# Manifest.ly Ruby Client A Ruby client that enables quick and easy interactions with the Manifest.ly api. ## Getting Started ### Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'manifestly-client' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install manifestly-client ### Basic Usage You may begin using the entity methods after specifying the MANIFESTLY_API_KEY variable in the environment. ```ruby require 'manifestly' ENV['MANIFESTLY_API_KEY'] = '' puts Manifestly::Entity::Workflow.list.inspect ``` ### Workflow entity You may create a new workflow by passing a hash of data to the Workflow constructor and invoking the `create` method. Some internal fields (like `id`) will be injected back in to the object after it is created. ```ruby data = {title: 'Test Workflow'} workflow = Manifestly::Entity::Workflow.new(data).create workflow.create ``` If you specify an `external_id` for a local reference, Manifest.ly will use an `upsert` methodology (if the workflow does not exist it will be created - otherwise it will be updated). This effectively means that create/update/save function identically for workflows. ```ruby data = {title: 'Test Workflow with External Id', external_id: 'abc123'} workflow = Manifestly::Entity::Workflow.new(data).create workflow.title = "#{workflow.title} (updated)" workflow.create ``` You may delete a workflow if you specified an external_id when creating it. ```ruby data = {title: 'Test Workflow Delete', external_id: 'def456'} workflow = Manifestly::Entity::Workflow.new(data).create workflow.delete ``` ##### Workflow Steps entity Steps may be passed in when creating a workflow via the steps field. ```ruby data = {title: 'Test Workflow with steps', external_id: 'ghi789', steps: [{title: 'Step One'}]} workflow = Manifestly::Entity::Workflow.new(data) workflow.create ``` ### Checklist Run entity You may start a new checklist run by passing a hash of data to the ChecklistRun constructor and invoking the `create` method. You must include the internal id of an existing workflow as the checklist_id. Subsequent modifications of this checklist run or it's steps is only possible if you are listed as one of the users on the run. ```ruby my_email_address = 'john.smith@foo.bar' my_user = Manifestly::Entity::User.list.find { |it| it.email == my_email_address } title = 'Test Workflow with steps' workflows = Manifestly::Entity::Workflow.list workflow = workflows.find { |it| it.title == title } data = {title: "Test Run", checklist_id: workflow.id, users: [my_user.id]} checklist_run = Manifestly::Entity::ChecklistRun.new(data).create ``` You may complete a checklist step by calling the corresponding method on the step object. Currently you must either be a participant on the run or assigned to the step in order to complete it. ```ruby my_email_address = 'john.smith@foo.bar' my_user = Manifestly::Entity::User.list.find { |it| it.email == my_email_address } checklist = Manifestly::Entity::ChecklistRun.list(title: 'Test Run', status: :started).first step = checklist.steps.first step.assign(my_user.id) step.complete ``` ## Supported Ruby Versions This library is currently supported on Ruby 2.4+. ## Versioning This library follows [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## Contributing Contributions to this library are always welcome and highly encouraged. See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information on how to get started. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in [LICENSE](LICENSE.txt). ## Support Please [report bugs at the project on Github](https://github.com/firespring/manifestly-ruby/issues) See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information on how to get started.