#!/usr/bin/env ruby require("gsl") m = GSL::Matrix[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 0], [6, 0, 0]] evec, eval = m.eigen_nonsymmv p evec p eval m = GSL::Matrix.vandermonde([-1, -2, 3, 4]) w = GSL::Eigen::Nonsymmv.alloc(4) eval, evec = GSL::Eigen::nonsymmv(m, w) p eval p evec =begin This can be compared with the corresponding output from GNU OCTAVE, octave> [v,d] = eig(vander([-1 -2 3 4])); octave> diag(d) ans = -6.4139 + 0.0000i 5.5456 + 3.0854i 5.5456 - 3.0854i 2.3228 + 0.0000i octave> v v = Columns 1 through 3: -0.09988 + 0.00000i -0.04350 - 0.00755i -0.04350 + 0.00755i -0.11125 + 0.00000i 0.06399 - 0.14224i 0.06399 + 0.14224i 0.29250 + 0.00000i -0.51518 + 0.04142i -0.51518 - 0.04142i 0.94451 + 0.00000i -0.84059 + 0.00000i -0.84059 - 0.00000i Column 4: -0.14493 + 0.00000i 0.35660 + 0.00000i 0.91937 + 0.00000i 0.08118 + 0.00000i =end