, "loss"]) do results |> mark_loss(first) |> mark_win(second) end defp parse_line(results, _), do: results defp mark_win(results, team) do { played, wins, draws, lost, points } = Map.get(results, team, @initial_stats) Map.put(results, team, { played + 1, wins + 1, draws, lost, points + 3 }) end defp mark_draw(results, team) do { played, wins, draws, lost, points } = Map.get(results, team, @initial_stats) Map.put(results, team, { played + 1, wins, draws + 1, lost, points + 1}) end defp mark_loss(results, team) do { played, wins, draws, lost, points } = Map.get(results, team, @initial_stats) Map.put(results, team, { played + 1, wins, draws, lost + 1, points}) end defp sort_results({_, _, _, _, _, points_a}, {_, _, _, _, _, points_b}) when points_a > points_b, do: true defp sort_results({_, _, _, _, _, points_a}, {_, _, _, _, _, points_b}) when points_a < points_b, do: false defp sort_results({name_a, _, _, _, _, _}, {name_b, _, _, _, _, _}) when name_a <= name_b, do: true defp sort_results(_, _), do: false defp format_results({name, played, wins, draws, lost, points}) do [ name |> String.pad_trailing(30), played |> to_string |> String.pad_leading(2), wins |> to_string |> String.pad_leading(2), draws |> to_string |> String.pad_leading(2), lost |> to_string |> String.pad_leading(2), points |> to_string |> String.pad_leading(2) ] |> Enum.join(" | ") end end