@rails4 @silent_unpermitted_params_failure Feature: Strong Params When I am using Rails 4 I want to use Strong Parameters Background: Given a category named "Music" exists And a user named "John Doe" exists And a post with the title "Hello World" written by "John Doe" exists And I am logged in Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do end """ When I am on the index page for posts Scenario: Static permitted parameters Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :author, :title, :starred end """ Given I follow "Edit" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I check "Starred" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe" And I should see the attribute "Starred" with "Yes" Scenario: Dynamic permitted parameters Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params do allow = [:author, :title] allow << :starred allow end end """ Given I follow "Edit" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I check "Starred" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe" And I should see the attribute "Starred" with "Yes" Scenario: Should not update parameters that are not declared as permitted Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :author, :title end """ Given I follow "Edit" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I check "Starred" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe" And I should see the attribute "Starred" with "No"