Using RepoManager to Backup and Synchronize PC Game Saves ========================================================= Use case: Backup and synchronization of PC save games folders to a central repository (ie Drop Box folder) using Git. Game saves are typically scattered across multiple folders and drives. This example demonstrates the following features: * Adding RepoManager user tasks, see repo_manager/tasks/ * Adding destructive git commands to the default whitelisted non-destructive git commands * Testing user tasks with Cucumber, see repo_manager/features/ * Relative paths (not absolute) in repo_manager/repo.conf making the folder portable * Bash completion for repo names, works on Win32 using Cygwin or MSYS Bash * Bash function to 'cd' into a repo's working folder Bootstrapping this example folder -------------------------------- ### Gem installation Install RepoManager, Bundler, and clone the source code repository gem install repo_manager gem install bundler cd ~/examples git clone In order to try out the example commands below, you will need to bootstrap the sample data Git repositories and create the configuration files using the following commands. See [INSTALL.markdown](INSTALL.markdown) for a more complete explanation. cd repo_manager/examples/pc_saved_game_backup repo generate:remote mines --path=saved_games/mines/saves repo generate:remote hearts --path=saved_games/hearts repo add:asset saved_games/mines/saves --name=mines --force repo add:asset saved_games/hearts --force Get information on configured saved game repositories ----------------------------------------------------- repo list --short repo status --unmodified DOTS cd ~/examples git clone User tasks --------- The task 'generate:remote' is a user task, it doesn't ship with RepoManager. To view all the available tasks repo --tasks or just repo -T ### Running tests on user tasks gem install bundler cd repo_manager bundle bundle exec cucumber Backup ------ To backup the saved games, we will need another user task. This on is called 'action:update'. See [repo_manager/tasks/update.rb](repo_manager/tasks/update.rb) repo action:update run repo status --short --unmodified=HIDE --no-verbose --no-color from "." no changed repos create a new saved game echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/mines/saves/save3 now run update again repo action:update Synchronize ---------- Synchronizing saved games to another PC can be accomplished using Git's 'pull' command. verify working folders are clean, if they are not, either revert them or commit and push repo status pull from remote to all configured repos repo pull Bash completion --------------- Handy functions for use under Bash. These work fine on Win32 using Git-Bash. * rcd: repo cd (change directory). Wrapper for 'cd', allows for simple cd to the working folder on the filesystem referenced by the 'path' configuration variable. * rpushd: repo pushd (push directory). Wrapper for 'pushd'. Clean ----- Resetting this example folder back to its shipping defaults ### Delete the Git repositories rm -rf remote/hearts.git rm -rf remote/mines.git rm -rf saved_games/mines/saves/.git rm -rf saved_games/hearts/.git ### Remove the asset config files rm -rf repo_manager/assets/mines rm -rf repo_manager/assets/hearts