1. Add ReportsKit Gemfile source 'https://my-api-key@gems.reportskit.co' do gem 'reportskit' end 2. Configure Models Configure the filters and dimensions that can be used in your reports: app/models/task.rb class Task < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :assignee belongs_to :project reportskit do filter :assignee filter :project filter :completed_at filter :is_completed, :boolean, conditions: -> { where.not(completed_at: nil) } dimension :assignee dimension :project dimension :completed_at end end 3. Configure Reports config/reportskit/reports/completed_tasks.yml name: Completed tasks measures: - tasks dimensions: - completed_at display_format: area 4. Add Report to a View app/views/reports/my_view.html.haml = render_report 'completed_tasks' 5. Add Routes: config/routes.rb mount ReportsKit::Engine, at: '/reports' That's it! You can now visit the view in step 4. to see the report that you've configured.