/* Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'contextmenu', { requires : [ 'menu' ], beforeInit : function( editor ) { editor.contextMenu = new CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu( editor ); editor.addCommand( 'contextMenu', { exec : function() { editor.contextMenu.show( editor.document.getBody() ); } }); } }); CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( { $ : function( editor ) { this.id = 'cke_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(); this.editor = editor; this._.listeners = []; this._.functionId = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( commandName ) { this._.panel.hide(); editor.focus(); editor.execCommand( commandName ); }, this); this._.definiton = { panel: { className : editor.skinClass + ' cke_contextmenu', attributes : { 'aria-label' : editor.lang.common.options } } }; }, _ : { onMenu : function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) { var menu = this._.menu, editor = this.editor; if ( menu ) { menu.hide(); menu.removeAll(); } else { menu = this._.menu = new CKEDITOR.menu( editor, this._.definiton ); menu.onClick = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( item ) { menu.hide(); if ( item.onClick ) item.onClick(); else if ( item.command ) editor.execCommand( item.command ); }, this ); menu.onEscape = function( keystroke ) { var parent = this.parent; // 1. If it's sub-menu, restore the last focused item // of upper level menu. // 2. In case of a top-menu, close it. if ( parent ) { parent._.panel.hideChild(); // Restore parent block item focus. var parentBlock = parent._.panel._.panel._.currentBlock, parentFocusIndex = parentBlock._.focusIndex; parentBlock._.markItem( parentFocusIndex ); } else if ( keystroke == 27 ) { this.hide(); editor.focus(); } return false; }; } var listeners = this._.listeners, includedItems = []; var selection = this.editor.getSelection(), element = selection && selection.getStartElement(); menu.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() { menu.onHide = null; if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) { var selection = editor.getSelection(); selection && selection.unlock(); } this.onHide && this.onHide(); }, this ); // Call all listeners, filling the list of items to be displayed. for ( var i = 0 ; i < listeners.length ; i++ ) { var listenerItems = listeners[ i ]( element, selection ); if ( listenerItems ) { for ( var itemName in listenerItems ) { var item = this.editor.getMenuItem( itemName ); if ( item ) { item.state = listenerItems[ itemName ]; menu.add( item ); } } } } // Don't show context menu with zero items. menu.items.length && menu.show( offsetParent, corner || ( editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' ? 2 : 1 ), offsetX, offsetY ); } }, proto : { addTarget : function( element, nativeContextMenuOnCtrl ) { // Opera doesn't support 'contextmenu' event, we have duo approaches employed here: // 1. Inherit the 'button override' hack we introduced in v2 (#4530), while this require the Opera browser // option 'Allow script to detect context menu/right click events' to be always turned on. // 2. Considering the fact that ctrl/meta key is not been occupied // for multiple range selecting (like Gecko), we use this key // combination as a fallback for triggering context-menu. (#4530) if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera ) { var contextMenuOverrideButton; element.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) { evt = evt.data; if ( evt.$.button != 2 ) { if ( evt.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 1 ) element.fire( 'contextmenu', evt ); return; } if ( nativeContextMenuOnCtrl && ( evt.$.ctrlKey || evt.$.metaKey ) ) return; var target = evt.getTarget(); if ( !contextMenuOverrideButton ) { var ownerDoc = target.getDocument(); contextMenuOverrideButton = ownerDoc.createElement( 'input' ) ; contextMenuOverrideButton.$.type = 'button' ; ownerDoc.getBody().append( contextMenuOverrideButton ) ; } contextMenuOverrideButton.setAttribute( 'style', 'position:absolute;top:' + ( evt.$.clientY - 2 ) + 'px;left:' + ( evt.$.clientX - 2 ) + 'px;width:5px;height:5px;opacity:0.01' ); } ); element.on( 'mouseup', function ( evt ) { if ( contextMenuOverrideButton ) { contextMenuOverrideButton.remove(); contextMenuOverrideButton = undefined; // Simulate 'contextmenu' event. element.fire( 'contextmenu', evt.data ); } } ); } element.on( 'contextmenu', function( event ) { var domEvent = event.data; if ( nativeContextMenuOnCtrl && // Safari on Windows always show 'ctrlKey' as true in 'contextmenu' event, // which make this property unreliable. (#4826) ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? holdCtrlKey : domEvent.$.ctrlKey || domEvent.$.metaKey ) ) return; // Selection will be unavailable after context menu shows up // in IE, lock it now. if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) { var selection = this.editor.getSelection(); selection && selection.lock(); } // Cancel the browser context menu. domEvent.preventDefault(); var offsetParent = domEvent.getTarget().getDocument().getDocumentElement(), offsetX = domEvent.$.clientX, offsetY = domEvent.$.clientY; CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() { this.show( offsetParent, null, offsetX, offsetY ); }, 0, this ); }, this ); if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) { var holdCtrlKey, onKeyDown = function( event ) { holdCtrlKey = event.data.$.ctrlKey || event.data.$.metaKey; }, resetOnKeyUp = function() { holdCtrlKey = 0; }; element.on( 'keydown', onKeyDown ); element.on( 'keyup', resetOnKeyUp ); element.on( 'contextmenu', resetOnKeyUp ); } }, addListener : function( listenerFn ) { this._.listeners.push( listenerFn ); }, show : function( offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) { this.editor.focus(); this._.onMenu( offsetParent || CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement(), corner, offsetX || 0, offsetY || 0 ); } } }); /** * Whether to show the browser native context menu when the CTRL or the * META (Mac) key is pressed while opening the context menu. * @name CKEDITOR.config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl * @since 3.0.2 * @type Boolean * @default true * @example * config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl = false; */