# frozen_string_literal: true require "fileutils" require "stringio" require "tmpdir" require "zlib" class Bundler::CompactIndexClient class Updater class MisMatchedChecksumError < Error def initialize(path, server_checksum, local_checksum) @path = path @server_checksum = server_checksum @local_checksum = local_checksum end def message "The checksum of /#{@path} does not match the checksum provided by the server! Something is wrong " \ "(local checksum is #{@local_checksum.inspect}, was expecting #{@server_checksum.inspect})." end end def initialize(fetcher) @fetcher = fetcher end def update(local_path, remote_path, retrying = nil) headers = {} Dir.mktmpdir(local_path.basename.to_s, local_path.dirname) do |local_temp_dir| local_temp_path = Pathname.new(local_temp_dir).join(local_path.basename) # download new file if retrying if retrying.nil? && local_path.file? FileUtils.cp local_path, local_temp_path headers["If-None-Match"] = etag_for(local_temp_path) headers["Range"] = "bytes=#{local_temp_path.size}-" else # Fastly ignores Range when Accept-Encoding: gzip is set headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip" end response = @fetcher.call(remote_path, headers) return if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPNotModified) content = response.body if response["Content-Encoding"] == "gzip" content = Zlib::GzipReader.new(StringIO.new(content)).read end mode = response.is_a?(Net::HTTPPartialContent) ? "a" : "w" local_temp_path.open(mode) {|f| f << content } response_etag = response["ETag"] if etag_for(local_temp_path) == response_etag FileUtils.mv(local_temp_path, local_path) return end if retrying.nil? update(local_path, remote_path, :retrying) else raise MisMatchedChecksumError.new(remote_path, response_etag, etag_for(local_temp_path)) end end end def etag_for(path) sum = checksum_for_file(path) sum ? %("#{sum}") : nil end def checksum_for_file(path) return nil unless path.file? # This must use IO.read instead of Digest.file().hexdigest # because we need to preserve \n line endings on windows when calculating # the checksum Digest::MD5.hexdigest(IO.read(path)) end end end