#This module can be included on a class to make all method-calls synchronized (by using monitor). Examples with array and hash are below. # #===Examples # class MySyncedClass < SomeOtherClassThatNeedsToBeSynchronized # include Tsafe::Monitored # end module Tsafe::Monitored def self.included(base) base.to_s.split("::").inject(Object, :const_get).class_eval do self.instance_methods.each do |method_name| #These two methods create warnings under JRuby. if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" next if method_name == :instance_exec or method_name == :instance_eval end new_method_name = "_ts_#{method_name}" alias_method(new_method_name, method_name) define_method method_name do |*args, &block| #Need to use monitor, since the internal calls might have to run not-synchronized, and we have just overwritten the internal methods. @_ts_mutex = Monitor.new if !@_ts_mutex @_ts_mutex.synchronize do return self._ts___send__(new_method_name, *args, &block) end end end end end end