/** * @class Ext.perf.Accumulator * @private */ Ext.define('Ext.perf.Accumulator', (function () { var currentFrame = null, khrome = Ext.global['chrome'], formatTpl, // lazy init on first request for timestamp (avoids infobar in IE until needed) // Also avoids kicking off Chrome's microsecond timer until first needed getTimestamp = function () { getTimestamp = function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; var interval, toolbox; // If Chrome is started with the --enable-benchmarking switch if (Ext.isChrome && khrome && khrome.Interval) { interval = new khrome.Interval(); interval.start(); getTimestamp = function () { return interval.microseconds() / 1000; }; } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { // the above technique is not very accurate for small intervals... toolbox = new ActiveXObject('SenchaToolbox.Toolbox'); Ext.senchaToolbox = toolbox; // export for other uses getTimestamp = function () { return toolbox.milliseconds; }; } catch (e) { // ignore } } else if (Date.now) { getTimestamp = Date.now; } Ext.perf.getTimestamp = Ext.perf.Accumulator.getTimestamp = getTimestamp; return getTimestamp(); }; function adjustSet (set, time) { set.sum += time; set.min = Math.min(set.min, time); set.max = Math.max(set.max, time); } function leaveFrame (time) { var totalTime = time ? time : (getTimestamp() - this.time), // do this first me = this, // me = frame accum = me.accum; ++accum.count; if (! --accum.depth) { adjustSet(accum.total, totalTime); } adjustSet(accum.pure, totalTime - me.childTime); currentFrame = me.parent; if (currentFrame) { ++currentFrame.accum.childCount; currentFrame.childTime += totalTime; } } function makeSet () { return { min: Number.MAX_VALUE, max: 0, sum: 0 }; } function makeTap (me, fn) { return function () { var frame = me.enter(), ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); frame.leave(); return ret; }; } function round (x) { return Math.round(x * 100) / 100; } function setToJSON (count, childCount, calibration, set) { var data = { avg: 0, min: set.min, max: set.max, sum: 0 }; if (count) { calibration = calibration || 0; data.sum = set.sum - childCount * calibration; data.avg = data.sum / count; // min and max cannot be easily corrected since we don't know the number of // child calls for them. } return data; } return { constructor: function (name) { var me = this; me.count = me.childCount = me.depth = me.maxDepth = 0; me.pure = makeSet(); me.total = makeSet(); me.name = name; }, statics: { getTimestamp: getTimestamp }, format: function (calibration) { if (!formatTpl) { formatTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '{name} - {count} call(s)', '', '', ' ({childCount} children)', '', '', ' ({depth} deep)', '', '', ', {type}: {[this.time(values.sum)]} msec (', //'min={[this.time(values.min)]}, ', 'avg={[this.time(values.sum / parent.count)]}', //', max={[this.time(values.max)]}', ')', '', '' ].join(''), { time: function (t) { return Math.round(t * 100) / 100; } }); } var data = this.getData(calibration); data.name = this.name; data.pure.type = 'Pure'; data.total.type = 'Total'; data.times = [data.pure, data.total]; return formatTpl.apply(data); }, getData: function (calibration) { var me = this; return { count: me.count, childCount: me.childCount, depth: me.maxDepth, pure: setToJSON(me.count, me.childCount, calibration, me.pure), total: setToJSON(me.count, me.childCount, calibration, me.total) }; }, enter: function () { var me = this, frame = { accum: me, leave: leaveFrame, childTime: 0, parent: currentFrame }; ++me.depth; if (me.maxDepth < me.depth) { me.maxDepth = me.depth; } currentFrame = frame; frame.time = getTimestamp(); // do this last return frame; }, monitor: function (fn, scope, args) { var frame = this.enter(); if (args) { fn.apply(scope, args); } else { fn.call(scope); } frame.leave(); }, report: function () { Ext.log(this.format()); }, tap: function (className, methodName) { var me = this, methods = typeof methodName == 'string' ? [methodName] : methodName, klass, statik, i, parts, length, name, src, tapFunc; tapFunc = function(){ if (typeof className == 'string') { klass = Ext.global; parts = className.split('.'); for (i = 0, length = parts.length; i < length; ++i) { klass = klass[parts[i]]; } } else { klass = className; } for (i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; ++i) { name = methods[i]; statik = name.charAt(0) == '!'; if (statik) { name = name.substring(1); } else { statik = !(name in klass.prototype); } src = statik ? klass : klass.prototype; src[name] = makeTap(me, src[name]); } }; Ext.ClassManager.onCreated(tapFunc, me, className); return me; } }; }()), function () { Ext.perf.getTimestamp = this.getTimestamp; });