require 'spec_helper' require 'engineyard-serverside/server' module EY module Serverside describe Server do let(:hostname) {''} let(:roles) {[:romeo, :mercutio, :tybalt]} let(:name) {'superserverx5000'} let(:user) {'joe'} let(:server_hash) {{ :hostname => hostname, :roles => roles, :name => name, :user => user }} let(:server) {described_class.from_hash(server_hash)} describe '.from_hash' do let(:role_set) {} let(:expected) {} let(:result) {described_class.from_hash(server_hash)} before(:each) do # Stub out the parts of the Set API that we need to be able to express # its use. allow(Set).to receive(:new).with(roles).and_return(role_set) # This is a little dirty, but not incredibly. Server is a Struct with # specific attributes. As such, it doesn't have an initializer of its # own, and our seam is between Server and Struct, so we can stub out # instantiation and check to ensure that it's given the proper values. allow(described_class).to receive(:new).and_return(expected) end it 'instantiates a new Server from a server hash' do expect(described_class). to receive(:new). with(hostname, role_set, name, user) result end it 'is the newly instantiated Server instance' do expect(result).to eql(expected) end end describe '.known_hosts_file' do let(:tmp) {} let(:result) {described_class.known_hosts_file} before(:each) do # Of all the design decisions that could have been made here, this # class method is stateful, so we have to blow away that state to # gurantee the idempotence of the examples here. described_class.class_eval do @known_hosts_file = nil end # Stub out the pieces of the Tempfile interface that we use so as to # cut down on test artifacts. allow(Tempfile). to receive(:new). with('ey-ss-known-hosts'). and_return(tmp) end context 'on initial use' do it 'generates a temp file' do expect(Tempfile). to receive(:new). with('ey-ss-known-hosts'). and_return(tmp) result end it 'returns the generated temp file' do expect(result).to eql(tmp) end end context 'on subsequent uses' do let(:tmp) {'an established temp file'} before(:each) do described_class.class_eval do @known_hosts_file = tmp end it 'reuses its existing temp file' do expect(Tempfile).not_to receive(:new) expect(result).to eql(tmp) end end end end describe '#authority' do let(:result) {server.authority} it 'is the SSH signature for the server' do expect(result).to eql(user + '@' + hostname) end end describe '#inspect' do let(:result) {server.inspect} it 'begins with the hostname and role' do expect(result).to match(%r{^#{hostname}\(#{server.role}}) end context 'when the server has a name' do let(:name) {'wiggly'} it 'includes the server name' do expect(result).to match(%r{#{name}\)$}) end end context 'when the server has no name' do before(:each) do server_hash.delete(:name) end it 'does not include a server name' do expect(result).to match(%r{#{server.role}\)$}) end end end describe '#role' do let(:result) {server.role} it 'is the first role in the role list' do expect(result).to eql( end end describe '#matches_roles?' do let(:candidates) {[]} let(:result) {server.matches_roles?(candidates)} context 'when the server has all of the candidate roles' do let(:candidates) {[:tybalt, :romeo, :mercutio]} it 'is true' do expect(result).to eql(true) end end context 'when the server has some of the candidate roles' do let(:candidates) {[:romeo, :tybalt]} it 'is true' do expect(result).to eql(true) end end context 'when the server has none of the candidate roles' do let(:candidates) {[:benvolio, :gildenstern]} it 'is false' do expect(result).to eql(false) end end context 'when the candidates list is empty' do let(:candidates) {[]} it 'is false' do expect(result).to eql(false) end end end describe '#roles=' do let(:candidates) {[:benvolio, :gildenstern]} let(:result) {server.roles = candidates} it 'removes the original roles' do result roles.each do |role| expect(server.matches_roles?([role])).to eql(false) end end it 'adds the candidate roles' do result candidates.each do |role| expect(server.matches_roles?([role])).to eql(true) end end end describe '#local?' do let(:result) {server.local?} context 'when the hostname is localhost' do let(:hostname) {'localhost'} it 'is true' do expect(result).to eql(true) end end context 'when the hostname is not localhost' do let(:hostname) {'a.b.c.d'} it 'is false' do expect(result).to eql(false) end end end describe '#sync_directory_command' do let(:directory) {'/path/to/something/interesting'} let(:result) {server.sync_directory_command(directory)} context 'when the server is local' do let(:hostname) {'localhost'} it 'is nil' do expect(result).to eql(nil) end end context 'when the server is not local' do let(:ssh_command) {'dummy_ssh_command'} let(:remote_mkdir) {'remote_mkdir'} let(:rsync_command) {'rsync_command'} let(:hostname) {'donkey.kong'} before(:each) do allow(server).to receive(:ssh_command).and_return(ssh_command) allow(server).to receive(:remote_command).and_return(remote_mkdir) allow(Escape).to receive(:shell_command).and_return(rsync_command) end it 'generates a command to create the full path to the directory remotely' do expect(server).to receive(:remote_command).with("mkdir -p #{directory}") result end it 'generates a command to sync the directory to the remote server' do expect(Escape). to receive(:shell_command). with([ 'rsync', '--delete', '-rlpgoDq', '-e', ssh_command, "#{directory}/", "#{user}@#{hostname}:#{directory}" ]) result end context 'when existing files are to be ignored' do let(:result) {server.sync_directory_command(directory, true)} it 'adds the ignore existing flag to the rsync command' do expect(Escape). to receive(:shell_command). with([ 'rsync', '--delete', '-rlpgoDq', '--ignore-existing', '-e', ssh_command, "#{directory}/", "#{user}@#{hostname}:#{directory}" ]) result end end it 'is the remote mkdir and the rsync separated by a shell AND operation' do expect(result).to eql("#{remote_mkdir} && #{rsync_command}") end end end describe '#scp_command' do end describe '#command_on_server' do end describe '#run' do let(:command) {'echo'} context 'when the server is local' do let(:hostname) {'localhost'} it 'yields the command unalertered to the given block' do do |cmd| expect(cmd).to eql(command) end end end context 'when the server is not local' do let(:hostname) {''} before(:each) do allow(server).to receive(:remote_command) {'totally remote my dude'} end it 'yields the remote version of the command to the given block' do do |cmd| expect(cmd).to eql(server.remote_command(command)) end end end end describe '#remote_command' do let(:command) {'touch toes'} let(:result) {server.remote_command(command)} before(:each) do allow(server).to receive(:ssh_command).and_return('default ssh command') end it 'is an SSH command that would run the escaped command on the remote server' do expect(result).to eql("#{server.ssh_command} #{user}@#{hostname} '#{command}'") end end describe '#ssh_command' do let(:result) {server.ssh_command} let(:known_hosts_file) {} before(:each) do allow(described_class). to receive(:known_hosts_file). and_return(known_hosts_file) allow(known_hosts_file). to receive(:path). and_return('less_followed') end it 'is an ssh invocation' do expect(result).to match(%r{^ssh }) end it 'uses the internal ssh key' do expect(result).to match(%r{\s-i #{ENV['HOME']}\/\.ssh\/internal\s+}) end it 'disables strict host key checking' do expect(result).to match(%r{\s+-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no\s+}) end it 'disables password authentication' do expect(result).to match(%r{\s+-o PasswordAuthentication=no\s+}) end it 'sets the keepalive to one minute' do expect(result).to match(%r{\s+-o ServerAliveInterval=60}) end it 'specifies a known hosts file' do expect(result). to match( %r{\s+-o UserKnownHostsFile=#{described_class.known_hosts_file.path}} ) end end end end end