== 0.7.0 2009-04-11 * merge all of johnsbrn changes == 2009-03-19 * have fixed problems with class_name ending with ss == 2009-03-19 * Update for Rails 2.3 - johnsbrn == 0.6.8 2009-02-03 * Make has_one fix consistent with edge Rails - johnsbrn == 0.6.7 2009-02-01 * Forgot to remove some debugging code -johnsbrn == 0.6.6 2009-02-01 * More comprehensive fix for has_one bug - johnsbrn == 0.6.5 2009-02-01 * Add fix for has_one primary key bug - http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/1756-has_one-with-foreign_key-primary_key-bug - johnsbrn == 0.6.4 2009-02-01 * Updated deprecated default error messages - johnsbrn * Added has_dependency for non-polymorphic has_one - johnsbrn == 0.6.3 2009-01-13 * Fixed validations for prefix and postfix - johnsbrn == 0.6.2 2008-09-25 * Added back validates_associated override. == 0.6.1 2008-07-21 * Removed validates_associated override, was causing issues. == 0.6.0 2008-07-18 * Add: new option: postfix * Add: Expanded prefix,postfix functionality to either accept true or values to prefix/postix attribute with. * Add: Tests to support new options == 0.5.0 2008-07-08 * Add: new options: validates_presence_if, validates_associated_if to allow for greater control over validation use. * Add: Basic test cases of classy-inheritance depends_on functionality. == 0.4.4 2008-06-24 * Fix: :class_name attribute was not being recognized == 0.4.3 2008-06-24 * Fix: :prefix option was not being removed before passing option to has_one/belongs_to == 0.4.2 2008-06-24 * Fix: has_one only saves for a create, not update. added in save for update. == 0.4.1 2008-06-23 * Fix: removed extra save call for polymorphic associations. rails handles the save on a has_one relationship == 0.4.0 2008-06-23 * Add: support for other options such as :dependent and :class_name == 0.3.0 2008-06-12 * Add: :prefix parameter to depends_on call. So if you have User.depends_on(:profile, :attrs => [:first_name], :prefix => true), your user model will have @user.profile_first_name. This is to avoid name collisions with requisite classes. == 0.2.1 2008-06-09 * Add: exposed :can_be method. Can now define what the polymorphic class can be with these methods. This will add the "is_a_?" and "as_a_" methods. * Add: respond_to? :can_be test before adding to requisite class == 0.2.0 2008-06-02 * Add: When defining a depends_on that is polymorhic the requisite class has two methods added: "is_a_?" and "as_a_". == 0.1.1 2008-05-30 * Fix: Merge when other conditionals are passed to the find_with method was incorrectly called without bang! == 0.1.0 2008-05-29 * Initial release