require 'canis/core/util/app' do var = header = app_header "canis #{Canis::VERSION}", :text_center => "Tree Demo", :text_right =>"New Improved!", :color => :black, :bgcolor => :white, :attr => :bold message "Press Enter to expand/collapse" @form.bind_key(FFI::NCurses::KEY_F3) { require 'canis/core/util/viewer' Canis::Viewer.view("canis14.log", :close_key => KEY_ENTER, :title => " to close") } ww = FFI::NCurses.COLS-0 flow :width => ww , :margin_top => 1, :height => FFI::NCurses.LINES-2 do stack :margin_top => 0, :width_pc => "30" do tm = nil atree = tree :height => 10, :title => '[ ruby way ]' do root "root" do branch "hello" do leaf "ruby" end branch "goodbye" do leaf "java" leaf "verbosity" end end end found=atree.get_node_for_path "goodbye" atree.set_expanded_state(atree.root, true) atree.set_expanded_state(found,true) # using a Hash model = { :ruby => [ "jruby", {:mri => %W[ 1.8.6 1.8.7]}, {:yarv => %W[1.9.1 1.9.2]}, "rubinius", "macruby" ], :python => %W[ cpython jython laden-swallow ] } tree :data => model, :title => "[ Hash ]" end # stack stack :margin_top => 0, :width_pc => "30" do # using an Array, these would be expanded on selection, using an event tree :data => Dir.glob("*"), :title=> "[ Array ]" do command do |node| # insert dir entries unless done so already if node.children && !node.children.empty? else f = node.user_object if f l = Dir.glob(f + "/*") node.add(l) if l end end end bind :ENTER_ROW do |t| # now ENTER_ROW comes from TEXTpad and gives an event var.value = t.text end end # long way ISO 9001 certifed, SEI CMM 5 compliant # root = "ROOT" subroot = "subroot" leaf1 = "leaf 1" leaf2 = "leaf 2" model = root #model.insert_node_into(subroot, root, 0) # BLEAH JAVA !! # slightly better, since we return self in ruby root << subroot subroot << leaf1 << leaf2 leaf1 << "leaf11" leaf1 << "leaf12" # more rubyish way root.add "blocky", true do add "block2" add "block3" do add "block31" end end tree :data => model, :title => "[ legacy way ]" end #stack :margin_top => 2 do stack :margin_top => 0, :width_pc => "40", :height => :expand do # using height_pc as 100 was causing prefresh to fail if file lines went beyond 31 # tput lines gives 32 so only when file length exceeded was it actually writing beyond screen t = textview :suppress_borders => true, :height_pc => 90, :color => :green, :bgcolor => :black var.command do |filename| filename = filename.value if filename lines = Dir.entries(filename ) t.set_content lines elsif File.exist? filename # next line bombs on "invalid byte sequence on UTF-8" on split. lines =,'r').read.split("\n") # next line bombs on binary files. normally we would check file type using +file+ command t.set_content lines else alert " #{filename} does not appear to be a file " end end end end # flow end # app